// func isclass( objref, class name )	-	checks if object is of a given type
	// dependency: none (stdlib and stdrun always assumed to be loaded and not listed in dependency)

// proc MechList( List )	-	adds String with the name of all membrane mechanisms in cas to List
	// dependency: none

// proc getglist( List )	-	get the names of all membrane mechanisms in cas with a 'g' variable
	// dependency: MechList (local)

// func Rm( channel name(s), Rm/Gm flag )	-	returns membrane resistance or conductance
	// dependency: MakeStringList (local), getglist (local)

// func meanRm( sections, mechanism(s), Rm/Gm flag)
	// dependency: Rm (local), MakeStringList (local), getglist (local)

// proc HCNDist( strdef gradient name )	-	set the gradient of HCN distributions
	// dependency: issplit, StopPar, StartPar (parinit); meanRm (local)


proc handle_M_dist() { local D, Mhalf, MS, Mmax, Mmin, ms
        Mmax = SIZM
        Mmin = 2.5e-4
        Mhalf = 180
        MS = -70
        ms = issplit()
        if (ms) stopPar()
        soma[0] {distance()}
        forsec "Handle" {
        	D = distance(0.5)
        	gmax_M = (Mmin + (Mmax-Mmin)/(1+exp((Mhalf-D)/MS)))

        if (ms) startPar()

proc handle_Na_dist() { local D, d_half, Namax, S, Namin, ms
        Namin = 1.0e-2
        Namax = SIZNa
        d_half = 120
        S = -120
        ms = issplit()
        if (ms) stopPar()

		soma[0] {distance()}
		forsec "Handle" {
        	D = distance(0.5)
        	gmax_Na = (Namin + (Namax-Namin)/(1+exp((d_half-D)/S)))
        if (ms) startPar()


proc add4AP() {localobj ml
	//MechList( ml )
	forall {
		if (ismembrane("KD")) gmax_KD = gmax_KD*(1-e4AP)
proc wash4AP() {
	forall {
		if (ismembrane("KD")) gmax_KD = gmax_KD/(1-e4AP)
proc addZD7288() {
	forall {
		if (ismembrane("h")) gmax_h = gmax_h*(1-eZD)
proc washZD7288() {
	forall {
		if (ismembrane("h")) gmax_h = gmax_h/(1-eZD)
proc addXE991() {
	forall if (ismembrane("M")) gmax_M = gmax_M*(1-eXE)
	if (numarg()>0) if (strcmp($s1,"axon")==0) {
		forsec "Axon" gmax_M = gmax_M*2
proc washXE991() {
	forall if (ismembrane("M")) gmax_M = gmax_M/(1-eXE)
	if (numarg()>0) if (strcmp($s1,"axon")==0) {
		forsec "Axon" gmax_M = gmax_M/2

proc makenonspiking() {
	forall {
		if (ismembrane("Na")) uninsert Na
		if (ismembrane("HH_Kdr")) uninsert HH_Kdr
		if (ismembrane("KCa")) uninsert KCa
		if (ismembrane("CaIn")) uninsert CaIn

proc MechList() { local i, cas localobj ml, mt
//MechList( string list, cas flag )
// creates a list of strings with the names of all membrane mechanisms in cas or all sections

	if (object_id($o1,1) == -1)	$o1 = new List()	// if object is null make a new List
	ml = $o1
	mt = new MechanismType(0)
	if (numarg()>1) cas = $2	else cas = 0

	for i=0,mt.count()-1 {
		if (cas) {
			if (MechChk(strtmp) == 1)	ml.append(new String(strtmp))
		} else	ml.append(new String(strtmp))

proc PPList() { local i	localobj ml, mt
//PPList( string list, type )
// creates a list of strings with the names of point processes in cas

	if (object_id($o1,1) == -1)	$o1 = new List()	// if object is null make a new List
	ml = $o1
	mt = new MechanismType(1)
// 	if (numarg()>1) cas = $2	else cas = 0

