1) `smallDRG_DIV0.m` for DIV0 simulations
2) `smallDRG_DIV7.m` for DIV4-7 simulations
To get started,
1) Type `smallDRG_DIV0(17,1500,500,1000)` in the command line to reproduce DIV0 baseline.
2) Type `smallDRG_DIV7(12,1500,500,1000)` in the command line to reproduce DIV4-7 baseline.
To reproduce figures:
3) Uncomment line 42 in `smallDRG_DIV0.m` to simulate Nav1.8 blockade in Fig.2D.
4) Uncomment line 43 and 44, respectively, in `smallDRG_DIV7.m` to simulate Nav1.7 or 1.3 blockade in Fig.3D.
5) Uncomment line 45 in `smallDRG_DIV0.m` for virtual Nav1.7 or line 47 in `smallDRG_DIV7.m` for virtual Nav1.8 in Fig.4A.
6) Uncomment line 51 or 52 in `smallDRG_DIV7.m` to reproduce Fig.S4.