// func isclass( objref, class name )	-	checks if object is of a given type
	// dependency: none (stdlib and stdrun always assumed to be loaded and not listed in dependency)

// proc MakeSecList( SectionList, section, ... )	-	adds sections to SectionList from input strdef(s)
	// dependency: isclass (local)

// obfunc chkSecList( sections )	-	checks if input is SectionList. Makes one if not (NOTE: this is useless)
	// dependency: none

// proc MakeStringList( List, section, ... )	-	adds Strings from input strdef(s) to List
	// dependency: none

// func SectionListCount( SectionList )	-	returns number of sections in SectionList
	// dependency: none

// proc findobj( out List, in List, parameter, value)	-	finds obj in List that have a given attribute
	// dependency: none

strdef strtmp, tmpstr		// tmp strings used by several procs & funcs (there are no local strdef in hoc)
objref StepEvents_, AdvanceEvents_
StepEvents_ = new List()
AdvanceEvents_ = new List()

proc init() {

proc step() {local i
	if (using_cvode_) {
	}else for i=1,nstep_steprun {

proc doStepEvent() {local i,cnt
	cnt = StepEvents_.count()-1
	for i=0,cnt { 


proc impedancemenu() {
	xbutton("Frequency", "load_file(\"impratio.hoc\") makeImpRatio()")
	xbutton("Path", "load_file(\"impedanx.hoc\") makeImpx()")
	xbutton("log(A) vs x", "load_file(\"logax.hoc\") makelogax()")
	xbutton("Shape", "load_file(\"attshape.hoc\") makeImpShape()")

proc CleanStepEvent() {local i
	for (i=StepEvents_.count()-1; i>=0; i=i-1) {


func AddToStep() {local n
	n = StepEvents_.append($o1)
	return n

proc RemoveFromStep() {local n
	n = StepEvents_.index($o1)
	if (n>-1)	StepEvents_.remove(n)

proc RemoveFromList() {local n
	n = $o1.index($o2)
	if (n>-1)	$o1.remove(n)

func isclass() {
// isclass( object, class name)
// returns 1 if the object is of the specified class, returns 0 if not

   classname($o1, strtmp)
   return strcmp(strtmp, $s2) == 0

proc MakeSecList() { local i,count //localobj sl, sref
//MakeSecList( SectionList, char list)
// create a new sectionlist from an input list of section names. uses greedy regexp ("" matches all)
	//sref = new SectionRef()
	count = numarg()
	//sl = $o1
	if (isclass( $o1,"NULLobject")) $o1 = new SectionList()
	for i=2,count {
		forall ifsec $si $o1.append()
		//strtmp = $si
		//sl.append( strtmp )
		//sprint(tmpstr, "%s sref = new SectionRef()", $si)
		//sprint(tmpstr, "%s sl.append()", $si)

func objrefcount() {local i
	execute1("for i=0,1e3 $o1[i]",0)
	return i

proc get_sec() {
// get the section name for the specified inserted mechanism
// get_sec(point process, strdef)
// get_sec(point process, string list)

	if (argtype(2)==2) {
		$o1.get_loc() $s2 = secname() pop_section()
	} else if (argtype(2)==1) {
		$o1.get_loc() $o2.append(new String( secname() )) pop_section()


proc get_sections() {local i
// get_sections(point process list, sectionlist)
// generates a sectionlist of the locations of a list of inserted mechanisms

	if (object_id($o2,1) == -1)	$o2 = new SectionList()
	for i = 0,$o1.count-1 {
		$o1.o(i).get_loc() $o2.append() pop_section()


obfunc get_subset() {local i, rm	localobj sL, PPs
// list = get_subset(point process list, section list, remove)
// returns the subset of objects in $o1 that are inserted in sections within $o2
// if remove, then remove the collected objects from $o1

	PPs = new List()
	get_sections( $o1, sL )
	rm=0		// whether to remove object from original list after adding to new list
	if (numarg()>2) rm = $3
	i=0		// section number
	forsec sL {		// for each oject in $o1 (iterate by section) 
		ifsec $o2 {	// if the section is also in test SectionList
			PPs.append($o1.o(i))	// add object to new list
			if (rm>0) {
				i-=1		// deprecate section number. After removal of o(i), o(i) is next object

	return PPs

obfunc chkSecList() { localobj sl
// chkSecList( sections )
// returns objref of SectionList including all sections indicated by input arg. Empty input matches all

	if (argtype(1)==2)	{
		sl = new SectionList()
		forall ifsec $s1 sl.append()
		if (verbosity > 2) printf("generated new SectionList from string: chkSecList\n")
		if (verbosity > 3) sl.printnames()
	} else if (argtype(1)==1) {
		sl = $o1
	} else {
		sl = new SectionList()
		forall sl.append()

	return sl

proc MakeStringList() { local i,count
// MakeStringList( List, string1, string2, ...)
// makes a List of String obj
	if (object_id($o1,1) == -1)	$o1 = new List()
	count = numarg()
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("MakeStringList: adding %g strings\n", count-1 )
	for i=2,count {
		$o1.append(new String($si))

func SectionListCount() { local count
//count = SectionListCount( sectionlist )
// counts number of unique sections in list
	forsec $o1 { count+=1 }

	return count

proc findobj() {local p0,p1,x,rng	localobj outlist, inlist, ms
// findobj(subset, full list, parameter, value)
// findobj(subset, full list, parameter, min value, max value)
// finds objects within List that has parameter equal to value or between min and max values
// returns a List with found objects

	outlist = $o1
	inlist = $o2
	tmpstr = $s3
	p0 = $4
	rng = 0
	if (numarg()>4) {
		p1 = $5
		rng = 1
	classname(inlist.o(0), strtmp)
	ms = new MechanismStandard(strtmp)
	for i=0,inlist.count()-1 {
		if ( isclass(inlist.o(i), strtmp) ) {
		} else {
			classname(inlist.o(0), strtmp)
			ms = new MechanismStandard(strtmp)
		x = ms.get(tmpstr)
		if (rng == 0) {
			if (x == p0)   outlist.append(inlist.o(i))
		} else {
			if (( x >= p0) && (x <= p1))  outlist.append(inlist.o(i))
