function [CM, DM, rawData] = simcolumn_connectivity_L23toL23Conn(preCells, postCells)
% calculate connectivity matrix, based on information provided in structure
% array Neurons

% first calcualte Axon/Dendrite overlapping for each potential presynaptic
% neurons, for a given post synaptic cell
% global Model_Space;
Model_Space = make_Model_Space();
step_size = Model_Space.stepsize;

AxonDendOverlap = zeros(length(postCells), length(preCells));
DistMat = zeros(length(postCells), length(preCells));
% PostLayer = zeros(length(Neurons), 1); % layer identifier of postsynaptic cells
% PreLayer = zeros(length(Neurons), 1); % layer identifier of presynaptic cells
PostType = zeros(length(postCells), 1); % type identifier of postsynaptic cells
PreType = zeros(1, length(preCells)); % type identifier of presynaptic cells

% keyboard

% use parellel computing

if verLessThan('matlab','8.2')
    if matlabpool('size') == 0
        matlabpool open 7
    poolobj = gcp('nocreate'); % If no pool, do not create new one.
    if isempty(poolobj)
        pp = parcluster;
        nw = pp.NumWorkers;
        if nw>=7
            p = parpool(7);
            p = parpool(nw);

% tic;
disp('Now calculating L23 to L23 connectivity...')
for i = 1:length(postCells) % post synaptic cell
%     disp(i)
    postcell = postCells{i};
    % calculate dendritic field, centered around the dendrite distribution
    % center
    Denfield = {};
    DendTarget = postcell.DendriteTarget;
    [X, Y, Z] = meshgrid(-200:step_size:200, -200:step_size:200, -200:step_size:200);
    for j = 1:length(postcell.Dendrite)
        Ref_point = postcell.Dendrite{j}(1:3);
        Denfield{j} = simcolumn_connectivity_DendFunc(Ref_point, postcell.Dendrite{j}, X, Y, Z);
        Denfield{j}(Denfield{j} < 0) = 0;
%     PostLayer(i) = postcell.Layer;
    PostType(i) = postcell.Type;
    temp_Overlap = zeros(1, length(preCells));
    temp_Dist = zeros(1, length(preCells));
    parfor j = 1:length(preCells) % all presynaptic cells
        precell = preCells{j};
        if i == 1
%             PreLayer(j) = precell.Layer;
            PreType(j) = precell.Type;
        if i == j
        if ~ismember(precell.Layer, DendTarget) || ~ismember(postcell.Layer, precell.AxonTarget)%presynaptic cell does not make projection to this layer
        AxonTarget = precell.AxonTarget;
        % find the right Axon field to use
        axon = find(AxonTarget == postcell.Layer);
        % special restrictions
        if strcmpi(precell.AxonTargetRestriction{axon}, 'soma') ~= 1
            % center the field to the dendrite center
            Ref_point = postcell.Dendrite{find(DendTarget == precell.Layer)}(1:3);
            % axon field, only for the specific target region
            AxonField = simcolumn_connectivity_AxonFunc(Ref_point, precell.Axon{axon}, X, Y, Z);
            AxonField(AxonField < 0) = 0;
            Overlap = Denfield{find(DendTarget == precell.Layer)}.*AxonField;
%             temp_Overlap(i, j) = sum(Overlap(:));
            % when the axon only target the soma, use soma location as
            % reference point
            Ref_point = postcell.Loca;
            % only need to calcuate density at reference point
            Overlap = simcolumn_connectivity_AxonFunc(Ref_point, precell.Axon{axon}, 0, 0, 0);
        % in case the axon only target the home barrel
        if strcmpi(precell.AxonRestriction{axon}, 'home') == 1 && precell.BarrelLoca ~= postcell.BarrelLoca
            Overlap = 0.05 * Overlap;
        temp_Overlap(j) = sum(Overlap(:));
        %distance between cells
        temp_Dist(j) = (sum((postcell.Loca - precell.Loca).^2)).^0.5;
    AxonDendOverlap(i, :) = temp_Overlap;
    DistMat(i, :) = temp_Dist;
% toc

