
/* --- Initialize Global NEURON Settings --- */

secondorder=2			// sets the time integration method
v_init = -65			// initial membrane potential
steps_per_ms = 10		// number of points to plot per ms
dt = 0.02				// time step of simulations (in ms)	(must be compatible with steps_per_ms)
t = 0					// Neuron time (ms)
tstop=500				// time (ms) that simulation stops
realtime = 0			// real world time since simulation start (s)
screen_update_invl= 0.1	// how often to update plots (s)
/* --- End Global NEURON Settings --- */

/* --- Initialize Global variables for simulations --- */
verbosity = 2		// scalar. verbosity level (0-6). Sets how much to print to command line
if (verbosity > 2) printf("Verbosity level is %g \n", verbosity)
showGUI = 1		// boolean. whether to run "initgui.hoc" to open gui
msplit = 1		// boolean. whether to start multisplit parallel context (requires openMPI)
nmt = 8			// int. number of threads to run (this value should be changed for your system)
/* --- End Global simulation variables --- */

load_file("stdutil.hoc")		// general utility procs and funcs (all model independent)

/* --- load model specific morphology--- */
load_file("04_06_15_LGMDreconstruction_NEURON.hoc")	// Import the reconstruction, set morphology
/* ---- */

load_file("mview.hoc")			 	// load buit-in modelview library

/* --- load model specific parameters--- */
load_file("LGMDparams.hoc")			// setup global variables and parameters for simulations
/* ---- */

load_file("parinit.hoc")		 	// Setup multisplit

load_file("MorphologyUtilities.hoc")	// Procs and funcs related to morphology

load_file("MembraneUtilities.hoc")	// Procs and funcs related to membrane conductances

load_file("SimulationUtilities.hoc")	// Procs and funcs related simulations (i.e SaveData())
load_file("CurrentInjections.hoc")	// current injection simulation procedures

if (verbosity > 2) printf("Utility functions loaded \n")

load_file("LGMD_membrane.hoc")		// set membrane properties for each section
/* ---- */

if (showGUI) {

if (msplit) {