	for i=0,mt.count()-1 {
		if (MechChk(strtmp) == 1)	ml.append(new String(strtmp))

func MechChk() { local i,val localobj ms
//bool = MechChk( string )
// checks whether membrane mechanism named "string" is in current section. Returns 1 if yes, 0 if not

	ms = new MechanismStandard($s1,0)
	val = -1.3e20		// assuming no parameter will be equal to this value
	if (ms.count() > 0) {
		i = (val != ms.get(tmpstr))
	return i

proc getglist() { local i,j,flag, cas localobj glist, ms, SF
// getglist( List, cas flag )
// generate a list of conductance mechanisms in cas or all sections (all membrane mechs with a 'g' value)

	if (numarg()>1) cas = $2	else cas = 0
	if (object_id($o1,1) == -1)	$o1 = new List()	// if object is null make a new List
	glist = $o1
	MechList(glist, cas)
	SF = new StringFunctions()

	for (i=glist.count()-1; i>=0; i=i-1) {
		ms = new MechanismStandard(glist.o(i).s, 0)
		for j=0,ms.count()-1 {
			if (SF.substr(strtmp,"g_") != -1) {
		if (flag == 0) glist.remove(i)

proc gvecSetup() {local gi	localobj objtmp, gvec


	if (numarg()>1) gi=$2 else gi=0
	idc_G_[1] = new IClamp()
	Tines[1] idc_G_[1].loc(0.5)

	if (numarg() > 0) {
		if (argtype(1)==1)	gvec = $o1 else gvec = gvec_G_
	} else gvec = gvec_G_

	if (SectionListCount(HList)>0) {
		if (strcmp(Hname,"hcn") == 0) {
			Hchan = new hcnAnalysis()
		} else if (strcmp(Hname,"h") == 0) {
			Hchan = new hAnalysis()
		objtmp = new Vector()
		if (gi==0) {
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &Hchan.nh, RecDt)
		} else if (gi==1) {
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &Hchan.ih, RecDt)
	if (SectionListCount(KDList)>0) {
		if (strcmp(KDname,"KD") == 0) {
			KDchan = new KDAnalysis()
		} else if (strcmp(KDname,"KD_ca3") == 0) {
			KDchan = new KD3Analysis()
		objtmp = new Vector()
		if (gi==0) {
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &KDchan.nKD, RecDt)
			objtmp = new Vector()
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &KDchan.lKD, RecDt)
		} else if (gi==1) {
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &KDchan.iKD, RecDt)
	if (SectionListCount(KAList)>0) {
		KAchan = new KAAnalysis()
		objtmp = new Vector()
		if (gi==0) {
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &KAchan.nKA, RecDt)
			objtmp = new Vector()
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &KAchan.lKA, RecDt)
		} else if (gi==1) {
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &KAchan.iKA, RecDt)

	if (SectionListCount(CaTList)>0) {
		CaTchan = new CaTAnalysis()
		objtmp = new Vector()
		if (gi==0) {
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &CaTchan.sCaT, RecDt)
			objtmp = new Vector()
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &CaTchan.hCaT, RecDt)
		} else if (gi==1) {
			objtmp.record(idc_G_[1], &CaTchan.iCaT, RecDt)

proc getgvec() { local i,j localobj gvec, ml, ms, SF
// getgvec( Vector, List )
// getgvec( Vector )
// generate vector of conductance values of all mechanisms in List. If no List given, calls
//		MechList and uses all conductance mechanisms

	gvec = $o1
	if (numarg()>1) {
		ml = $o2
	} else {
		ml = new List()
	if (object_id(gvec,1) == -1) gvec=new Vector(ml.count(),0)
	SF = new StringFunctions()

	for i=0,ml.count()-1 {
		ms = new MechanismStandard(ml.o(i).s, 0)
		for j=0,ms.count()-1 {
			if (SF.substr(strtmp,"g_") != -1) {

