This is the readme for the numerical evaluation of the models associated with the paper: Ronald A.J. van Elburg, `Stochastic Continuous Time Neurite Branching Models with Tree and Segment Dependent Rates' Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 276, Issue 1, 7 May 2011, p 159-173, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.01.039 preprint available at: email: RonaldAJ(at) Files for BE-model: plotBEModelCurves.m cBEModel.m Files for S-model: Main C++ code: SDependenceCalculator.cpp SDependenceCalculator.h C++ - Matlab interface: ObjectHandle.h % by Tim Bailey 2004 who adapted it from a design by Mike Stevens. mexSDependenceCalculator.cpp mexSDependenceCalculator.mexglx Matlab code: SDependenceCalculation.m % Compiles C++ and mex-code and calculates % and stores data for S-model SDependenciesPlot.m % Displays data calculated with % SDependenceCalculation Additional folders: figures % location where figures are stored mat-files % location where large datasets from S-model are stored mexhandle % Complete ObjectHandle.h code,readme and examples % by Tim Bailey 2004 who adapted it from a design by Mike Stevens. Reproducing figures from the paper: Figure 1 (BE-model): - Start matlab - run plotBEModelCurves.m from Matlab A row from Figure 3 (S-model):- Start matlab - IF AVAILABLE download S-model data: unpack with tar -xf and put the SDC* files into the mat-files directory ELSE run SDependenceCalculation.m (this takes about half an hour) - run SDependenciesPlot.m (gives top row of figure 3) - set N=17; on line 5 of SDependenciesPlot.m (N specifies the number of terminal segments) - run SDependenciesPlot.m (gives middle row of figure 3) - set N=23; on line 5 of SDependenciesPlot.m - run SDependenciesPlot.m (gives bottom row of figure 3) Figure 2 comes with creating figure 3. In this figure you find summed electronic pathlength, tree asymmetry index and log_2 multiplicity plotted versus tree index (using the Harding enumeration discussed in the manuscript.)
Extra Figure 4 comes with creating figure 3. In this figure you find a comparison of summed electronic pathlength, tree asymmetry index and log_2 multiplicity.
In SDependenceCalculation we see calls to mexSDependenceCalculator with as argument a handle (SDCHandle), a letter and an integer uint32(NRange(N)) or double double(SRange(S)). The use of the functions uint32 and double is necesary to provide the correct arguments to the C++ code. The handle is a handle to the C++ object in which all data at the current S value is stored. The letter specifies the action: 'N' : set the maximum number of terminal segments to be evaluated 'S' : set S 'P' : calculate probilities at the current S values 'A' : Give for each tree the asymmetry index 'C' : Get number of trees 'E' : Give for each tree the summed Electronic path length index 'H' : Give for each tree the log of the number of histories 'M' : Give for each tree the multiplicity of a tree 'D' : Delete all data from the C++-object referenced by the handle The argument uint32(NRange(N)) specifies for 'P', 'A', 'C','E','H','M' at which number of terminal segments we want to evaluate teh corresponding quantities. For 'N' it specifies the maximum number of terminal segments for which we want to construct trees. For 'S' we see double(SRange(S)) instead of uint32(NRange(N)) this double specifies the values of S at which we want to evaluate probabilities calculated with a call using 'P'. These letters are also used for the corresponding variables in SDependenceCalculation.m and SDependenciesPlot.m and the mat files in which these variables are stored.