This code includes detailed passive cable models of six dentate gyrus fast-spiking basket cells published in the paper: Norenberg A, Hu H, Vida I, Bartos M, Jonas P. (2010) Distinct nonuniform cable properties optimize rapid and efficient activation of fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons. PNAS 107(2):894-9. Please, send bug reports, questions and comments to Anja Matthia (nee Norenberg) or This model requires NEURON to be installed which is freely available from Usage: Auto-launch from ModelDB or download and extract the archive. There are no mod files to compile so double click on mosinit.hoc (mswin and mac) in the Figure_2 folder or cd to Figure_2 and type nrngui mosinit.hoc (linux) which starts run-BC6.hoc After a short pause you should see graphs which reproduce Fig. 2B, C:Description of files: run-BC6.hoc runs simulation using BC6, reproducing Fig.2B,C of the paper. Needs nrngui.hoc morph-BC6.hoc contains the morphology of BC6 specify-BC6.hoc specifies segmentation and section lists. Needs NsegOut-BC6.txt pipettes.hoc specifies pipettes used in the simulation Graphs-BC6.hoc specifies the plots used in the simulation PointProc-BC6.hoc implements point processes in the simulation ImportData-BC6.hoc imports experimental traces: ExpTrace-DendLong.txt dendritic voltage trace for BC6 to long current injection ExpTrace-DendShort.txt dendritic voltage trace for BC6 to short current injection ExpTrace-SomaLong.txt somatic voltage trace for BC6 to long current injection ExpTrace-SomaShort.txt somatic voltage trace for BC6 to short current injection InpTrace-SomaLong.txt somatic long injection current InpTrace-SomaShort.txt somatic short injection current ++++++++