func Rm() { local i,flag localobj gls
// val = Rm( strdef channel name )
// val = Rm( List channel name(s) )
// val = Rm( channel name(s), Rm/Gm flag )
// val = Rm( "", Rm/Gm flag )
// measure membrane resistivity megaohm*cm^2 (flag == 0) or conductivity S/cm^2 (flag == 1)

	flag = 0

	if (numarg() > 0) {
		if (argtype(1) == 1) {
			gls = $o1
		} else if (argtype(1)==2) {
			gls = new List()
		} else if (argtype(1)==0) {
			gls = new List()
	} else {
		gls = new List()
	if (numarg() > 1) flag = $2
	for i=0,gls.count()-1 {
		if (ismembrane(gls.o(i).s)) {
			sprint( strtmp, "RmGtot += g_%s", gls.o(i).s)
			//if (verbosity > 3) printf("%s", strtmp)
	if (flag ==1) {
		return RmGtot
	} else {
		if (RmGtot == 0) return 1e30 else return 1e-3/RmGtot

func sum_state() { local err
// sum = sum_state( strdef, SectionList )

	sprint( strtmp, "Ssum += %s*area(0.5)", $s2)
	forsec $o1 {
		if (err==-1) {
			err = execute1(strtmp)
			if (err==0) return -1
		} else execute(strtmp)
	return Ssum

func meanRm() { local argn,i,flag, Asum,Gsum localobj gls, sl
// val = meanRm( sections, mechanism(s), Rm/Gm flag)
// 'sections' can be a SectionList or string specifying sections to measure
// 'mechanisms' can be a List of membrane mechanisms, a string with name of mechanism, or 
// 		else a list of all membrane mechanisms is generated
// if Rm/Gm flag == 1 returms mean membrane conductivity (S/cm^2).
// measure membrane resistivity megaohm*cm^2 (flag == 0) or conductivity S/cm^2 (flag == 1)

	flag = 0
	Asum = 0
	argn = numarg()
	if (verbosity > 3) for i=1,argn print argtype(i)

	if (argn >= 1) {
		if (argtype(1)==2)	{
			sl = new SectionList()
			forall ifsec $s1 sl.append()
			if (verbosity > 4) sl.printnames()
		} else if (argtype(1)==1)	sl = $o1
	} else {
		if (verbosity > 1) printf("Must give at least 1 input arg: meanRm\n")
		return -1

	if (argn >= 2) {
		if (argtype(2)==1) {
			gls = $o2
		} else if (argtype(2)==2) {
			gls = new List()
		} else if (argtype(2)==0) {
			gls = new List()
	} else {
		gls = new List()
	if ((argn >= 3) && (argtype(3)==0) ) flag = $3

	if ( SectionListCount(sl) == 0 )	return -1
	if (object_id(sl) != 0) {
		forsec sl for (x,0) {
			Asum += area(x)				// µm2
			Gsum += Rm(gls,1)*area(x)	// S/cm2*µm2 = S*10^-8
	} else {
		forall for (x,0) {
			Asum += area(x)				// µm2
			Gsum += Rm(gls,1)*area(x)	// S/cm2*µm2 = S*10^-8

	if (flag ==1) {
		return Gsum/Asum		// S/cm2
	} else {
		if (Gsum == 0) return 1e30 else return Asum*1e-3/Gsum	// MΩ•cm2

obfunc getchan() { local i,flag localobj glist, ms, SF
// mech = getchan( strdef )
// generate a list of conductance mechanisms in section (all membrane mechs with a 'g' value)

	glist = new List()	// if object is null make a new List
	SF = new StringFunctions()

	for (i=glist.count()-1; i>=0; i=i-1) {
		if (SF.substr( glist.o(i).s, $s1) != -1) {
			ms = new MechanismStandard( glist.o(i).s, 0)
	return ms

