import lib.Swc
import lib.SpineFile
import math
import decimal
# A tricky point that must be remembered: in NeuronStudio's output, spines
# are 0-indexed, nodes are 1-indexed.
class Section:
"""Represents an unbranched length of dendrite.
Position and radius both vary along the length of the section. A neuron's
soma is not considered a part of any section, but unparented sections abut
def __init__(self, id, parent_id):
self._id = id
self._nodes = []
self._children = [] # List of Sections
self._children_section_ids = [] # List of ints.
self._parent_id = parent_id # -1 means soma
self._length = 0 # microns
self._start_length_to_soma = 0
def Id(self):
return self._id
def Nodes(self):
return self._nodes
def GetCopy(self):
"""Returns a new Section object, with its own lists of nodes and children.
However, the actual members of those lists will not be copied, and all
other values will be identical."""
result_copy = Section(self._id, self._parent_id)
result_copy._nodes = list(self._nodes)
result_copy._children = list(self._children)
result_copy._children_section_ids = list(self._children_section_ids)
result_copy._parent_id = self._parent_id
result_copy._length = self._length
result_copy._start_length_to_soma = self._start_length_to_soma
return result_copy
def SetNodes(self, nodes):
self._nodes = nodes
def Children(self):
return self._children
def ChildrenSectionIds(self):
return self._children_section_ids
def ParentId(self):
return self._parent_id
def SetParentId(self, parent_id):
self._parent_id = parent_id
def AddNode(self, swc_node):
if len(self._nodes) > 0:
previous_node = self._nodes[-1]
distance = self._NodeDistance(previous_node, swc_node)
self._length += distance
def AddChild(self, child_section):
def ClearChildren(self):
self._children = []
def ClipStartingNodesLargerThanRadius(self, radius):
def Length(self):
return self._length
# Surface area of a conical segment is 2 * pi * r * s, where s is arclength and
# r is the mean of the radii at the beginning and end of the segment. Note
# that this differs from how NEURON computes surface area.
def SurfaceAreaNodeToNode(self, node1, node2):
length = self._NodeDistance(node1, node2)
radius1 = node1.Radius()
radius2 = node2.Radius()
radius_average = (radius1 + radius2) / 2.0
radius_diff = radius2 - radius1
arclength = math.sqrt(length * length + radius_diff * radius_diff)
return math.pi * 2.0 * radius_average * arclength
# Surface area of a conical segment is 2 * pi * r * s, where s is arclength and
# r is the mean of the radii at the beginning and end of the segment. Note
# that this differs from how NEURON computes surface area.
def SurfaceArea(self):
if len(self._nodes) < 2:
return 0.0
area = 0.0
previous_node = self._nodes[0]
for each_node in self._nodes[1:]:
area += self.SurfaceAreaNodeToNode(previous_node, each_node)
previous_node = each_node
return area
def Volume(self):
if len(self._nodes) < 2:
return 0.0
volume = 0.0
previous_node = self._nodes[0]
for each_node in self._nodes[1:]:
length = self._NodeDistance(previous_node, each_node)
radius_prev = previous_node.Radius()
radius_this = each_node.Radius()
radius_diff = radius_this - radius_prev
arclength = math.sqrt(length * length + radius_diff * radius_diff)
volume += (1.0 / 3.0) * math.pi * length * (radius_prev * radius_prev +
radius_prev * radius_this + radius_this * radius_this)
previous_node = each_node
return volume
def DistanceIsInBand(self, distance, band_start, band_end):
return distance >= band_start and distance < band_end
def SectionLengthInBand(self, band_start, band_end):
first_node_in_band = -1
last_node_in_band = -1
# To speed things up, precompute the distances of all nodes in this
# section. The node_distances vector is the same length of self._nodes,
# and contains distances to the soma in a one-to-one relationship.
node_distances = []
for each_node in self._nodes:
