/* net_dd_params.hoc -----------------------------------*/

strdef fnbase

/* Distance dependence ------------------------------------------------------ */
   // IN-IN Synapses
   shuffled_II = 0
   g_scale_II = 1
   a_ddg_II = 0
   b_ddtau_II = 0
   // IN-PN Synapses
   shuffled_IE = 0
   g_scale_IE = 1
   a_ddg_IE = 0
   b_ddtau_IE = 0 
/* Network mode? ------------------------------------------------------------ */ 

   feedback = 0           // does the network contain feedback excitation on INs?
   recurrent = 0          // is the network a recurrent one (CA3) or not (DG)?
/* Spatial input --------------------------------------------------------- */          

   IN_input_format = 2
   PN_input_format = 2    // '0': no spatial input
                // '1': spatial input applied through current injection
                // '2': spatial input applied through synaptic events   

/* Define global simulation ctrl params ---------------------------------- */ 

   celsius = 6.3	// C - temperature 
   secondorder = 1

// temperature has no real meaning in the simulations 
// this is the def.temp in Neuron (HH. model)
// timeconstants of m, h and n are adjusted directly in the mod file

   t = 0          	// ms - simulation starts 
   			// BUT synaptic connections are activated only at t = 0
   tdrv1 = 0  
   tdrv2 = 50		// ms - init period to randomize firing pattern	75	
   tsyn = 100    // 150
   trun = 700                                                 
   tstop = trun+tsyn	// ms - simulation ends

   dt = 0.01      	// ms - simulation time step (=100kHz)
   t_step = 0.1		// ms - collecting data only @10kHz  for analysis
   n_step = int(t_step/dt)	// should be 10 ;-) sample is taken every n cycle
   inj_step = 1    // ms - shaped input time step

/* Define network size & connectivity pattern ---------------------------- */

   nIN = 200		      // number of neurons in the network
	 nPN = 800		

	 // IN to IN
   Msyn_II = 60 		         // Average number of presynaptic neurons, convergence factor
   sd_ddcon_II = 25          // Space constant of the connectivity. This value was adjusted by trial 
                             // so that a connection probability of 1 is not exceeded. This guarantees 
                             // that there is really an Msyn of the given value set. 
   max_ddcon_II = (nIN/2)-1  // Maximal distance between two connected INs? 
                             // (given in IN-index numbers)                 
   // IN to PN
   Msyn_IE = 20       
   sd_ddcon_IE = 25   
   max_ddcon_IE = (nIN/2)-1  

   // PN to IN
   Msyn_EI = 50
   sd_ddcon_EI = 10*int(nPN/nIN)       
   max_ddcon_EI = (nPN/2)-1     
   // PN to PN
   Msyn_EE = 10
   sd_ddcon_EE = 10*int(nPN/nIN)       
   max_ddcon_EE = (nPN/2)-1     

   Gaps = 1			          // Boolean - gaps inserted or not
   GapR = 100000 		      // MOhm resistance corresponding to 0.01 nS conductance
                          // that correspondes to 1nS for real cells of ~10000 um^2 surface
                          // x 0.01 mS/cm^2
/* Constant IClamp excitatory drive ----------------------------------------- */   
   Imu_interneuron = 0			  // uA/cm^2 - amplitude here as a density
   Icv_interneuron = 0.1			// coeff.var. of the current distribution