// proc HCNDist() { local Gm, iss, scale, md, grest
// //HCNDist( gradient name )
// 	iss = issplit()
// 	if (iss) stopPar()
// 	if (verbosity > 2) printf( "HCNDist: dist = %s\n", $s1 )
// 	finitialize(v_init)
// 	Gm = meanRm( FieldA, "hcn", 1)
// 	grest = Tines[0].g_hcn/Tines[0].gmax_hcn // %gmax at rest. grest = n_ncn at -65 mV
// 	//weighted mean of gmax = Gm/grest
// 	if ( strcmp("flat", $s1) == 0 ) {
// 		forsec FieldA gmax_hcn = Gm/grest
// 	} else if ( strcmp("increase", $s1) == 0 ) {
// 		Handle[60] distance()
// 		forsec FieldA gmax_hcn = 1e-6*distance(0.5)
// 		init()
// 		scale = Gm/meanRm(FieldA,"hcn",1)
// 		forsec FieldA gmax_hcn = gmax_hcn*scale
// 	} else if ( strcmp("decrease", $s1) == 0 ) {
// 		Handle[60] distance()
// 		forsec FieldA if (distance(0.5) > md) md = distance(0.5)
// 		forsec FieldA gmax_hcn = 1e-6*( md - distance(0.5) )
// 		init()
// 		scale = Gm/meanRm(FieldA,"hcn",1)
// 		forsec FieldA gmax_hcn = gmax_hcn*scale
// 	}
// 	forsec FieldA gmax_KD_ca3 = 4e-3 + gmax_hcn*140
// 	if (iss) startPar()
// }

func meanCaI() { local argn,i, A,ci localobj sl
	//meanCaI( sections )

	ci= 0
	A = 0
	argn = numarg()
	if (verbosity > 3) for i=1,argn print argtype(i)

	if (argn >= 1) {
		if (argtype(1)==2)	{
			sl = new SectionList()
			forall ifsec $s1 sl.append()
			if (verbosity > 2) sl.printnames()
		} else if (argtype(1)==1)	sl = $o1
	if (object_id(sl) != 0) {
		forsec sl for (x,0) {
			A += area(x)
			ci += cai*area(x)
	} else {
		forall for (x,0) {
			A += area(x)
			ci += cai*area(x)

	return ci/A

/*func gmrin() {
forall g_pas=1e-1
MainTrunk[0] print zz.input(0.5)

func ri2() {local val,i	localobj sref
// val = ri2( void )
// measures the sum axial resistance (MΩ) between cas and its adjacent section

	sref = new SectionRef()
	if (sref.has_parent()) val=ri(0.5)
	for i= 0,sref.nchild-1 {
		sref.child[i] val+=ri(0.5)

func lambda() { local val, rm

	if (numarg() > 0) rm = $1 else rm = Rm()
	val = 0.5*(diam*rm/Ra)^0.5

	return val

proc swapchans() {local g
	// swapchans( channel name1, channel name2 )
	// swap chans replaces one conductance with another maintaining gmax in each section
	forall {
		strtmp = $s1
		if (ismembrane(strtmp)) {
			sprint(tmpstr, "g = gmax_%s", strtmp)
			sprint(tmpstr, "uninsert %s", strtmp)
			strtmp = $s2
			sprint(tmpstr, "insert %s", strtmp)
			sprint(tmpstr, "gmax_%s = g", strtmp)


// proc ZratioRa() { local zf,rmax,strobj,up localobj zz, sl, sref
// // ZratioRa(section list, init section, peak Ra, frequency, increase/decrease)
// zf=10
// rmax=300
// up=0
// finitialize(v_init)
// if (argtype(1)==2)	{
// 	sl = new SectionList()
// 	forall ifsec $s1 sl.append()
// 	if (verbosity > 2) sl.printnames()
// } else if (argtype(1)==1)	sl = $o1
// if (numarg()>1) {
// 	if (argtype(2)==2)	{
// 		sprint(tmpstr, "%s sref = new SectionRef()", $s2)
// 		if (verbosity > 2) printf("%s\n", tmpstr)
// 		execute(tmpstr)
// 	}
// 	if (argtype(2)==1)	sref = $o2
// } else soma[0] sref = new SectionRef()
// if (numarg()>2) rmax = $3
// if (numarg()>3) zf = $4
// if (numarg()>4) up = $5
// 	//if (msplit) stopPar()
// 	zz = new Impedance()
// 	sref.sec { zz.loc(0.5) }
// 	zz.compute(zf)
// 	forsec sl {
// 		if (up==0) Ra=rmax*zz.ratio(0.5)
// 		if (up>0) Ra=rmax/zz.ratio(0.5)
// 	}
// 	//if (msplit) load_file(1,"initpar.hoc")
// }
// obfunc Zmap() {local zf,pwr,in,i localobj zz, chan, sl, map, sref
// // Zmap(section list, init section, frequency, pwr, in/out)
// zf=0
// pwr=1
// in=0
// i=0
// finitialize(v_init)
// if (argtype(1)==2)	{
// 	sl = new SectionList()
// 	forall ifsec $s1 sl.append()
// 	if (verbosity > 2) sl.printnames()
// } else if (argtype(1)==1)	sl = $o1
// if (numarg()>1) {
// 	if (argtype(2)==2)	{
// 		sprint(tmpstr, "%s sref = new SectionRef()", $s2)
// 		if (verbosity > 2) printf("%s\n", tmpstr)
// 		execute(tmpstr)
// 	}
// 	if (argtype(2)==1)	sref = $o2
// } else soma[0] sref = new SectionRef()
// if (numarg()>2) zf = $3
// if (numarg()>3) pwr = $4
// if (numarg()>4) in = $5
// forsec sl i+=1
// map = new Vector(i)
// zz = new Impedance()
// if (verbosity > 3) printf("%g\n", map.size())
// if (in == 1) {
// 	sref.sec { zz.loc(0.5) }
// 	zz.compute(zf)
// 	i=0
// 	forsec sl {
// 		map.x[i]=zz.ratio(0.5)^pwr
// 		i+=1
// 	}
// } else {
// 	i=0
// 	forsec sl {
// 		zz.loc(0.5)
// 		zz.compute(zf)
// 		sref.sec map.x[i]=zz.ratio(0.5)^pwr
// 		i+=1
// 	}
// }
// return map
// }
// proc ZDirect_g() { local argn,zf,grel,reps,pwr,g,zo,i,max,glim	 localobj z1, z2, chan, sl
// // ZDirect_g( section list, ref section, chan, grel, frequency, reps,pwr,glim,max change)
// zf=0
// grel=1e-5
// reps=0
// pwr=1
// max=1e2
// glim=1
// finitialize(v_init)
// argn=numarg()
// chan = new String()
// if (argtype(1)==2)	{
// 	sl = new SectionList()
// 	forall ifsec $s1 sl.append()
// 	if (verbosity > 2) sl.printnames()
// } else if (argtype(1)==1)	sl = $o1
// if (argn>1) {
// 	if (argtype(2)==2)	{
// 		sprint(tmpstr, "%s sref = new SectionRef()", $s2)
// 		if (verbosity > 2) printf("%s\n", tmpstr)
// 		execute(tmpstr)
// 	}
// 	if (argtype(2)==1)	sref = $o2
// } else soma[0] sref = new SectionRef()
// if (argn>2) {
// 	if (argtype(3)==2)	chan.s = $s3
// 	if (argtype(3)==1)	chan = $o3
// }
// if (argn>3) grel =$4
// if (argn>4) zf = $5
// if (argn>5) reps =$6
// if (argn>6) pwr = $7
// if (argn>7) glim =$8
// if (argn>8) max = $9
// for i=0,reps {
// 	z1 = new Impedance()
// 	z2 = new Impedance()
// 	sref.sec { z1.loc(0.5) }
// 	z1.compute(zf)
// 	forsec sl {
// 		if (ismembrane(chan.s)) {
// 			z2.loc(0.5)
// 			z2.compute(zf)
// 			sref.sec zo = z2.ratio(0.5)
// 			if (grel == 0) {
// 				sprint(tmpstr, "val = gmax_%s", chan.s)
// 				execute(tmpstr)
// 				g = val+max*val*(zo-z1.ratio(0.5)^pwr)
// 			} else g = grel+max*grel*(zo-z1.ratio(0.5)^pwr)
// 			if (verbosity > 3) printf("%g", g)
// 			if (g<1e-9) g=0
// 			if (g>glim) g=glim
// 			sprint(tmpstr, "gmax_%s = %g", chan.s, g)
// 			execute(tmpstr)
// 		}
// 	}
// }
// }
proc Zratio_g() { local zf,grel,up,pwr,max,g localobj zz, chan, sl
// Zratio_g( section list, init section, chan, grel, frequency, increase/decrease, pwr, max )
// sets conductance within sections based on the ratio of impedance between that section 
// and a reference location



