from lib import NeuronDirectory
from lib import ParameterSets
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
import sys
# Lists all the files described in the project's directory of neuron models, which is expected to be
# at ModelFiles/FileDirectory.csv. It assumes that the environment variable SIMULATION_PROJECT is
# defined, pointing to the paper project directory, which includes the Scripts/, EmpiricalData/ and
# NumericalResults/ directories. If an argument is specified, it must be a space-delimited list of
# strings, each of which must be one of 'old-apical', 'young-apical', 'old-basal', 'young-basal',
# 'partial', 'whole', or the name of a neuron. The script will then only list neurons that fall
# into those subsets.
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--params", action="store", type="string",
help=("Name of the set of parameters that will be used in " +
"NEURON simulations supporting this computation, as " +
"specified in Scripts/ParameterSets.csv"))
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
parameterSetName = options.params
parameterSets = ParameterSets.ParameterSets()
parameterSet = parameterSets.parameterSetForName(parameterSetName)
directory = NeuronDirectory.NeuronDirectory(parameterSet)
neurons = []
argumentNames = sys.argv[1:]
if len(argumentNames) is 0:
names = directory.Names()
for each_name in names:
print each_name
print "cellName,ageCategory"
namesWithoutCommas = []
for eachName in argumentNames:
# print namesWithoutCommas
names = directory.ExpandNeuronNames(namesWithoutCommas)
for eachName in names:
neuron = directory.NeuronWithName(eachName)
print "%s,%s" % (eachName, neuron.Age())