% scritp_minmax_PointMass
% Writtent by F. Crevecoeur - Spet. 6, 2019
% Used in: Robust control in human reaching movements: a model free
% strategy to compensate for unpredictable disturbances.
% Crevecoeur F., Scott S. H., Cluff T.
% DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0770-19.2019
% Define the data structure simdata, with parameters for the simulations:
simdata.delta = .01; % Discretization step: 10ms
simdata.delay = .05; % feedback loop delay, 5 time steps
simdata.pert = [0 0]'; % Perturbation magnitude, x and y coordinates, in N
simdata.time = 0.6; % Reach time
simdata.gamma = [50000 1]; % First parameter is initial guess,
% Second parameter indicates whether it must be optimized
simdata.nStep = 61; % Number of time steps corresponding to reach time (600ms), plus terminal step
% simdata.forcefield = 0; Stay tuned
simdata.noise= [1 1]; % Sensory and motor noise, standard values.
% Populates the matrix runningalpha with the cost values:
runningalpha = zeros(8,simdata.nStep);
for i = 1:simdata.nStep
fact = min(1,(i*simdata.delta/simdata.time))^6;
runningalpha(:,i) = [fact*10^6 fact*10^6 fact*10^5 fact*10^5 1 1 1 1]';
simdata.ralpha = runningalpha;
% Compute the optimal gamma
test = minmaxfc_pointMass([0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]',[0 .15 0 0 0 0 0 0]',simdata);
simdata.gamma = [test.gammaopt, 0];
% Iterations
simdata.nsimu = 5; % Number of simulation runs.
costLQG = zeros(simdata.nsimu,1); % Extact movement costs
costHoo = zeros(simdata.nsimu,1);
maxLQG = zeros(simdata.nsimu,1);
maxHoo = zeros(simdata.nsimu,1);
avControlHoo = 0;
avControlLQG = 0;
averagePlot = 0;
% Normalization factor for the control variables
if simdata.pert(1) == 0
normc = 1;
normc = simdata.pert(1);
% Iterations
for i = 1:simdata.nsimu
% Run the minmax control simulation
test = minmaxfc_pointMass([0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]',[0 .15 0 0 0 0 0 0]',simdata);
ns = size(test.L,3);
robustGain = zeros(1,ns);
LQGGain = zeros(1,ns);
for k = 1:ns
robustGain(k) = norm(test.L(2,2,k));
LQGGain(k) = norm(test.C(2,2,k));
% Puts hold on to add simulation to the figure
plot(test.x(:,1),test.x(:,2),'r'), hold on, axis square;
axis([-.1 .1 -.17 .03])
% Average traces for plot
averagePlot = averagePlot + [test.x(:,2)'+.15;test.z(:,2)'+.15;test.x(:,1)';test.z(:,1)';...
% Sensitivity
costLQG(i) = log10(test.cost(2));
costHoo(i) = log10(test.cost(1));
maxLQG(i) = max(abs(test.z(:,1)));
maxHoo(i) = max(abs(test.x(:,1)));
%Average traces for control
% Control response is normalized to the perturbation amplitude, when
% there is no perturbation (load = 0) the raw values are used.
avControlHoo = avControlHoo + test.u(:,1)/(abs(normc)*simdata.nsimu);
avControlLQG = avControlLQG + test.v(:,1)/(abs(normc)*simdata.nsimu);
xlabel('x [cm]','FontSize',12);
ylabel('y [cm]','FontSize',12);
% Average forward velocity and lateral velocity
plot(averagePlot(5,:),'r'), hold on
plot(averagePlot(7,:),'r:'), hold on
axis square
xlabel('Time Steps','FontSize',12);
ylabel('Forward and Lateral Vel. [m/s]','FontSize',12);
% Average control responses
plot(avControlHoo,'r'), hold on
axis square
xlabel('Time Steps','FontSize',12);
ylabel('\Delta Control [a.u.]','FontSize',12);
% Sensitivity
plot(mean(costLQG),mean(maxLQG),'bo','MarkerSize',8,'MarkerFaceColor','b'), hold on;
axis square
xlabel('Movement cost (log)');
ylabel('Max lateral displacement');