from __future__ import print_function as _, division as _
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
from concurrent import futures
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def nonnancount(x):
return (-np.isnan(x)).sum()
timetype = 'f4'
histtype = 'u4'
#parameters for doing the histogram
#print "binWidth:",binWidth
bins=np.linspace(binMin, binMax, nBinsHist)
isiBurstCutoff = 0.025
firstSpikeShift = 0.015
reshuffleOffset = 0.5
steadyState = 0.0 # 0.3
spikedBeforeSteadyOnly = False
minSpikeCount = 0 # 3
useFirstInHistogram = True
useLastInHistogram = True
N = 1000
#maxspikes = 20
shuffles = 5
#bins = np.linspace(0, maxspikes, 50)
filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'SPcell_D1_noDA_06_5hz.spikes'
if filename == 'flat':
maxspikes = 5
spikeTime = [sorted(np.random.rand(np.random.randint(maxspikes)) * binMax)
for _ in range(N)]
filename = 'flat'
elif filename == 'flat w/ cutoff':
meanspikes = 1200
spikeTime = [sorted(np.random.rand(np.random.poisson(meanspikes)) * binMax)
for _ in range(N)]
for i, tt in enumerate(spikeTime):
tt = np.array(spikeTime[i])
spikeTime[i] = [tt[0]] + list(tt[1:][np.diff(tt) > 0.004])
elif filename == 'flat with trains':
def trains():
meantrains = 3
meanspikes = 1.5
intertrainisi = 0.012
intertrainisinoise = 0
intertrainnoise = 0.001
minisi = 0.004
time = 0
while time < binMax:
t = np.random.exponential(binMax / meantrains)
time += t
n = np.random.geometric(1 / meanspikes)
itisi = intertrainisi + np.random.randn(n) * intertrainisinoise
isis = np.cumsum(minisi + np.random.exponential(itisi - minisi, size=n))
times = time + isis
yield times[(times < binMax) & (times >= 0)]
time = times[-1]
spikeTime = [sorted(np.hstack(trains()))
for _ in range(N)]
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
filename2 = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else filename.replace('_D1_', '_D2_')
assert filename != filename2
data2 = np.loadtxt(filename2)
spikeTime=[[] for _ in range(netsize)]
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
spikeTime[int(data[i,0]) - 1].append(data[i,1])
for i in range(data2.shape[0]):
spikeTime[int(data2[i,0]) - 1 + netsize1].append(data2[i,1])
# #Removing initial delay from entire dataset to prevent initial offset from biasing shuffling
# baseline = data[0,1]
# #baseline = 0.062405
# for i in range(netsize):
# for j in range(len(spikeTime[i])):
# spikeTime[i][j] = round(spikeTime[i][j]-baseline,decimals)
#del data, data2
#spikeTimes = [np.cumsum(np.random.rand(np.random.randint(maxspikes)))
# for _ in range(N)]
# Calculating correlation
#for i in range(netsize):
# freq.append(1/mean(np.diff(spikeTime[i])))
# meanISI.append(mean(np.diff(spikeTime[i])))
# stdISI.append(std(np.diff(spikeTime[i])))
# for j in range(netsize):
# if (i != j):
# timeDiffs=list()
# for m in spikeTime[i]:
# for n in spikeTime[j]:
#Only include time differences within bins, but it might not matter
# if (abs(m-n)<binMax):
# timeDiffs.append(m-n)
# Shuffle
T = np.empty((N, max(len(l) for l in spikeTime)), dtype=timetype)
for i, l in enumerate(spikeTime):
T[i, :len(l)] = l
T[i, len(l):] = np.nan
if steadyState:
T -= steadyState
if spikedBeforeSteadyOnly:
T[np.nanmin(T, axis=1) > 0] = np.nan
T[T <= 0] = np.nan
T = np.sort(T, axis=1)
if minSpikeCount > -1:
T = T[-np.isnan(T[:, minSpikeCount])]
N = T.shape[0]
def shuffle_everything(T):
