//********** Perforant Path Stimulus ***********************************************
// artificial stimulus to activate PP
// extracted from
// Dentate gyrus network model
// Santhakumar V, Aradi I, Soltesz I (2005) J Neurophysiol 93:437-53
// https://senselab.med.yale.edu/ModelDB/showModel.cshtml?model=51781&file=\dentategyrusnet2005\DG500_M7.hoc
// ModelDB file along with publication:
// Yim MY, Hanuschkin A, Wolfart J (2015) Hippocampus 25:297-308.
// http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hipo.22373/abstract
// modified by
// Man Yi Yim / 2015
// Alexander Hanuschkin / 2011
begintemplate PPstim
//external PP_rate_, tstop
//external PP_box_start_,PP_box_stop_ // stimulation window instead of Poisson input ...
external PP_freq_
public pp, connect_pre, is_art, acell
create acell
objref pp
proc init() {
pp_index = $1
PP_rate_ = $2 // Is this even used??
tstop = $3
PP_box_start_ = $4
PP_box_stop_ = $5
PP_freq_ = $6
PP_min_invl_ = $7
PP_scale_max_invl_ = $8
proc actemp() {
//TODO: Re-write this s.t. there's no dependancy on external variable
if (PP_freq_){
acell pp = new NetStimOsc(.5)
pp.start = PP_box_start_
pp.forcestop = PP_box_stop_
pp.freq = PP_freq_
pp.min_invl = PP_min_invl_
pp.scale_max_invl = PP_scale_max_invl_
print "using NetStimOsc"
acell pp = new NetStimBox(0.5)
pp.start = PP_box_start_
pp.forcestop = PP_box_stop_
print "using NetStimBox"
func is_art() {return 1}
proc connect_pre() {acell $o2 = new NetCon(pp, $o1)}
endtemplate PPstim