# Check whether we actually intersect the band. This isn't strictly
# necessary, since sections that don't intersect will just contribute 0
# length below, but this lets us exit the function earlier and saves some
# time.
for i in range(0, len(self._nodes)):
each_node = self._nodes[i]
length_to_node = node_distances[i]
if length_to_node >= band_start and length_to_node < band_end:
first_node_in_band = i
for i in reversed(xrange(0, len(self._nodes))):
each_node = self._nodes[i]
length_to_node = node_distances[i]
if self.DistanceIsInBand(node_distances[i], band_start, band_end):
last_node_in_band = i
if first_node_in_band == -1 or last_node_in_band == -1:
return 0
start_scan_index = None
end_scan_index = None
# If the section is entirely within the band, then scanning from the first
# node to the last node is correct. Otherwise, we need to scan from the
# one before the first in-band to the one after the last in-band, in order
# to catch the portion of the between-node line segment that lays within
# the band. Again, this isn't necessary, but should save some execution
# time.
if first_node_in_band > 0:
start_scan_index = first_node_in_band - 1
start_scan_index = first_node_in_band
if last_node_in_band == len(self._nodes) - 1:
end_scan_index = last_node_in_band
end_scan_index = last_node_in_band + 1
# Okay, this is the core of the function.
section_length = 0
for i in range(start_scan_index, end_scan_index):
each_node = self._nodes[i]
each_distance = node_distances[i]
# Next_node will be end_scan_index on the last iteration
next_node = self._nodes[i + 1]
next_distance = node_distances[i + 1]
if (self.DistanceIsInBand(each_distance, band_start, band_end) and
self.DistanceIsInBand(next_distance, band_start, band_end)):
section_length += (next_distance - each_distance)
elif (not self.DistanceIsInBand(each_distance, band_start, band_end) and
self.DistanceIsInBand(next_distance, band_start, band_end)):
section_length += (next_distance - band_start)
elif (self.DistanceIsInBand(each_distance, band_start, band_end) and
not self.DistanceIsInBand(next_distance, band_start, band_end)):
section_length += (band_end - each_distance)
# Do nothing: this chunk of the section doesn't intersect the band.
return section_length
def SetLengthFromSomaToSection(self, length):
self._start_length_to_soma = length
def LengthToStartFromSoma(self):
return self._start_length_to_soma
def LengthToNodeFromSoma(self, swc_node):
return self._start_length_to_soma + self.LengthToNode(swc_node)
def LengthToPrevious(self, swc_node):
"""Returns the length from this node to the node preceding it.
Returns 0 if swc_node is the first node of the segment."""
previous_node = None
for each_node in self._nodes:
if swc_node is each_node:
if previous_node:
return self._NodeDistance(previous_node, each_node)
return 0
previous_node = each_node
return 0 # Only here if the node isn't found.
def LengthToNode(self, swc_node):
"""Returns the length from the start of the segment to the specified node.
length = 0
previous_node = None
for each_node in self._nodes:
if not previous_node and swc_node is each_node:
return length
if not previous_node:
previous_node = each_node
length += self._NodeDistance(previous_node, each_node)
if swc_node is each_node:
return length
previous_node = each_node
return length
def _NodeDistance(self, node1, node2):
return math.sqrt(math.pow(node1.X() - node2.X(), 2) +
math.pow(node1.Y() - node2.Y(), 2) +
math.pow(node1.Z() - node2.Z(), 2))
def PercentageLengthOfNode(self, swc_node):
return self.LengthToNode(swc_node) / self.Length()
def IntersectsRadius(self, radius, base_radius):
""" Returns true if the section intersects the specified Sholl radius.
radius is the Sholl radius relative to the soma.
base_radius is the distance, along the dendrite, to the base of this
section, so that the section knows where it's positioned in the global
space of the neuron.
first_node = self._nodes[0]
last_node = self._nodes[-1]
first_node_distance = base_radius + self.LengthToNode(first_node)
last_node_distance = base_radius + self.LengthToNode(last_node)
return (first_node_distance <= radius and last_node_distance > radius)
def DiameterOfIntersectionAtDistance(self, distance_along_section):
if (len(self._nodes) < 2):
return -1
node = None
next_node = None
distance_to_node = None
distance_to_next_node = None
found_node = False
for i in range(0, len(self._nodes) - 1):
node = self._nodes[i]
next_node = self._nodes[i + 1]
distance_to_node = self.LengthToNode(node)
distance_to_next_node = self.LengthToNode(next_node)
if (distance_to_node <= distance_along_section and
distance_to_next_node > distance_along_section):
found_node = True
if not found_node:
return -1
diameter_of_node = node.Radius() * 2.0
diameter_of_next_node = next_node.Radius() * 2.0
diameter_at_radius = ( ( (distance_along_section - distance_to_node) /
(distance_to_next_node - distance_to_node) ) *
(diameter_of_next_node - diameter_of_node) +
diameter_of_node )
return diameter_at_radius