// nFit
// (c) Charles CH Cohen, 2014-present
// this software is released to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 
// International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, in English).
// for any questions, please email c.cohen@gmx.com

// -------------------------------getsteps-----------------------------------------
// takes a tdatvec
func getsteps() {

	if (has_data) {

		return 1/(tdatvec.x[1] - tdatvec.x[0])

	} else {

		return 100
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------setdt-------------------------------------------
// modified version of the original
proc setdt() {local Dt
	if (using_cvode_) return
	Dt = 1/steps_per_ms
	nstep_steprun = int(Dt/dt)
	if (nstep_steprun == 0) {
		nstep_steprun = 1
	dtnew = Dt/nstep_steprun	
	if (abs(dt*nstep_steprun*steps_per_ms - 1) > 1e-6) {
		// print "Changed dt"
		dt = dtnew
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------gettstop-----------------------------------------
func gettstop() {

	if (has_data) {

		return tdatvec.x[tdatvec.size-1]
	} else {

		if (mode == 0) {

			return 100
		} else if (mode == 1) {

			return 50
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------settol------------------------------------------
func settol() {local iiamp, iidel, f localobj templist

	if ($1 != -1) {
		iiamp = $1
	} else {
		iiamp = getvarp(ses, iiampfilestr)
	iidel = tdatvec.indwhere(">=", getvarp(ses, idelfilestr))

	// obtain relevant v and place it (or them) into a list
	templist = new List()
	f = 0
	while (f < nf) {

		f += 1

	// the combined noise of the recording is defined as the sum of each recording's intrinsic variance
	noisevec = new Vector()
	for f = 0, templist.count-1 noisevec.append(templist.o(f).var(0, iidel))

	print "Error tolerance set to ", setnsig(setnsig(noisevec.sum, nsigv), 5), "mV^2"
	return setnsig(noisevec.sum, nsigv)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------setmaxstepsize--------------------------------------
// takes (1) tol
// outputs maxstepsize
func setmaxstepsize() {
	return setnsig(4*sqrt($1), nsigv)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------getdiam------------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname or sectionlist
// outputs average sec diam (um)
func getdiam() {local diameter, Nseg

	if (argtype(1) == 2 && numarg() == 1) {

		if (!strcmp($s1, "help")) {

			print "Input either:"
			print "1) section name as string"
			print "or 2) sectionlist object"
			print "Returns section or sectionlist average diameter"

	diameter = 0
	Nseg = 0

	if (argtype(1) == 2) {
		forsec $s1 {

			Nseg += nseg

			for (x, 0) diameter += diam(x)


	} else if (argtype(1) == 1) {

		forsec $o1 {

			Nseg += nseg
			for (x, 0) diameter += diam(x)

	return diameter/Nseg
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------getarea-----------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname
// outputs sec area (um2)
func getarea() {local a

	a = 0

	forsec $s1 for (x, 0) a += area(x)

	return a
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------getG-------------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname
// outputs average G for that section (mho/cm2)
func getG() {local G, Gext, Nseg

	G = 0
	Gext = 0
	Nseg = 0
	forsec $s1 {

		Nseg = nseg
		if (ismembrane("extracellular")) {

			for (x, 0) {

				G += g_pas(x)
				Gext += xg[0](x)

			return 1/(Nseg * (1/G + 1/Gext))

		} else {

			for (x, 0) {

				G += g_pas(x)

			return G/Nseg
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------getg-------------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname
// outputs average g for that section (mho * cm)
func getg() {

	return getG($s1) * PI * getdiam($s1) * (1e-4)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------getC-------------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname
// outputs average capacitance (uF/cm2) for that section
func getC() {

	forsec $s1 {

		if (ismembrane("extracellular")) {

			if (xc[0] > 0) {

				return 1/(1/cm + 1/xc[0])

			} else {

				return cm

		} else {

			return cm
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------gettau------------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname. 
// Outputs tau_sec (ms).
func gettau() {

	return (1/getG($s1)) * getC($s1) * (1e-3)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------getmaxrecdist--------------------------------------
// takes no argument. requires a seticlamp and recloclist.count > 0.
// outputs maximum path length between locstim and recloc (um)
func getmaxrecdist() {local k localobj tempvec

	tempvec = new Vector()
	loclist2sub(recloclist, subloclist)
	for k = 0, recseclist.count-1 {
		sscanf(sublocstim, "%lf", &num)
		forsec secstim distance(0, num)
		sscanf(subloclist.o(k).label, "%lf", &num)
		forsec recseclist.o(k).label tempvec.append(distance(num))
	return tempvec.max
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------getminrecdist--------------------------------------
// takes no argument. requires a seticlamp and recloclist.count > 0.
// outputs minimum path length between locstim and recloc (um)
func getminrecdist() {local k localobj tempvec

