<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<SDRun xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns="http://stochdiff.textensor.org">
    <!-- this file defines a single run of the calculation, using morphology and 
	 reaction data brought in from other files --> 

          <xi:include href="Rxn_SPNspineAChm4R_Gshydr5_AC1_GiGsfast-GapD.xml" />
          <xi:include href="Morph_1sp2umDend.xml" />
	  <xi:include href="IC_SPNspineAChm4R_AC1_coupleGqhigh.xml" />       
          <xi:include href="Out_SPNspineCaMKII_DagL_AChm1R_AC1.xml" />
          <xi:include href="StimCouple20hzAChNoDa-10sITI.xml" />

    <!--2D means the morphology is interpreted like a flatworm, 3D for
	roundworms. The 2D case is good for testing as it is eas/Stry to visualize the
results (also, 3D may not work yet...)  -->
    <geometry>          2D           </geometry>
    <depth2D>           0.6          </depth2D>
    <distribution>      BINOMIAL     </distribution>
    <algorithm>         INDEPENDENT  </algorithm>
    <simulationSeed>    123       </simulationSeed>

    <!-- run time for the calculation, milliseconds -->
    <runtime>          300000         </runtime>
<!-- 100001 -->
    <!-- set the seed to get the same spines each time testing -->
    <spineSeed>          123          </spineSeed>

	<!-- default largest size for elements in bulk volumes (dendrites), microns -->	
	<!-- discretization for spines, microns -->
	<spineDeltaX>   0.1           </spineDeltaX>

	<!-- This specifies the surface layers, first implemented in v.2.1.7 -->

	<!-- override the default for a particular region. -->
	<!-- Matches against id or regionClass in the morphology file -->
        <MaxElementSide region="PSD">0.1</MaxElementSide>

    <!-- timestep used in fixed step calculations, in milliseconds
    interval for outputing information into log if not using fixedDt-->
    <fixedStepDt>         1       </fixedStepDt>

    <!-- interval at which stuff should be saved to the output file(s) -->
    <outputInterval>      500.0   </outputInterval>

    <!-- the tolerace is used for adaptive sims -->
    <tolerance>           0.002       </tolerance>
    <!-- calculation types include GRID_STEPPED_STOCHASTIC and GRID_STEPPED_CONTINUOUS for 
	 reaction-diffusion systems. Single mixed pool calculations should be listed here too (TODO) -->
    <!--use the following for adaptive: -->