chan = new String()
if (argtype(1)==2)	{
	sl = new SectionList()
	forall ifsec $s1 sl.append()
	if (verbosity > 3) sl.printnames()
} else if (argtype(1)==1)	sl = $o1

if (numarg()>1) {
	if (argtype(2)==2)	{
		sprint(tmpstr, "%s sref = new SectionRef()", $s2)
		if (verbosity > 2) printf("%s\n", tmpstr)
	if (argtype(2)==1)	sref = $o2
} else soma[0] sref = new SectionRef()
if (numarg()>2) {
	if (argtype(3)==2)	chan.s = $s3
	if (argtype(3)==1)	chan = $o3
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("%s\n", chan.s)
if (numarg()>3) grel = $4
if (numarg()>4) zf = $5
if (numarg()>5) up = $6
if (numarg()>6) pwr = $7
if (numarg()>7) max = $8

	//if (msplit) stopPar()
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("grel = %g\tzf = %g\tup = %g\tpwr = %g\tmax = %g\n", grel,zf,up,pwr,max)

	zz = new Impedance()
	sref.sec { zz.loc(0.5) }
	forsec sl {
		if (ismembrane(chan.s)) {
			if (grel == 0) {
				if (strcmp(chan.s, "pas") ==0) { sprint(tmpstr, "val = g_%s", chan.s)
				} else sprint(tmpstr, "val = gmax_%s", chan.s)
			} else val = grel