   Imu_principalneuron = 0		// uA/cm^2 - amplitude here as a density
   Icv_principalneuron = 0.1	// coeff.var. of the current distribution
/* Background synaptic drive ------------------------------------------------ */
   N_BGStim_IN = nIN
   BGStim_f_IN = 300
   BGStim_N_IN = 2*trun*BGStim_f_IN/1000
   BGStim_noise_IN = 0.5
   BGSyn_rise_IN = 0.1
   BGSyn_decay_IN = 2
   BGSyn_strength_IN = 0.01
   BGSyn_strength_cv_IN = 0.2
   BGCon_dd_IN = 0        // Is the background input spatially correlated?
   BGCon_N_IN = 1
   BGCon_SD_IN = 3
   N_BGStim_PN = nPN
   BGStim_f_PN = 500
   BGStim_N_PN = 2*trun*BGStim_f_PN/1000
   BGStim_noise_PN = 0.1
   BGSyn_rise_PN = 0.1
   BGSyn_decay_PN = 2
   BGSyn_strength_PN = 0.02
   BGSyn_strength_cv_PN = 0.1
   BGCon_dd_PN = 0        // Is the background input spatially correlated?
   BGCon_N_PN = 1
   BGCon_SD_PN = 3
/* Define shaped input ----------------------------------------------------- */
   tINinj_on = 400
   tINinj_off = 800
   tvarINinj = 3      // Indicates the variability in the onset of the stimulus for different cells.
   // The spatial parameters for the two / one input:
   spainjIN_M1 = 100  // center of the first input
   spainjIN_sd1 = 20  // SD in case of a Gaussian input, width in case of a square input
   spainjIN_M2 = 120  // center of the second input
   spainjIN_sd2 = 10  // SD in case of a Gaussian input, width in case of a square input
   spainjIN_ratio = 1 // Ratio between input1 and input2: Amp(input1) = 1, Amp(input2) = spainj_ratio
   // a) IClamp
   INinj_amp = 0
   // b) Synaptic events
   IN_N_SIGNStim = nIN
   IN_SIGNStim_f = 600
   IN_SIGNStim_N = (tINinj_off-tINinj_on)*IN_SIGNStim_f/1000
   IN_SIGNStim_noise = 0.1
   IN_SIGNSyn_rise = 0.1
   IN_SIGNSyn_decay = 2
   IN_SIGNSyn_strength = 0.01
   IN_SIGNCon_rnd = 0        // Does the input wiring contain some randomness?
   IN_SIGNCon_N = 1
   tPNinj_on = 400
   tPNinj_off = 800
   tvarPNinj = 20     // Indicates the variability in the onset of the stimulus for different cells.
   // The spatial parameters for the two / one input:
   spainjPN_M1 = 100  // center of the first input
   spainjPN_sd1 = 20  // SD in case of a Gaussian input, width in case of a square input
   spainjPN_M2 = 120  // center of the second input
   spainjPN_sd2 = 10  // SD in case of a Gaussian input, width in case of a square input
   spainjPN_ratio = 1 // Ratio between input1 and input2: Amp(input1) = 1, Amp(input2) = spainj_ratio
   // a) IClamp
   PNinj_amp = 0
   // b) Synaptic events
   PN_N_SIGNStim = nPN
   PN_SIGNStim_f = 6000
   PN_SIGNStim_N = (tPNinj_off-tPNinj_on)*PN_SIGNStim_f/1000
   PN_SIGNStim_noise = 0.1
   PN_SIGNSyn_rise = 0.1
   PN_SIGNSyn_decay = 2
   PN_SIGNSyn_strength = 0.02
   PN_SIGNCon_rnd = 0        // Does the input wiring contain some randomness?
   PN_SIGNCon_N = 1
   // These vectors are defined here, because they are needed for constructing the
   // cell models! 
   objref temiinj_IN, temiinj_PN, iinj_time, spaiinj_IN, spaiinj_PN
/* Define geometry of neurons --------------------------------------------- */ 

   n_d_interneuron = 5.6419			    // um - diam to give 100 um^2 surface
   n_L_interneuron = 5.6419			    // um - length
   n_seg_interneuron = 1				    // single compartment

   n_d_principalneuron = 5.6419			// um - diam to give 100 um^2 surface
   n_L_principalneuron = 5.6419			// um - length
   n_seg_principalneuron = 1			  // single compartment
   // No real meaning as all conductances and currents are defined by density parameters!

/* Define cable params ---------------------------------------------------- */ 

   ARes_interneuron = 172			  // ohm cm	- axial resistance
   MCap_interneuron = 0.93			// uF/cm^2	- membrane capacitance
   Rm_interneuron = 7600			  // ohm cm^2 	- membrane resistance

   ARes_principalneuron = 194		// ohm cm	- axial resistance
   MCap_principalneuron = 1.01	// uF/cm^2	- membrane capacitance
   Rm_principalneuron = 38000		// ohm cm^2 	- membrane resistance  
	 // Defines a leakage cond. of 0.1 mS/cm^2
	 // This is built into the mod file, it is here only for reference 
   Ek_interneuron = -90
   shift_interneuron = 0
   Ek_principalneuron = -90
   gna_principalneuron = 0.01
   shift_principalneuron = 13
   ena_principalneuron = 55
   gkdr_principalneuron = 0.015
   gka_principalneuron = 0
   gkm_principalneuron = 0
   // Initial membrane voltages
   Vrest_interneuron = -65
   Vmax_interneuron = Vrest_interneuron-2
   Vmin_interneuron = Vrest_interneuron+2

