//moddir mods

// This model was created using nrn version 7.6. Should be compatible with newer versions,
// but this has not been tested

// load_file("nrngui.hoc")
// load_file("mview.hoc")

xpanel("Dewell & Gabbiani 2018 J Neurophysiol")
  xlabel("See the readme for more info")

  xlabel("Choose a simulation and then quit and restart to try another")
// For simulations of injected simulated EPSP shown in figure 6:
  xlabel("** Simulated EPSPs **")
  xlabel("** Saves results to 'data/[date]/sEPSP' directory **")
  xbutton("Figure 6 G,H","{sEPSP_series()}")

// For step current simulations shown in figure 6:
  xlabel("** Current steps **")
  xlabel("** Saves results to 'data/[date]/steps' directory **")
  xbutton("Figure 6 D-F, and 7A","{step_series()}")

// For simulations of chirp currents shown in figure 7:
  xlabel("** Chirp currents **")
  xlabel("** Saves results to 'data/[date]/chirps' directory **")
  xbutton("Figure 7","{chirp_series()}")
  xlabel(" ")