Correlations <- function(wholeData, output_file, pdf_file) {
all_morpho_data <- wholeData[, MorphologicalColumns()]
all_ephys_data <- wholeData[, EphysColumns()]
# One point type per row, with each row's type corresponding to its age group.
point_types <- numeric(length(wholeData$ageCategory))
point_types[wholeData$ageCategory == "OLD"] <- 21
point_types[wholeData$ageCategory == "YOUNG"] <- 19
correlations_output_file <- paste("NumericalResults/", output_file,
"_correlations", sep="")
output_file <- paste("NumericalResults/", output_file, sep="")
pdf_file <- paste("GeneratedGraphs/", pdf_file, sep="")
legend_pos <- c(600, 40)
legend_args <- c('old', 'young')
legend_symbols <- c(21, 19)
colors <- c("black")
morpho_column_names = colnames(all_morpho_data)
ephys_column_names = colnames(all_ephys_data)
p_values <- numeric()
correlations <- numeric()
par(fin = c(5, 5), fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
first_plot <- TRUE
for (each_morpho_name in morpho_column_names) {
for (each_ephys_name in ephys_column_names) {
morpho_data <- all_morpho_data[[each_morpho_name]]
ephys_data <- all_ephys_data[[each_ephys_name]]
if ((length(morpho_data[morpho_data != 0 && !]) > 0) &&
(length(ephys_data[ephys_data != 0 && !]) > 0)) {
p_value <- cor.test(morpho_data, ephys_data)$p.value
p_values <- c(p_values, p_value)
correlation <- cor(morpho_data, ephys_data, use="complete.obs")
correlations <- c(correlations, correlation)
# Consider plotting the data regardless of the p-value
if (! && p_value < 0.05) {
bestfit <- line(morpho_data, ephys_data)
fitCoefficients <- coef(bestfit)
plot(morpho_data, ephys_data, xlab=each_morpho_name,
ylab=each_ephys_name, bty="l", pch=point_types, col=colors)
if (![1]) && ![2])) {
} else {
cat ("Could not plot best-fit line for ", each_morpho_name, " vs ",
each_ephys_name, ".\n",
if (first_plot) {
first_plot <- FALSE
# This should be generalized, but for now it'll do.
if (0 != length(legend_args)) {
legend(legend_pos[1], legend_pos[2], legend=legend_args,
} else {
cat("Could not compute correlation for ", each_morpho_name, " vs ",
each_ephys_name, ". Insufficient data.\n", sep="")
p_values <- c(p_values, NA)
correlations <- c(correlations, NA)
dim(p_values) <- c(length(ephys_column_names), length(morpho_column_names))
dim(correlations) <- c(length(ephys_column_names), length(morpho_column_names))
# Morphological measures are rows, electrophysiology measures are columns
p_values <- t(p_values)
correlations <- t(correlations)
rownames(p_values) <- MorphologicalColumns()
colnames(p_values) <- EphysColumns()
write.csv(p_values, row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE,
write.csv(correlations, row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE,