/* Measures mean inward and outward attenuation computed over both apical and
* dendritic trees, at a range of frequencies.
objref f // File reference for output
strdef file_name, neuron_name, output_dir, direction, which_secs
objref m, p, sref // matrix
objref imp // Impedance object used to calculate attenuation
objref vec // Vector of impedance results for each segment in the neuron
// Defines voltage_vec and time_vec, vectors that are needed by functions in
// analyticFunctions.hoc.
// load_file("readcell.hoc")
* Opens output file; the specific name of the output file is determined by
* the arguments.
* Arguments:
* $1: frequency at which attenuation is measured
* $2: set to 1 if analyzing apical trees, 2 for basal
* $3: set to 1 to correct for spines
* $4: set to 1 for inward attenuaton, 2 for outward
proc openfile() {
output_dir = "/Users/pcoskren-sinai/Subversion/WearneLab/Publications/DoronsPaper/Scripts/Output"
if ($4 == 1) {
direction = "Inward"
} else {
direction = "Outward"
f = new File()
if ($2==1 && $3==1) {
sprint(file_name,"%s/%sNormSumAtten%gHzApicSpiny.txt", output_dir, direction, $1)
if ($2==1 && $3==2) {
sprint(file_name,"%s/%sNormSumAtten%gHzApic.txt", output_dir, direction, $1)
if ($2==2 && $3==1) {
sprint(file_name,"%s/%sNormSumAtten%gHzBasaSpiny.txt", output_dir, direction, $1)
if ($2==2 && $3==2) {
sprint(file_name,"%s/%sNormSumAtten%gHzBasa.txt", output_dir, direction, $1)
print file_name
/* meanInwardAttenuationAllFrequencies: calculates the mean inward attenuation over a range of
* frequencies form 0 to 500, over the specified cell.
* Arguments:
* $o1: soma -> A SectionRef referring to the neuron's soma
* For inward attenuation, measurement (imp.loc) is at the soma, and
* voltage clamp (imp.ratio) ranges over the tree.
proc meanInwardAttenuationAllFrequencies() { local freq, i, spine_type,\
real_diam, real_L, ratio \
localobj path, soma, tree_root
soma = $o1
tree_root = $o2
access soma.sec
nseg = 1
real_diam = diam(0.5)
real_L = L
diam = 2.0 * STD_SOMA
L = 2.0 * STD_SOMA
for (freq = 0; freq <= 500; freq += 100) {
v_init = E_PAS
imp = new Impedance() // if no arg then this creates one
soma.sec imp.loc(0.5)
vec = new Vector()
dendriticLength = 0
forsec "dend" {
for (x) {
segmentLength = length_origlen(x)
if (0 != segmentLength) {
ratio = imp.ratio(x)
if (ratio > 0) {
logA = log(1 / ratio)
dendriticLength = dendriticLength + segmentLength
scaledLogA = logA * segmentLength
} else {
printf("Warning: negative voltage ratio\n")
sum_norm = vec.sum() / dendriticLength
printf("Frequency: %g Inward mean attenuation: %g\n", freq, sum_norm)
soma.sec {
diam = real_diam
L = real_L
/* meanOutwardAttenuationAllFrequencies: calculates the mean outward attenuation
* over a range of frequencies from 0 to 500, for the specified neuron.
* Arguments:
* $o1: soma -> A SectionRef referring to the neuron's soma
* For outward attenuation, voltage clamp (imp.ratio) is at the soma, and
* measurement (imp.loc) ranges over the tree.
proc meanOutwardAttenuationAllFrequencies() { local freq, i, spine_type, real_diam, real_L, ratio localobj path, soma, tree_root
soma = $o1
tree_root = $o2
soma.sec {
nseg = 1
real_diam = diam(0.5)
real_L = L
diam = 2.0 * STD_SOMA
L = 2.0 * STD_SOMA
for (freq = 0; freq <= 500; freq += 100) {
access soma.sec
v_init = E_PAS
imp = new Impedance() // if no arg then this creates one
vec = new Vector ()
dendriticLength = 0
forsec "dend" {
for(x) {
segmentLength = length_origlen(x)
dendriticLength=dendriticLength + segmentLength
soma.sec ratio = imp.ratio(0.5)
if (ratio > 0) {
scaledLogA = log(1/ratio) * segmentLength
} else {
print "Warning: negative voltage ratio"
sum_norm = vec.sum()/dendriticLength
printf("Frequency: %g Outward mean attenuation: %g\n", freq, sum_norm)
soma.sec {
diam = real_diam
L = real_L
flag_spines=1 // Spine correction
apic=1 // Apical tree
flag_spines=1 // Spine correction
apic=2 // Basal tree
flag_spines=2 // No spine correction
apic=1 // Apical tree
flag_spines=2 // No spine correction
apic=2 // Basal tree