// nFit
// (c) Charles CH Cohen, 2014-present
// this software is released to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 
// International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, in English).
// for any questions, please email c.cohen@gmx.com

// ------------------------------Directories---------------------------------------
strdef root
root = getcwd()

strdef lib, ses
strdef cwd
sprint(lib, "%s%s", root, "lib/")
sprint(ses, "%s%s", root, "ses/")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------Libraries----------------------------------------
loadfile(ses, "morph.hoc")
has_data = getvar(ses, "has_data.dat")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

print "\nReset Mode to Active or Passive"

mode = getvar(ses, "mode.dat")

strdef modeqstr, sesqstr
modeqstr = "\nEnter 0 for changing to Passive, 1 for Active [0/1]"

if (mode == 0) {

	print "\nCurrent mode = Passive (0)"
	ans = xred(modeqstr, 1, 0, 1)

	if (ans == 0) {

		print "Mode unchanged"
	} else if (ans == 1) {

		print "\nChanging mode to Active...\n"
		mode = 1
		writebit(ses, "mode.dat", mode)
		print "Mode changed to Active"

} else if (mode == 1) {

	print "\nCurrent mode = Active (1)"
	ans = xred(modeqstr, 0, 0, 1)

	if (ans == 1) {

		print "Mode unchanged"

	} else if (ans == 0) {

		print "\nChanging mode to Passive...\n"
		mode = 0
		writebit(ses, "mode.dat", mode)
		print "Mode changed to Passive"

print "\nPlease confirm starting IClamp:\n"
setfilestr(mode, has_data)
getvec(ses, iampvecfilestr, iampvec)

print "\nYou may now restart the model"