// nFit
// (c) Charles CH Cohen, 2014-present
// this software is released to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 
// International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, in English).
// for any questions, please email c.cohen@gmx.com

proc setnseg() {

	if (numarg() == 1 && argtype(1) == 0) {

		freqm = 1/(2*PI*$1)

	} else {

		freqm = 1/(2*PI*mintau0)		

	// maximize cellular nseg as a function of max(Ra) = Ri_high
	forsec cellular Ra = 400
	forall nseg = int((L/(0.1*lambda_f(5*freqm))+.9)/2)*2 + 1