   Vrest_principalneuron = -75
   Vmax_principalneuron = Vrest_principalneuron-2
   Vmin_principalneuron = Vrest_principalneuron+2

/* Define Synaptic Currents ---------------------------------------------- */
//  using:
//  - a Exp2Syn object (parameters: tau1 - rise and  tau2 - decay
//    timeconstants [ms], e - reversal potantial [mV])
//  - a NetCon object (parameters: threshold - will be set to 0 mV (IN) and -20 mV (PN) respectively, 
//    delay [ms] and weight - variable between 0 and 1 [1 corresponding to 1 uS])

   SynDel = 0.5			// ms	- synaptic delay
   SynADel= 0.2			// ms	- conduction delay unit 
	 // 	between 2 adjacent INs (distance = 0.05 mm; vAP = 0.25 mm/ms)
/* --------------- IPSCs onto Interneurons ---------------------------------- */ 
   Syn_II_N = 50                  // number of synapses on each neuron - remember to change the number also in the imodel-file!
   Syn_II_rise = 0.16 		        // ms	- IPSC rise 
   Syn_II_decay_standard = 1.88	 	// ms	- IPSC decay 
   SynE_II = -55			            // mV	- IPSC rev. potential
   g_standard_II = 0.2*g_scale_II
   // SynG_II will be calculated later
   SynGcv_II = 0.1			          // Variability of the SynG
   // DD in synaptic conductance
   ddg_II_low = 0.1   // Lowest possible value for the synaptic conductance (as a factor! = %). 
                      // It should correspond to a quantal conductance.
   // DD in the decay time constant
   Syn_II_decay_bottom = 0.5
   Syn_II_decay_top = 4.0
/* ----------------- IPSCs onto Principalneurons ---------------------------- */
   Syn_IE_N = 50                  // number of synapses on each neuron - remember to change the number also in the imodel-file!
   Syn_IE_rise = 0.16 		        // ms	- IPSC rise 
   Syn_IE_decay_standard = 7.0	 	// ms	- IPSC decay 
   SynE_IE = -65			            // mV	- IPSC rev. potential
   g_standard_IE = 0.1*g_scale_IE
   // SynG_IE will be calculated later
   SynGcv_IE = 0.1			          // Variability of the SynG
   // DD in synaptic conductance
   ddg_IE_low = 0.1   // Lowest possible value for the synaptic conductance (as a factor! = %). 
                      // It should correspond to a quantal conductance.
   // DD in the decay time constant
   Syn_IE_decay_bottom = 3.0
   Syn_IE_decay_top = 13.0

/* ----------------- EPSCs onto Interneurons -------------------------------- */
   Syn_EI_rise = 0.2 		// ms	- EPSC rise, Geiger et al., 1997
   Syn_EI_decay = 1	 	  // ms	- EPSC decay
   SynE_EI = 0			    // mV	- EPSC rev. potential
   SynG_EI = 0.05			  // mS/cm^2 - EPSC conductance density! 
   SynGcv_EI = 0.1			// and its variability
/* ----------------- EPSCs onto Principalneurons ---------------------------- */
   Syn_EE_rise = 0.2 		// ms	- EPSC rise
   Syn_EE_decay = 1	 	  // ms	- EPSC decay
   SynE_EE = 0			    // mV	- EPSC rev. potential
   SynG_EE = 0.05			  // mS/cm^2 - EPSC conductance density! 
   SynGcv_EE = 0.1			// and its variability

/* Plotting ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   plotting = 0      // Boolean. Do you want plots at all?
   export_traces = 0 // Boolean. Do you want to export voltage- and conductance traces?
   record_lfp = 1    // Boolean. DO you want to export an LFP analogon?
/* Testing -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   conmx = 0               // export connectivity matrix?
/* Random --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   objref rdg, rduni, rdnorm, rdnormII, rdnormIE				
   //rseed = 18

   rdg = new Random(rseed)       // use for gaps

   rduni = new Random(rseed)		  // use for Vm, synapses 

   rdnorm = new Random(rseed)		// use for exc.drv, synaptic connectivity
   rdnormII = new Random(rseed)  // use for the nodd synaptic property picking procedure
   rdnormIE = new Random(rseed)  // use for the nodd synaptic property picking procedure