	tempvec = new Vector()
	loclist2sub(recloclist, subloclist)
	for k = 0, recseclist.count-1 {

		sscanf(sublocstim, "%lf", &num)
		forsec secstim distance(0, num)

		sscanf(subloclist.o(k).label, "%lf", &num)
		forsec recseclist.o(k).label tempvec.append(distance(num))
	return tempvec.min
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------getsostimdist--------------------------------------
// takes no argument. requires a seticlamp and recloclist.count > 0.
// outputs path length between soma and locstim (um)
func getsostimdist() {

	sscanf(sublocstim, "%lf", &num)
	forsec secstim distance(0, num)
	forsec "soma" return distance(0.5)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------getsecx-----------------------------------------
// takes secname. requires 3d geometry and a seticlamp.
// outputs avg sec 3d x.
func getsecx() {local n localobj tempxvec
	tempxvec = new Vector()

	forsec $s1 {
		for n = 0, n3d()-1 { 

	return tempxvec.mean
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------getsecy-----------------------------------------
// takes secname. requires 3d geometry and a seticlamp.
// outputs avg sec 3d y.
func getsecy() {local n localobj tempyvec
	tempyvec = new Vector()

	forsec $s1 {			
		for n = 0, n3d()-1 { 

	return tempyvec.mean
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------getr-------------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname
// outputs average ri (or ri + rext) in secname (Mohm/cm)
func getr() {local r, rext

	r = 0
	rext = 0

	forsec $s1 {

		for (x, 0) r += ri(x)
		if (ismembrane("extracellular")) {

			return (r/(getdist($s1, 0, $s1, 1) * (1e-4))) + 1/xg[0]

		} else {

			return r/(getdist($s1, 0, $s1, 1) * (1e-4))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------getrext-------------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname
// outputs rext only for secname if extracellular
func getrext() {

	if (ismembrane("extracellular")) {

		forsec $s1 return 1/xg[0]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------getlambda----------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname
// outputs average lambda along secname (cm)
func getlambda() {

	return sqrt(1/(getg($s1) * getr($s1) * (1e6)))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------getRinf----------------------------------------
// takes (1) secname
// outputs average input resistance at secname for semi-infinite cable (ohm)
func getRinf() {

	// see Rall 1977.
	return (1/getg($s1))/(getlambda($s1))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func getmaxev() {

	if (numarg() == 1 && argtype(1) == 2) {

		if (!strcmp($s1, "help")) {

			print "Enter:"
			print "1) iamp (nA)"
			print "output: maximum expected voltage at stimulus location given provided iamp and already set stimulus location and duration"

	// see Rall 1977, eq. 4.23.
	return $1 * (1e-6) * getRinf(secstim) * erf(sqrt(stim.dur/gettau(secstim)))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func getev() {

	if (numarg() == 1 && argtype(1) == 2) {

		if (!strcmp($s1, "help")) {

			print "Enter:"
			print "1) iamp (nA)"
			print "2) desired section name, i.e. \"soma\""
			print "3) location of desired section name (0-1)"
			print "output: expected maximum voltage at desired section and location, given provided iamp and already set stimulus location and duration"

	return getmaxev($1) * exp((-getdist(secstim, getsubloc(locstim), $s2, $3)*(1e-4))/getlambda($s2))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------getmaxrecori---------------------------------------
// takes no argument. requires a seticlamp and recloclist.count > 0.
// outputs orientation of maxrecdist section
func getmaxrecori() {local k, dist, num

	maxrecdist = getmaxrecdist()
	maxsecori = -1

	for k = 0, recseclist.count-1 {
		sscanf(sublocstim, "%lf", &num)
		forsec secstim distance(0, num)
		sscanf(subloclist.o(k).label, "%lf", &num)
		forsec recseclist.o(k).label dist = distance(num)
		if (dist == maxrecdist) {
			forsec recseclist.o(k).label maxsecori = section_orientation()

	return maxsecori
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------getcellori----------------------------------------
// takes no argument. requires a 3D soma.
// outputs orientation of cell: 0 if horizontal (+45,-45), 1 if vertical (+45,+135)
// vertical if  pi/4 (45) to 3pi/4 (135) and (pos side) 5pi/4 to 7pi/4
// no need to take negative side into account as norm only
func getcellori() {local x1, y1, xn, yn, normx, normy, cellangle

