proc localizepas() {
soma { g_pas = $1 }
forsec proximals { g_pas = $2 }
forsec distals { g_pas = $3 }
proc localizehtc() {
soma { gbar_htc2 = $1 }
forsec proximals { gbar_htc2 = $2 }
forsec distals { gbar_htc2 = $3 }
proc localizeca() {
soma { pcabar_itGHK = $1 }
forsec proximals { pcabar_itGHK = $2 }
forsec distals { pcabar_itGHK = $3 }
objectvar g[20] // max 20 graphs
ngraph = 0
proc addgraph() { local ii // define subroutine to add a new graph
// addgraph("variable", minvalue, maxvalue, [mintime, maxtime])
ii = ngraph
ngraph = ngraph+1
g[ii] = new Graph()
if ( numarg() == 3 ) {
if ( numarg() == 5 ) {
proc totalarea() { local sum //$o1 is section list
sum = 0
forsec $o1 {
for (x,0) {
sum += area(x)
print "total surface area = ", sum, " um2"
objref zz
zz = new Impedance()
func rn() { local rn
init() // make sure all changes to g, c, ri etc. have taken effect
soma zz.loc(0.5) // sets origin for impedance calculations to middle of soma
zz.compute(0) // DC input R
soma { rn = zz.input(0.5) } // rn is input R at middle of the soma
return rn