// nFit
// (c) Charles CH Cohen, 2014-present
// this software is released to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
// International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, in English).
// for any questions, please email c.cohen@gmx.com
// -------------------------------Variables----------------------------------------
objref stim, stimbox, stimvec
strdef tokstim, locstim, sublocstim, strstimc, secstim
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------seticlamp----------------------------------------
// takes either four arguments: (1) locstim, i.e. loc[arraynum](subloc); (2) iamp;
// (3) idel; (4) idur, or one argument: stimvec (see getstimvec).
// creates iclamp at locstim with given parameters.
proc seticlamp() {local k, iamp, idel, idur
if (!numarg()) {
// last setup
// only one file at a time...
k = 0
while (k < 4) {
if (!getfile.isopen) {
if (k == 0) {
getstring(ses, locstimfilestr, locstim)
k += 1
} else if (k == 1) {
iamp = getvarp(ses, iampfilestr)
k += 1
} else if (k == 2) {
idel = getvarp(ses, idelfilestr)
k += 1
} else if (k == 3) {
idur = getvarp(ses, idurfilestr)
k += 1
} else if (numarg() == 4) {
// must provide all four arguments
sprint(locstim, $s1)
iamp = $2
idel = $3
idur = $4
sprint(strstimc, "%s%s%s%g%s", "access ", locstim, " stim = new IClamp(", getsubloc(locstim), ")")
{stim.amp = iamp stim.del = idel stim.dur = idur}
if (numarg() != 1) printclamp()
strf.head(locstim, "[(]", secstim)
// writebit(ses, "resetbit.dat", 0)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------printclamp---------------------------------------
proc printclamp() {
print "IClamp set at ", locstim
print "Amplitude: ", stim.amp*1000, "pA"
print "Duration: ", stim.dur, "ms"
print "Delay: ", stim.del, "ms"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------getiampind-----------------------------------------
func getiampind() {
if (numarg() == 1 && argtype(1) == 2) {
if (!strcmp($s1, "help")) {
print "Enter:"
print "1) injection amplitude of interest (nA)"
print "output: that address within iampvec (required for getiampdir()), if it exists. Else -1."
if (iampvec.contains($1)) {
return iampvec.indwhere("==", $1)
} else {
return -1
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------reseticlamp--------------------------------------
// takes (1) iamp and optional (2) whether parallel optimizations (0 or 1).
// resets iclamp with iamp given seticlamp (locstim, idel and idur)
proc reseticlamp() {local wstart, wkill, win, interval, wcount
{stim.amp = $2}
writenum(ses, iampfilestr, $2)
writebit(ses, iiampfilestr, $1)
if (has_data) {
tol = settol($1)
maxstepsize = setmaxstepsize(tol)
// window replacement is best for GUI-based model exploration. Otherwise,
// substantial slowdown occurs with every cycle of window replacement.
// if (!para) {
// wstart = 3
// wkill = 2+nf
// win = wstart + getvar(ses, "resetbit.dat") * (PWM.count - wstart - wkill)
// sprint(wstr, "%s%d%s", "PWM.close(", win, ")")
// timer = new Timer(wstr)
// interval = 0.2
// timer.seconds(interval)
// PWM.close(win)
// wcount = win
// while (wcount <= win+nf+1) {
// timer.start()
// wcount += 1
// }
// timer.end()
// while (wcount <= win+nf+2) {
// if (wcount > win+nf+1) {
// writevtplot(mode, stim.amp)
// writevxplot(mode, stim.amp)
// writeshape(mode, stim.amp)
// if (mode == 0) {
// loadfile(1, ses, "vtplot-pas.ses")
// loadfile(1, ses, "vxplot-pas.ses")
// loadfile(1, ses, "shapeplot-pas.ses")
// } else if (mode == 1) {
// loadfile(1, ses, "vtplot-act.ses")
// loadfile(1, ses, "vxplot-act.ses")
// loadfile(1, ses, "shapeplot-act.ses")
// }
// writebit(ses, "resetbit.dat", 1)
// wcount = win+nf+3
// }
// }
// wstr = ""
// }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------changeiclamp--------------------------------------
proc changeiclamp() {local k, newiamp, newidur, newidel
mode = getvar(ses, "mode.dat")
setfilestr(mode, has_data)
getstring(ses, locstimfilestr, locstim)
sprint(stimstr, locstim)
k = string_dialog("Please enter stimulus section. Example: axon[0](0.5)", stimstr)
if (k) sprint(stimstr, stimstr)
sprint(ampstr, "%g", newiamp = getvarp(ses, iampfilestr))
k = string_dialog("Please enter stimulus amplitude (nA)", ampstr)
if (k) {
sprint(ampstr, ampstr)
sscanf(ampstr, "%lf", &newiamp)
sprint(durstr, "%g", newidur = getvarp(ses, idurfilestr))
k = string_dialog("Please enter stimulus duration (ms)", durstr)
if (k) {
sprint(durstr, durstr)
sscanf(durstr, "%lf", &newidur)
sprint(delstr, "%g", newidel = getvarp(ses, idelfilestr))
k = string_dialog("Please enter delay to stimulus start (ms)", delstr)
if (k) {
sprint(delstr, delstr)
sscanf(delstr, "%lf", &newidel)
seticlamp(stimstr, newiamp, newidel, newidur)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------saveiclamp----------------------------------------
proc saveiclamp() {local tempnum
setfilestr($1, has_data)
writestring(ses, locstimfilestr, locstim)
writenum(ses, iampfilestr, stim.amp)
writenum(ses, idelfilestr, stim.del)
writenum(ses, idurfilestr, stim.dur)
if (has_data) {
if (tempnum = iampvec.indwhere("==", stim.amp) != -1) {
writebit(ses, iiampfilestr, tempnum)
} else {
writebit(ses, iiampfilestr, 0)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------setstimpanel-------------------------------------
proc setstimpanel() {local k
stimbox = new VBox(3)
xlabel("starting IClamp:")
sprint(tempstr, "%s%s", "Location: ", locstim)
if (stim.amp >= 0) {
sprint(tempstr, "%s%g%s", "+", setnsig(stim.amp, 5)*1000, " pA")
} else {
sprint(tempstr, "%g%s", setnsig(stim.amp, 5)*1000, " pA")
sprint(tempstr, "%s%s", "Amplitude: ", tempstr)
sprint(tempstr, "%s%g%s", "Duration: ", setnsig(stim.dur, 5), " ms")
sprint(tempstr, "%s%g%s", "Delay to injection: ", setnsig(stim.del, 5), " ms")
xlabel("Change injection amplitude to:")
for k = 0, iampvec.size-1 {
if (iampvec.x[k] > float_epsilon) {
sprint(tempstr, "%s%g%s", "+", setnsig(iampvec.x[k], 3)*1000, " pA")
} else if (iampvec.x[k] < -float_epsilon) {
sprint(tempstr, "%g%s", setnsig(iampvec.x[k], 3)*1000, " pA")
} else {
sprint(tempstr, "%g%s", setnsig(iampvec.x[k], 3)*1000, " pA")
sprint(stimstr, "%s%g%s%.11le%s", "reseticlamp(", k, ", ", iampvec.x[k], ")")
xradiobutton(tempstr, stimstr)
xbutton("change stim location, amp, dur or del", "changeiclamp()")
// x, y, w, h
// x = 54
// y = 512
// w = 269.76
// h = variable:
// minimum h: 206.4
// afterwards, for each current injection amplitude, add 15.36
stimbox.map("Set IClamp", 54, 512, 269.76, 206.4+iampvec.size*15.36)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------