begintemplate Location
public secRef, loc, distToRootCenter
objref secRef
proc init() {
secRef = new SectionRef()
loc = $1
secRef.root distance(0,0.5)
secRef.sec distToRootCenter = distance(loc)
endtemplate Location
begintemplate cell10
public init, topol, subsets, init_pas, geom_nseg_shared, basic_shape, init_active
public axon, section, soma
create axon[1], section[1], soma[1]
objref somaLoc,somaBorderLoc,blebLoc,distalDendLoc,proxDendLoc,synDendLoc,spineCount,this,synlist
objref rates_soma, rates_axon, ratefile, rates_sec
func lambda_f() { local i, x1, x2, d1, d2, lam
if (n3d() < 2) {
return 1e5*sqrt(diam/(4*PI*$1*Ra*cm))
// above was too inaccurate with large variation in 3d diameter
// so now we use all 3-d points to get a better approximate lambda
x1 = arc3d(0)
d1 = diam3d(0)
lam = 0
for i=1, n3d()-1 {
x2 = arc3d(i)
d2 = diam3d(i)
lam += (x2 - x1)/sqrt(d1 + d2)
x1 = x2 d1 = d2
// length of the section in units of lambda
lam *= sqrt(2) * 1e-5*sqrt(4*PI*$1*Ra*cm)
return L/lam
proc geom_nseg_shared() {
area(0.5) // make sure diam reflects 3d points
if (numarg()==0){freq=def_freq}else{freq=$1}
forall {
//if (debug_mode)
if (debug_mode) printf("lambda=%g\n",lambda_f(freq))
nseg = int((L/(d_lambda*lambda_f(freq))+0.9)/2)*2 + 1
func tempScale() {
// $1: Q10
return $1^((celsius-24)/10)
func fsigm() {
// $1: x
// $2: amplitude
// $3: center
// $4: slope
return $2-$2/(1.0+exp(($1-$3)/$4))
func gna_func() {
Returns Nav conductance density (gNa) along the axon.
$1 x -- Axonal distance from soma
$2 gNas -- Somatic gNa
$3 gNaa -- Axonal density
$4 a0 -- Scaling factor
$5 lambda2 -- Axonal decay length constant
Axonal gNa
lambda1 = 5.0 // default 5.0
lambda2 = 10
return $2 + ($3-$2) * (1.0-exp(-$1/lambda1)) * (1.0 + $4*exp(-$1/lambda2))
proc init_pas() {local Ra_soma, Ra_axon, i, dist
Ra_soma = 200
Ra_axon = 120
forall {
insert pas
cm = 1.00 * tempScale(q10_cm)// * scale_spines
g_pas = 2.5e-5 * tempScale(q10_g_pas)// * scale_spines
Ra = 200.0 * tempScale(q10_Ra)
somaLoc.secRef.sec { distance(0,0) }
for i=0, n_axon-1 axon[i] {
dist = distance(0.5)
Ra = (Ra_soma - fsigm(dist, Ra_soma-Ra_axon, 100, 50)) * tempScale(q10_Ra)
proc basic_shape() {local i, soma_rad, soma_lhalf, soma_part0, soma_part1, diam0, diam1, soma_diam0, delta, axon_diam1
n_sections = 2 + 4 + 8 + 16
create section[n_sections]
if (has_bleb == 1) {
n_axon = 7
} else {
n_axon = 9
create axon[n_axon]
// Set nseg to something > 1 so that
// the tapering works
for i=0, n_axon-1 axon[i] { nseg=5 }
n_soma = 21
create soma[n_soma]
soma_rad = 5
soma_lhalf = 10
offset = 0.15 // offset to prevent soma from tapering too much
// elliptic soma:
for i=0, n_soma-1 soma[i] {
L = soma_lhalf * 2.0/n_soma
soma_part0 = (-1.0 + 2.0*(i+offset/2.0)/ (n_soma+offset) ) * soma_lhalf * 0.98
soma_part1 = (-1.0 + 2.0*(i+1+offset/2.0)/ (n_soma+offset) ) * soma_lhalf * 0.98
diam0 = sqrt((1 - soma_part0*soma_part0/ (soma_lhalf*soma_lhalf)) * soma_rad*soma_rad) * 2.0
diam1 = sqrt((1 - soma_part1*soma_part1/ (soma_lhalf*soma_lhalf)) * soma_rad*soma_rad) * 2.0
diam(0:1) = diam0:diam1
if (i==0) {
soma_diam0 = diam0
axon[0] { diam(0:1)=soma_diam0:axon_diam0 L = 8 }
// linear taper:
axon_diam1 = 0.3
delta = (axon_diam0-axon_diam1) / 20.0
for i=1,5 axon[i] {
L = 4
diam(0:1)=axon_diam0-(i-1)*delta*L : axon_diam0-i*delta*L
if (has_bleb == 1) {
axon[6] {
diam = 2.0
L = 2.0
blebLoc = new Location(0.0)
} else {
axon[6] {
diam = axon_diam1 L = 500 //2500
blebLoc = new Location(0.0)
// mfb
axon[7] {
diam = 0.3 // 3.0 // 0.4
L = 500 // 2500
axon[8] { diam = axon_diam1 L = 470 } //2470
for i=0,1 section[i] { diam(0:1)=soma[n_soma-1].diam(1.0):2.0 L=20 }