% matlabpool close
%% ratio of axon/dendrite field located within model region
AxonRatio = [];
DendRatio = [];
for i = 1:length(postCells) % get DendRatio for postsynaptic cells
    DendRatio(i) = postCells{i}.DendConnRatio(postCells{i}.DendriteTarget == 2);
for i = 1:length(preCells) % get AxonRatio for presynaptic cells
    AxonRatio(i) = preCells{i}.AxonConnRatio(preCells{i}.AxonTarget == 2);

%% convert overlapping into binary connectivity matrix
% keyboard
% post cells in row dimension and precells in column dimension
% note: to make the arrangement simplier the cell information should be
% sorted according to cell type
PostType_Unique = unique(PostType);
PreType_Unique = unique(PreType);
postN = [];
for i = 1:length(PostType_Unique)
    postN(i) = length(find(PostType == PostType_Unique(i)));
preN = [];
for i = 1:length(PreType_Unique)
    preN(i) = length(find(PreType == PreType_Unique(i)));
preIND = cumsum([0, preN]);
postIND = cumsum([0, postN]);

%% some special case for L23-L23 connections
% L2 pyramidal neurons are very different from L3 counterparts and need to
% be treated separately when used as presynaptic cells
subType = [];
for i = 1:length(preCells)
    if isfield(preCells{i}, 'subType')
        subType(i) = preCells{i}.subType;
        subType(i) = 0;

% keyboard
% connectivity is calculated between each cell type 
for i = 1:length(PreType_Unique)
    switch PreType_Unique(i)  
        case(1) % presynaptic cell is pyramidal neurons
            CM(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)) = simConn_L23toL23_PyrtoAll(AxonDendOverlap(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), ...
                postIND, PostType_Unique, AxonRatio(preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), DendRatio, DistMat(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), subType);
        case{2, 3} % presynaptic cell is FsPV+ basket neurons
            CM(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)) = -1*simConn_L23toL23_FsPVtoAll(AxonDendOverlap(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), ...
                postIND, PostType_Unique, AxonRatio(preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), DendRatio, DistMat(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)));
        case(4) % presynaptic cell is RsPV+ basket neurons
            CM(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)) = -1*simConn_L23toL23_RsPVtoAll(AxonDendOverlap(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), ...
                postIND, PostType_Unique, AxonRatio(preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), DendRatio);
        case{5, 6} % presynaptic cell is MarSOM
            CM(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)) = -1*simConn_L23toL23_MarSOMtoAll(AxonDendOverlap(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), ...
                postIND, PostType_Unique, AxonRatio(preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), DendRatio);
        case{7, 8} % presynaptic cell is BipVIP
            CM(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)) = -1*simConn_L23toL23_BipVIPtoAll(AxonDendOverlap(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), ...
                postIND, PostType_Unique, AxonRatio(preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), DendRatio, DistMat(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)));
        case(9) % presynaptic cell is BipCR
            CM(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)) = -1*simConn_L23toL23_BipCRtoAll(AxonDendOverlap(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), ...
                postIND, PostType_Unique, AxonRatio(preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), DendRatio, DistMat(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)));
        case(10) % presynaptic cell in SbcCR
            CM(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)) = -1*simConn_L23toL23_SbcCRtoAll(AxonDendOverlap(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), ...
                postIND, PostType_Unique, AxonRatio(preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), DendRatio, DistMat(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)));
        case(11) % presynaptic cell in NG cells
            CM(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)) = -1*simConn_L23toL23_NGtoAll(AxonDendOverlap(:, preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), ...
                postIND, PostType_Unique, AxonRatio(preIND(i)+1:preIND(i+1)), DendRatio);

DM = DistMat.*abs(CM);

%% convert to sparse matrix
CM = sparse(CM);
DM = sparse(DM);

rawData.AxonDendOverlap = AxonDendOverlap;
rawData.DistMat = DistMat;
rawData.AxonRatio = AxonRatio;
rawData.DendRatio = DendRatio;