%this function takes a time series sampled at a rate 'srate' (specified in
%Hz) and convolves it with a Gaussian with a standard deviation
%'gauss_width' (specified in ms)
function newsig = conv_gaussian(signal,srate,gauss_width)
%require that the Gaussian run from -3 to +3 standard deviations, and
%sample the Gaussian according to the specified sampling rate. The
%number of points in the Gaussian is given below
N_gauss = round(6*(gauss_width/1000)*srate); % want a standard deviation of 2ms typically
%want the number of points in the Gaussian to be odd, so that it is
%centrally peaked, rather than flat at the top
N_gauss = N_gauss - 1;
% fprintf('Warning: sampling rate may be too low for the specified Gaussian width.')
x = linspace(-3,3,N_gauss)';
g = exp(-x.^2); %note that this does not integrate to 1; instead, the peak is always 1
newsig = conv(signal,g,'same');