for i=2,5 section[i] { diam(0:1)=2.0:1.5 L=80 }
for i=6,13 section[i] { diam = 0.9 L=100 }
for i=14,n_sections-1 section[i] { diam=0.6 L=100 }
// define soma:
soma[n_soma/2.0] somaLoc = new Location(0.5)
soma[0] somaBorderLoc = new Location(0.0)
// define dendritic sites:
section[n_sections-1] distalDendLoc = new Location(0.8)
section[1] proxDendLoc = new Location(0.05)
section[n_sections-5] synDendLoc = new Location(0.8)
access somaLoc.secRef.sec
proc topol() {local i
for i=0,1 section[i] { connect section[i](0.0), soma[n_soma-1](1.0) }
for i=2,n_sections-1 section[i] { connect section[i](0.0), section[int((i-2)/2.0)](1.0) }
for i=1, n_soma-1 soma[i] { connect soma[i](0.0), soma[i-1](1.0) }
connect axon[0](0.0), soma[0](0.0)
for i=1, n_axon-1 axon[i] { connect axon[i](0.0), axon[i-1](1.0) }
objref all,den,axo,som
proc subsets() {local i
all = new SectionList()
for i=0, n_sections-1 section[i] all.append()
for i=0, n_axon-1 axon[i] all.append()
for i=0, n_soma-1 soma[i] all.append()
den = new SectionList()
for i=0, n_sections-1 section[i] den.append()
axo = new SectionList()
for i=0, n_axon-1 axon[i] axo.append()
som = new SectionList()
for i=0, n_soma-1 soma[i] som.append()
proc init_active() {
insert na8st
insert KI
rates_soma=new Vector(18)
rates_axon=new Vector(18)
rates_sec=new Vector(18)
ratefile=new File()
somaBorderLoc.secRef.sec {distance()}
forsec axo{
for (ns,0) {
for i=0,17 {
rates_sec.x[i]=fsigm(dist,(rates_axon.x[i] - rates_soma.x[i]), 4,2) + rates_soma.x[i]
a1_0_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[0]
a1_1_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[1]
b1_0_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[2]
b1_1_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[3]
a2_0_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[4]
a2_1_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[5]
b2_0_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[6]
b2_1_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[7]
a3_0_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[8]
a3_1_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[9]
b3_0_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[10]
b3_1_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[11]
bh_0_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[12]
bh_1_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[13]
bh_2_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[14]
ah_0_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[15]
ah_1_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[16]
ah_2_na8st(ns) = rates_sec.x[17]
scale_a_KI(ns) *= fsigm(dist,3,4,2)
forsec som{
forsec den{
for (ns) {
proc init() {
verbose = 1 // 0: no output
debug_mode = 0 // 0: no debug information (default)
accuracy = 0 // 0: compromise between accuracy and simulation speed (default)
celsius = 24 // This is to roughly account for the effects of temperature on
q10_g_pas = 1.98 // simulations. Passive membrane parameters (Ra, cm, g_pas)
q10_Ra = 0.80 // have no built-in temperature dependence. Instead, they
q10_cm = 0.96 // will be scaled when calling membrane.hoc using Q10 values
// according to:
// Trevelyan AJ, Jack JJB (2002), J Physiol 539:623-636
axon_diam0 = 1.2
gna_soma = 0.0188
gna_prox_axon = 0.094
gna_distal_axon = 0.0386152
gna_distal_dend = 0.0038
gna_a0 = 18 // default 18
gk_axon = 0.004
gk_soma = 0.004
gk_distal_axon = 0.010
def_freq = 1000 //original:100 // Hz, frequency at which AC length constant will be computed
d_lambda = 0.1 //original:0.1
for i=0,5 {axon[i].nseg*=3}
endtemplate cell10