import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from netpyne import sim, specs
from scipy.optimize import golden
from clamps import VClamp, IClamp

netparams = specs.NetParams()
gc = netparams.importCellParams(
    conds={"cellType": "GranuleCell", "cellModel": "GranuleCell"},

class ElectrophysiologicalPhenotype(object):
    """ This object computes a wide variety of electrophysiological properties for 
        a given neuron object. 
    def __init__(self, cell):
        self.cell_dict = {"secs": cell["secs"]} 
        self.fi_data = {} 
        self.fi_curve = None
        self.rheo_current_brack = None

    def step_current(self, current, delay=250, duration=500):
        """ Injects a level of current and returns the number of spikes emitted
            current: `float`. Amount of current injected [nA]
            delay: `float`. Time after recording starts where current is injected [ms]
            duration: `float`. Total duration of the current injection [ms]
            `dict`. Results of the step current injection simulation
        iclamp = IClamp(self.cell_dict, delay=delay, duration=duration, T=duration + delay*2)
        res = iclamp(current)
        return res

    def compute_fi_curve(self, ilow=0, ihigh=0.5, n_steps=100, delay=250, duration=500):
        """ Computes the fi curve, and stores the raw data

            ilow: `float`. Starting current injection 
            ihigh: `float`. Top current injection 
            n_steps: `int`. Number of current injection steps 
            delay: `float`. Time after recording starts where current is injected [ms]
            duration: `float`. Total duration of the current injection [ms]

        self.fi_curve = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((n_steps, 2)), columns=["I", "F"])
        current_steps = np.linspace(ilow, ihigh, n_steps)
        self.fi_curve["I"] = current_steps 

        for j, current in enumerate(current_steps):
            self.fi_data[j] = self.step_current(current, delay=delay, duration=duration)
            self.fi_data[j]["current"] = current
            self.fi_curve.iloc[j, 0] = current
            self.fi_curve.iloc[j, 1] = self.fi_data[j]["rate"]

        #self._get_rheobase_bracket()   #for some reason, this needs to be commented out for opt'n to work. (SS)

        return self.fi_curve

    def _get_rheobase_bracket(self):
        """ Finds the initial bracket for the rheobase calculation based on the fI curve """
        ilow = np.max(self.fi_curve.loc[self.fi_curve.F == 0, "I"].values)
        ihigh = np.min(self.fi_curve.loc[self.fi_curve.F > 0, "I"].values)
        self.rheo_current_brack = (ilow, ihigh)

    def find_rheobase(self, current_brack=(0, 1), delay=250, duration=500, tol=1e-3):
        """ Finds the rheobase of the clamped neuron using Golden Section Search, 
            minimizing the loss function ((n_spikes-1) + I)^2, where I is the 
            injected current level 
            current_brack: `tuple` or `None`. (low, mid, high) for golden section search
            delay: `float`. Time after recording starts where current is injected [ms]
            duration: `float`. Total duration of the current injection [ms]
            tol: `float`. The tolerance level 

            `float`. Rheobase 
        # Use current bracket defined from F-I curve preferentially
        if self.rheo_current_brack is None:
            self.rheo_current_brack = current_brack 

        # Define the loss function 
        rheo_loss = lambda i: (( len(self.step_current(i, delay, duration)["spkt"]) - 1) + i)**2
        # Perform golden section search
        self.rheobase = golden(rheo_loss, brack=self.rheo_current_brack, tol=tol)

        return self.rheobase 

# gcpheno = ElectrophysiologicalPhenotype(gc)
# fi = gcpheno.compute_fi_curve(n_steps=20, delay=500, duration=1000)
# gcpheno.find_rheobase()

# i = 2
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2)
# ax[0].plot(gcpheno.fi_data[i]["t"], gcpheno.fi_data[i]["V"])
# ax[1].plot(gcpheno.fi_data[i]["t"], gcpheno.fi_data[i]["i"])
# plt.close()