	forsec "soma" {
		x1 = x3d(0)
		xn = x3d(n3d()-1)
		y1 = y3d(0)
		yn = y3d(n3d()-1)

	normx = abs(x1-xn)
	normy = abs(y1-yn)

	cellangle = atan(normy/normx)

	if ((cellangle > 0.25*PI && cellangle < 0.75*PI) || (cellangle > 1.25*PI && cellangle < 1.75*PI)) {

		return 1
	} else {

		return 0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------getpdef-----------------------------------------
// takes no arguments
// gets current pdef in pdefvec
proc getpdef() {local k

	pdefvec = new Vector()

	for k = 0, pnamelist.count-1 {

		sprint(tempstr, "%s%s%s", "num = ", pnamelist.o(k).label, "_def")

	tempstr = ""
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------getp-------------------------------------------
// takes no arguments
// gets current p (parameters) in pvec
proc getp() {local k

	pvec = new Vector()

	for k = 0, pnamelist.count-1 {

		sprint(tempstr, "%s%s", "num = ", pnamelist.o(k).label)

	tempstr = ""
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------getpnormdef--------------------------------------
// takes no arguments
// gets current pnormdef in pnormdefvec
proc getpnormdef() {local k

	pnormdefvec = new Vector()

	for k = 0, pnamelist.count-1 {

		sprint(tempstr, "%s%s%s", "num = ", pnamelist.o(k).label, "_norm_def")

	tempstr = ""
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------getpnorm---------------------------------------
proc getpnorm() {local k

	if (numarg() == 1 && argtype(1) == 2) {

		if (!strcmp($s1, "help")) {

			print "Takes no arguments. Gets/updates current pnorm (_norm, AKA RunFitParm variables) in pnormvec."
			print "Note: pnormvec does not track current pnorm."

	pnormvec = new Vector()

	for k = 0, pnamelist.count-1 {

		sprint(tempstr, "%s%s%s", "num = ", pnamelist.o(k).label, "_norm")

	tempstr = ""
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------getplow-----------------------------------------
// takes no arguments
// gets current plow in plowvec
proc getplow() {local k

	plowvec = new Vector()

	for k = 0, pnamelist.count-1 {

		sprint(tempstr, "%s%s%s", "num = ", pnamelist.o(k).label, "_low")

	tempstr = ""
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------getphi-----------------------------------------
// takes no arguments
// gets current phi (defined parameter highs) in phivec
proc getphi() {local k

	phivec = new Vector()

	for k = 0, pnamelist.count-1 {

		sprint(tempstr, "%s%s%s", "num = ", pnamelist.o(k).label, "_high")

	tempstr = ""
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------getdoarg----------------------------------------
// takes no arguments
// gets current parameter doarg in doargvec
proc getdoarg() {local k

	doargvec = new Vector()

	for k = 0, pnamelist.count-1 {

		sprint(tempstr, "%s%s%s", "num = ", pnamelist.o(k).label, "_doarg")

	tempstr = ""
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------getuselog---------------------------------------
// takes no arguments
// gets current parameter uselog in uselogvec
proc getuselog() {local k

	uselogvec = new Vector()

	for k = 0, pnamelist.count-1 {

		sprint(tempstr, "%s%s%s", "num = ", pnamelist.o(k).label, "_uselog")

	tempstr = ""
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------getpifdel----------------------------------------
func getpifdel() {local fdel, pifdel

	// fit delay to fit start time post-injection on the injecting pipette's recording
	// see methods for details. Units = ms.
	if (mode == 0) {

		fdel = 0.5
		pifdel = stim.del + stim.dur + fdel			
	} else if (mode == 1) {

		pifdel = 0

	// delay to post-injection fit start
	return pifdel
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------getoptsoln-----------------------------------------
proc getoptsoln() {local chk, origmode, k, np_pas, np localobj tempmat

	chk = chkcwd(cwd)
	if (chk) cwd = getcwd()