			if (up==0) {
				g = val*zz.ratio(0.5)^pwr
				if (g>max) g=max
				if (strcmp(chan.s, "pas") ==0) { sprint(tmpstr, "g_pas = %g", g)
				} else sprint(tmpstr, "gmax_%s = %g", chan.s, g)
			if (up>0) {
				g = val/zz.ratio(0.5)^pwr
				if (g>max) g=max
				if (strcmp(chan.s, "pas") ==0) { sprint(tmpstr, "g_pas = %g", g)
				} else sprint(tmpstr, "gmax_%s = %g", chan.s, g)
// proc ImpedanceMeasure() { local n,i,j,nsect,nVm,atmp,rtmp,ztmp,zf  localobj savdata,sections,Atot,Zin,rax,Vms,zz
// //ImpedanceMeasure(filename,sections,Vm vector,frequency)
// // calculates the surface area weighted average input impedance for specified sections at different Vm and freq
// // siz, handle, maintrunk, tines, field B, Ctines, Chandle, axon, cell
// n = numarg()
// filename = $s1
// sections = $o2
// Vms = $o3
// zf=0
// if (n>3) zf = $4
// nVm = Vms.size()
// nsect = sections.size()
// Atot = new Vector(nsect+1)
// rax = new Vector(nsect+1)
// atmp=0
// ztmp=0
// savdata = new File()
// savdata.wopen(filename)
// savdata.printf( "Measured impedance at %d membrane potentials for %d sections\n", nVm, nsect)
// savdata.printf( "Sections:\t")
// stopPar()
// for i=0,nVm-1 {
// 	Zin = new Vector(nsect+1)
// 	finitialize(Vms.x[i])
// 	zz = new Impedance()
// 	zz.loc(0.5)
// 	zz.compute(zf)
// 	for j=0,nsect-1 {
// 		rtmp=0
// 		if ( isclass(sections.o(j), "SectionList") ) {
// 			if (i==0) savdata.printf( "%s\t", sections.o(j) )
// 			forsec sections.o(j) {
// 				sa=area(0.5)
// 				if (i==0) {
// 					atmp += sa
// 					rtmp += sa*Ra
// 				}
// 				ztmp += sa*zz.input(0.5)
// 			}
// 		} else if ( isclass(sections.o(j), "String") ) {
// 			if (i==0) savdata.printf( "%s\t", sections.o(j).s )
// 			forsec sections.o(j).s {
// 				sa=area(0.5)
// 				if (i==0) {
// 					atmp += sa
// 					rtmp += sa*Ra
// 				}
// 				ztmp += sa*zz.input(0.5)
// 			}
// 		}
// 		if (i==0) {
// 			Atot.x[j]=atmp
// 			rax.x[j]=rtmp/atmp
// 		}	
// 		Zin.x[j]=ztmp/atmp
// 	}
// 	j=nsect
// 	atmp = totalarea()
// 	ztmp=0
// 	rtmp=0
// 	forall {
// 		ztmp += area(0.5)*zz.input(0.5)
// 		rtmp += area(0.5)*Ra
// 	}
// 	if (i==0) {
// 		Atot.x[j]=atmp
// 		rax.x[j]=rtmp/atmp
// 	}
// 	Zin.x[j]=ztmp/atmp
// 	if (i==0) {
// 		savdata.printf( "all\n" )
// 		savdata.printf( "Area (cm^2):\t")
// 		Atot.printf(savdata,"%g\t")
// 		savdata.printf( "\n" )
// 		savdata.printf( "Ra (Ωcm):\t")
// 		rax.printf(savdata, "%g\t")
// 		savdata.printf( "\n" )
// 	}
// 	savdata.printf( "\nVm = %g\n",  Vms.x[i])
// 	savdata.printf( "Z(%g) (MΩ):\t", zf)
// 	Zin.printf(savdata, "%g\t")
// 	savdata.printf( "\n" )
// 	//rvec.vwrite(savdata,4)
// }
// savdata.close()
// //chdir(cwd)
// }
// func meanVatt() { local n,Vm,lz,ztmp,zf,ms,dir  localobj sl,zz, sref
// //val = meanVatt(section list, Vm, frequency, direction)
// //MainTrunk[0] val = meanVatt(FieldA, -65, 0, 0)
// 	n = numarg()
// 	if (n >= 1) {
// 		if (argtype(1)==2)	{
// 			sl = new SectionList()
// 			forall ifsec $s1 sl.append()
// 			if (verbosity > 4) sl.printnames()
// 		} else if (argtype(1)==1)	sl = $o1
// 	} else {
// 		if (verbosity > 1) printf("Must give at least 1 input arg: meanVatt\n")
// 		return -1
// 	}
// 	if (n>1) Vm = $2 else Vm=v_init
// 	if (n>2) zf = $3 else zf=0
// 	if (n>3) dir = $4 else dir=0
// 	ztmp=0
// 	ms = issplit()
// 	if (ms) stopPar()
// 	finitialize(Vm)
// 	sa = sectionarea(sl)
// 	zz = new Impedance()
// 	if (dir==1) {
// 		zz.loc(0.5)
// 		zz.compute(zf)
// 		forsec sl {
// 			ztmp += area(0.5)*zz.ratio(0.5)
// 		}
// 	} else if (dir==0) {
// 		sref = new SectionRef()
// 		forsec sl {
// 			zz.loc(0.5)
// 			zz.compute(zf)
// 			sref.sec { lz = zz.ratio(0.5) }
// 			ztmp += area(0.5)*lz
// 		}
// 	}
// 	mva = ztmp/sa
// 	if (ms) startPar()
// 	return mva
// }