dT = np.diff(T, axis=1)
dT = np.hstack((T.T[:1].T, dT))
dT = np.concatenate([dT[None,...] for _ in range(shuffles)])
assert dT.shape[1] == N
assert dT.shape[0] == shuffles
for i in range(dT.shape[1]):
length = nonnancount(dT[0, i])
for s in range(shuffles):
np.random.shuffle(dT[s, i, :length])
newT = np.cumsum(dT, axis=2)
print('newT.shape =', newT.shape, 'newT.dtype =', newT.dtype)
return newT
def shuffle_bursts(T):
dT = np.diff(T, axis=1)
dT = np.hstack((T.T[:1].T, dT))
dT = np.concatenate([dT[None,...] for _ in range(shuffles)])
assert dT.shape[1] == N
assert dT.shape[0] == shuffles
for i in range(dT.shape[1]):
length = nonnancount(dT[0, i])
for s in range(shuffles):
dt = dT[s, i, :length]
indices = np.hstack(([0],
np.where(dt > isiBurstCutoff)[0]))
bursts = np.hstack((np.diff(indices),
[dt.size - indices[-1]]))
k = np.arange(indices.size)
indices = indices[k]
bursts = bursts[k]
out = np.empty_like(dt)
offset = 0
for j in range(indices.size):
c = bursts[j]
out[offset:offset + c] = dt[indices[j]:indices[j] + c]
offset += c
dT[s, i, :length] = out
newT = np.cumsum(dT, axis=2)
print('newT.shape =', newT.shape, 'newT.dtype =', newT.dtype)
return newT
def shuffle_everything_first_long(T):
dT = np.diff(T, axis=1)
dT = np.hstack((T.T[:1].T, dT))
dT = np.concatenate([dT[None,...] for _ in range(shuffles)])
assert dT.shape[1] == N
assert dT.shape[0] == shuffles
for i in range(dT.shape[1]):
length = nonnancount(dT[0, i])
any_long = (dT[0, i] > isiBurstCutoff).any()
for s in range(shuffles):
while True:
np.random.shuffle(dT[s, i, :length])
# if dT[s, i, 0] < isiBurstCutoff and T[i, 1] - T[i, 0] > isiBurstCutoff:
if any_long and dT[s, i, 0] < isiBurstCutoff:
print('reshuffling', i)
newT = np.cumsum(dT, axis=2)
print('newT.shape =', newT.shape, 'newT.dtype =', newT.dtype)
return newT
def shuffle_everything_keep_initial(T, hedgehog_mode=False):
dT = np.diff(T, axis=1)
dT = np.hstack((T.T[:1].T, dT))
dT = np.concatenate([dT[None,...] for _ in range(shuffles)])
assert dT.shape[1] == N
assert dT.shape[0] == shuffles
for i in range(dT.shape[1]):
length = nonnancount(dT[0, i])
for s in range(shuffles):
np.random.shuffle(dT[s, i, 1:length])
if hedgehog_mode:
for s in range(shuffles):
which = -np.isnan(dT[s, :, 0])
initial = dT[s, which, 0]
dT[s, which, 0] = initial
newT = np.cumsum(dT, axis=2)
print('newT.shape =', newT.shape, 'newT.dtype =', newT.dtype)
return newT
def shuffle_everything_keep_initial_gaussian_shift(T):
dT = np.diff(T, axis=1)
dT = np.hstack((T.T[:1].T, dT))
dT = np.concatenate([dT[None,...] for _ in range(shuffles)])
assert dT.shape[1] == N
assert dT.shape[0] == shuffles
for i in range(dT.shape[1]):
length = nonnancount(dT[0, i])
for s in range(shuffles):
np.random.shuffle(dT[s, i, 1:length])
for s in range(shuffles):
which = -np.isnan(dT[s, :, 0])
dT[s, which, 0] += np.random.normal(0, firstSpikeShift, which.sum())
newT = np.cumsum(dT, axis=2)
# newT[newT >= totalTime] -= 2 * totalTime
# newT[newT <= totalTime] += 2 * totalTime
# for s in range(newT.shape[0]):
# for i in range(newT.shape[1]):
# np.sort(newT[s, i])
print('newT.shape =', newT.shape, 'newT.dtype =', newT.dtype)
return newT
def shuffle_everything_twice(T):
newT = shuffle_everything_keep_initial(T)
newT += reshuffleOffset
newT %= totalTime
newT = np.sort(newT, axis=2)
dT = np.diff(newT, axis=2)
dT = np.concatenate((newT[:, :, :1], dT), axis=2)
