// Conductances for all the channels with the same order as in the template

eleak = -63
LeakSoma = 1.1e-3
Cav3_1Soma = 7e-6
Cav2_1Soma = 2.2e-4 
HCNSoma = 0.0004
Nav1_6Soma = 0.214
Kv3_4Soma = 0.05
Kv1_1Soma = 0.002 
Cav3_2Soma = 0.0008 
Kca3_1Soma = 0.01 
Cav3_3Soma = 0.0001 
PC_KirSoma = 0.00003 
Kca1_1Soma = 0.01 
Kca2_2Soma = 1e-3 

Cav2_1Dend = 1e-3 
Kca1_1Dend = 3.5e-2
Kv4_3Dend = 0.001
Kv1_1Dend = 0.0012 
Kv1_5Dend = 0.13195e-3
Kv3_3Dend = 0.01 
Cav3_3Dend = 0.0001 
Cav3_2Dend = 0.0012 
Kca3_1Dend = 0.002
Cav3_1Dend = 5e-6 
Kca2_2Dend = 1e-3
PC_KirDend = 0.00001
Nav1_6Dend = 0.016
HCNDend = 0.000004 

// AIS
Cav3_1Ais = 8.2e-6
Nav1_6AIS = 0.50 
Cav2_1AIS = 2.2e-4 
Kv3_4AIS = 0.01 

Kv1_1AisK = 0.01 

// First node Of Ranvier
Nav1_6Nor = 0.03 
Kv3_4Nor = 0.02  
Cav3_1Nor = 1e-5 
Cav2_1Nor = 2.2e-4 

// Second node Of Ranvier
Nav1_6Nor2 = 0.03 
Kv3_4Nor2 = 0.02  
Cav3_1Nor2 = 1e-5 
Cav2_1Nor2 = 2.2e-4  

// Third node Of Ranvier
Nav1_6Nor3 = 0.03
Kv3_4Nor3 = 0.02  
Cav3_1Nor3 = 1e-5 
Cav2_1Nor3 = 2.2e-4 

// Axon collateral
Nav1_6Axoncoll = 0.03 
Kv3_4Axoncoll = 0.02
Cav3_1Axoncoll = 1e-5 
Cav2_1Axoncoll = 2.2e-4