/* Sets nseg in each section to an odd value
   so that its segments are no longer than
     d_lambda x the AC length constant
   at frequency freq in that section.

   Be sure to specify your own Ra and cm before calling geom_nseg()

   To understand why this works,
   and the advantages of using an odd value for nseg,
   see  Hines, M.L. and Carnevale, N.T.
        NEURON: a tool for neuroscientists.
        The Neuroscientist 7:123-135, 2001.

// these are reasonable values for most models
// freq = 100      // Hz, frequency at which AC length constant will be computed
// d_lambda = 0.1

func lambda_f() { local i, x1, x2, d1, d2, lam
  if (n3d() < 2) {
          return 1e5 * sqrt(diam / (4 * PI * $1 * Ra * cm))
  // above was too inaccurate with large variation in 3d diameter
  // so now we use all 3-d points to get a better approximate lambda
  x1 = arc3d(0)
  d1 = diam3d(0)
  lam = 0
  for i = 1, n3d() - 1 {
    x2 = arc3d(i)
    d2 = diam3d(i)
    lam += (x2 - x1)/sqrt(d1 + d2)
    x1 = x2
    d1 = d2
  //  length of the section in units of lambda
  lam *= sqrt(2) * 1e-5 * sqrt(4 * PI * $1 * Ra * cm)

  return L / lam

proc geom_nseg() { local freq, d_lambda
  freq = $1
  d_lambda = $2
  forall {
    nseg = int((L / (d_lambda * lambda_f(freq)) + 0.9) / 2) * 2 + 1