	$o1 = new Vector()

	if (chkdir(root, "outdir")) {


		origmode = mode
		mode = 0


		if (chkdir(out, modstr) && chkdir(moddir, "pematr.dat")) {

			np_pas = setnp(mode)
			getmat(moddir, "pematr.dat", tempmat)
			for k = 0, np_pas-1 $o1.append(tempmat.getrow(tempmat.nrow-2).x[k])

		mode = origmode
		np = setnp(mode)

		if (mode == 1) {
			if (chkdir(out, modstr) && chkdir(moddir, "pmat.dat")) {

				getmat(moddir, "pmat.dat", tempmat)
				// to skip Cpip if no data
				if (!has_data) {
					np_pas += 1
					np += 1
				for k = np_pas, np-1 $o1.append(tempmat.getrow(tempmat.nrow-1).x[k])

	if (chk) cwd = ""	
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------getmod--------------------------------------------
proc getmod() {

	getmodeltype(mode, 0)

	sprint(modstr, "%s%s%s", modeltypestr, "-", axontypestr)
	sprint(moddir, "%s%s%s", out, modstr, "/")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------getmodeltype--------------------------------------
// takes (1) optional quiet argument number (use 0).
// obtains model type based on locations of recordings/interest.
proc getmodeltype() {local rec

	// count locations
	SOf = 0
	AXf = 0
	DEf = 0

	SOstr = "soma"
	AXstr = "axon"
	DEstr = "dend"
	APstr = "apic"

	// define number and location of recordings
	for rec = 0, nrec-1 {

		if (strf.substr(recloclist.o(rec).label, SOstr) > -1) {
			SOf += 1
		} else if (strf.substr(recloclist.o(rec).label, AXstr) > -1) {
			AXf += 1
		} else if ((strf.substr(recloclist.o(rec).label, DEstr) > -1) || (strf.substr(recloclist.o(rec).label, APstr) > -1)) {

			DEf += 1

	// labels for combination of fit variables
	SOAX = 0
	SODE = 0
	SO = 0
	AX = 0
	DE = 0

	// Establish model type as a function of fit variable locations
	if (SOf > 0 && AXf > 0 && DEf == 0) {

		SOAX = 1
		modeltypestr = "SOAX"

		if (!numarg()) print SOf, "somatic and ", AXf, "axonal fit variables found"

	} else if (SOf > 0 && DEf > 0 && AXf == 0) {

		SODE = 1
		modeltypestr = "SODE"		

		if (!numarg()) print SOf, "somatic and ", DEf, "dendritic fit variables found"

	} else if (SOf > 0 && AXf == 0 && DEf == 0) {

		SO = 1
		modeltypestr = "SO"		

		if (!numarg()) print SOf, "somatic fit variable(s) found"

	if ($1 == 0) {

		sprint(modeltypestr, "%s%s%s", "pas", "-", modeltypestr)
	} else if ($1 == 1) {

		sprint(modeltypestr, "%s%s%s", "act", "-", modeltypestr)

	if (RmN_doarg) sprint(modeltypestr, "%s%s%s", modeltypestr, "-", "RmN")
	if (RmA_doarg) sprint(modeltypestr, "%s%s%s", modeltypestr, "-", "RmA")

	if (RmI_doarg) sprint(modeltypestr, "%s%s%s", modeltypestr, "-", "RmI")

	if (RiA_doarg) sprint(modeltypestr, "%s%s%s", modeltypestr, "-", "RiA")

	if (per_int_doarg) sprint(modeltypestr, "%s%s%s", modeltypestr, "-", "perint")

	if (numarg() == 1) print "Model type ", modeltypestr

	if ($1 == 0 && SODE) {

		rpa_doarg = 0
		Rmy_doarg = 0
		Cmy_doarg = 0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------writemodeltype-------------------------------------
proc writemodeltype() {

	sprint(modstrtype, "%s%s%s%s", modeltypestr, "-", axontypestr, ".type")

	if (chkdir(root, ".type\n")) {

		if (!chkdir(root, modstrtype)) {

			sprint(tempstr, "%s%s", "mv -f *.type ", modstrtype)
			sysdir(root, tempstr)
			tempstr = ""

	} else {

		writestr(root, modstrtype)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------setmodstr---------------------------------------
proc setmodstr() {

	getmodeltype($1, 0)

	sprint(modstr, "%s%s%s", modeltypestr, "-", axontypestr)

	print "Model string: ", modstr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------getampstr--------------------------------------
proc getampstr() {local amplitude

	if (!numarg()) {

		amplitude = setnsig(stim.amp, 3)

	} else {

		amplitude = iampvec.x[$1]

	if (amplitude < 1 && amplitude > -1) {

		amplitude *= 1e3

		if (amplitude >= 0) {
			sprint(ampstr, "%s%g%s", "+", amplitude, "pA")
		} else {
			sprint(ampstr, "%g%s", amplitude, "pA")
	} else {

		if (amplitude > 1) {
			sprint(ampstr, "%s%g%s", "+", amplitude, "nA")
		} else {
			sprint(ampstr, "%g%s", amplitude, "nA")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------