// this sets the variables used by LGMD_model files, funcs and procs.
// When creating new procedures, use local variables when possible.
// As needed add new global variables to the list below

// ---- Global strdef
// there are no local strdefs in nrn
strdef NRNDIR				// NRNDIR is base directory of model
strdef syndir				// syndir is subdirectory containing synapse files
strdef esynfullpath			// filepath of excitatory synapse file
strdef isynfullpath			// filepath of inhibitory synapse file
strdef DATADIR, datadir_	// DATADIR is full path of directory where simulation data is saved
strdef subdir				// data subdirectory
strdef strtmp, tmpstr		// tmp strings used by several procs & funcs (there are no local strdef in hoc)
strdef datafile				// name of data file being saved
strdef filename
strdef AECmap
strdef headerstr			// header at top of data file
strdef cwd					// working directory
strdef sect
strdef Hname, KDname
KDname = "KD"
Hname = "h"
// ------

// ---- Global objref
objref StrFx			// StringFunction object 
objref esyn, isyn		// lists of excitatory and inhibitory synapse objects
esyn = new List()
isyn = new List()
objref syn, synlist		// List of all synapse objects inserted
synlist = new List()
objref synfilelist		// List of synapse filenames to include in batch sims
objref sref				// SectionRef
objref MS_				// MechanismStandard
objref KDchan,Hchan,Mchan,CaTchan,KAchan		// chanAnalysis objects for logging mean conductance
objref AREAS
objref GLS

// SectionList objects to subdivide the LGMD
objref Ctines,Chandle,InhEnds
objref ParentBranch,ChildBranch
objref FieldA, TineBase
objref TineEnds
objref siz
objref KDList, HList, MList, CaTList, KAList
HList = new SectionList()
KDList = new SectionList()
KAList = new SectionList()
MList = new SectionList()
CaTList = new SectionList()

Ctines = new SectionList()		// Field C branches
Chandle = new SectionList()		// neurite connecting Field C to Handle
InhEnds = new SectionList()		// End compartments of Field B and C branches
ParentBranch = new SectionList()	// 
ChildBranch = new SectionList()
//FindBranches( ParentBranch, ChildBranch, FieldA)
TineBase = new SectionList()
// FindFieldBase( TineBase, "MainTrunk", "Tines" )
TineEnds = new SectionList()
// FindEnds(TineEnds,"Tines")

MakeSecList( siz, "soma", "SIZ")
MakeSecList( FieldA, "MainTrunk", "Tines")

// I use the '_G_' suffix for many global objects to decrease the chances of name conflicts
objref idc_G_[2]			// Array of step currents (IClamp objects) used for dc holding current
objref sp_G_[5]				// Array of sum pulses (sEPSP objects) used for summation sims
objref cw_G_				// Chirp current (chirp object) used for ZAP measure sims
objref simsecs_G_			// SectionList specifying sections from which to record simulation data
objref rvec_G_[1], tvec_G_	// time and data vectors to record during simulation
objref ivec_G_				// current vector to record
objref gvec_G_				// conductance and state vectors to record during simulation
objref vecList				// list of vectors (currently unused)
RecDt = 0.2					// Sample interval (ms) for saving recorded data to file (should be multiple of dt)
objref objtmp[1]

idc_G_[1] = new IClamp()
Tines[1] idc_G_[1].loc(0.5)
tvec_G_ = new Vector()
tvec_G_.record(idc_G_[1], &t, RecDt)
ivec_G_ = new Vector()
gvec_G_ = new List()
cw_G_ = new chirp()

// ------

// ***** Setup input and output directory paths *****

StrFx = new StringFunctions()
strtmp="date \"+%m%d%Y\" "
system(strtmp,tmpstr)			// get current date
strlen = StrFx.len(tmpstr)
StrFx.left(tmpstr,strlen-1)	// remove newline character at end of string

// make directory to save data
datadir_ = "data/"				// data directory is named "data"
sprint( DATADIR, "%s%s", datadir_, tmpstr )
sprint(strtmp, "mkdir %s", DATADIR)

// ***** End Setup input and output directory paths *****

/* --- Initialize Global variables for LGMD simulation --- */

loadsyn=0		// state. whether to load synapse files for visual stimulus. 0=none, 1=set file, 2=set directory 
seclist=2		// state. sets which sections to add to SecList used by simulations

synCa = 0		// state. synapse causes Ca influx (value enumerates different effects of Ca influx)
recCa = 0		// boolean. whether to record cai instead of v
acn = 0			// boolean. whether the moddel has cyclic nucleotide dependent mechs
presyn=1		// boolean. Wether SimBatch procedure preloads synapses before starting sim

// tstart = 350	// time to start simulations (ms). Allows model to reach steady state
e4AP = 0.90		// effectiveness of 4AP application (0 = no effect, 1 = complete block)
eZD = 0.98		// effectiveness of ZD7288 application (0 = no effect, 1 = complete block)
eXE = 0.90		// effectiveness of XE991 application (0 = no effect, 1 = complete block)
tstart=0		// the time (ms into simulation) that stimulus starts
t0=0			// the time of collision for visual stimuli
forall nSection+=1		// number of sections in the model

AREAS = new Vector(nSection)
forall {
	AREAS.x[n] = area(0.5)
SA = AREAS.sum()	// total surface area of cell
/* --- end simulation globals */

/* --- Initialize Global membrane variables --- */

gl = 6.0e-6		// leak conductance (S/cm2) (for FieldA, some other sections set higher)
el = -65		// leak reversal potential (mV)
Cm = 0.75		// membrane capacitance (µF/cm2)
axial = 350		// axial resistivity (Ωcm) (some sections ignore this value)
SIZNa = 0.25	// sodium channel density at siz (S/cm2) (other sections scaled to this value)
SIZKdr = 1.0e-2	// Kdr channel density at siz (S/cm2) (other sections scaled to this value)
SIZM = 1.3e-3	// M channel density at siz (S/cm2) (other sections scaled to this value)
EK = -76		// K+ reversal potential (mV)
ENa = 50		// Na+ reversal potential (mV)
ECa = 100		// initial Ca2+ reversal potential (mV), changes with Ca2+ influx and eflux

//	in locust saline (mM): [Na] = 144, [K] = 5, [Ca]=5, [Cl]=157