for i in range(dT.shape[1]):
length = nonnancount(dT[0, i])
for s in range(shuffles):
np.random.shuffle(dT[s, i, :length])
newT = np.cumsum(dT, axis=2)
return newT
newT = shuffle_everything(T)
#newT = shuffle_bursts(T)
#newT = shuffle_everything_first_long(T)
#newT = shuffle_everything_keep_initial(T)
#newT = shuffle_everything_keep_initial_gaussian_shift(T)
#newT = shuffle_everything_twice(T)
def histogram(items, bins):
"""Count items in [[bins[0], bins[1]),
[bins[0], bins[1]),
[bins[0], bins[1])]
(note the asymmetry)
bins = bins[:, None]
fitting = (items >= bins[:-1]) & (items <= bins[1:])
sum = fitting.sum(axis=1, dtype=histtype)
assert sum.sum() == (-np.isnan(items)).sum()
return sum
def histogram2(items, bins):
left, right = bins[0], bins[-1]
step = (right - left) / bins.size
where = (items - left) // step
assert (where >= 0).all()
assert (where < bins.size - 1).all()
hist = np.zeros(bins.size - 1)
for w in where:
hist[w] += 1
def histogram3(items, bins):
left, right = bins[0], bins[-1]
step = (right - left) / bins.size
out = np.empty_like(items, dtype=int)
where = np.floor_divide(items - left, step, out=out)
k = (where >= 0) & (where < bins.size-1)
#assert (where >= 0).all()
#assert (where < bins.size - 1).all()
return np.bincount(where[k], minlength=bins.size - 1)
def histogram4(items, weight, bins):
left, right = bins[0], bins[-1]
step = (right - left) / (bins.size - 1)
out = np.empty_like(items, dtype=int)
where = np.floor_divide(items - left, step, out=out)
k = (where >= 0) & (where < bins.size-1)
# assert (where >= 0).all()
# assert (where < bins.size - 1).all()
return np.bincount(where[k], weight[k], minlength=bins.size - 1)
def diff_and_hist(args):
times, i, bins = args
diffs = times[:, None, i:i+1, :] - times[:, :, None, :]
diffs[:, i, :, :] = np.nan
diffs = diffs[-np.isnan(diffs)]
return histogram3(diffs, bins)
def diff_and_hist2(args):
times, i, bins = args
out = np.zeros(bins.size-1)
for j in range(times.shape[1]):
if j != i:
diffs = times[:, None, i:i+1, :] - times[:, j:j+1, None, :]
diffs = diffs[-np.isnan(diffs)]
hist = histogram3(diffs, bins)
norm = hist.sum()
if norm != 0:
out += hist / norm
return out
def diff_and_hist3(args):
times, i, bins, weights = args
diffs = times[:, None, i:i+1, :, None] - times[:, :, None, None, :]
# offsets = np.random.rand(*diffs.shape[:3]) * totalTime*2 - totalTime
# diffs += offsets[..., None, None]
diffs[:, i, ...] = np.nan
# diffs[diffs > totalTime] -= 2*totalTime
# diffs[diffs < -totalTime] += 2*totalTime
if not useFirstInHistogram:
diffs[:, :, :, 0, :] = np.nan
diffs[:, :, :, :, 0] = np.nan
if not useLastInHistogram:
raise NotImplemented
k = -np.isnan(diffs)
weight = np.broadcast_arrays(diffs, weights[i][:, None, None, None])[1]
diffs = diffs[k]
weight = weight[k]
return histogram4(diffs, weight, bins)
numspikes = (-np.isnan(T)).sum(axis=1)
weights = 1 / (numspikes[:,None] * numspikes)
weights[np.isinf(weights)] = 0
spikers = nonnancount(T)
number_cpus = os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN')
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(number_cpus) as exe:
hists =,
((newT, i, bins, weights) for i in range(N)))
hist = np.sum((h[None, :] for h in hists), dtype=float, axis=1)[0] / N
del hists
print(hist / shuffles)
oldT = T[None, ...]
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(number_cpus) as exe:
hists =,
((oldT, i, bins, weights) for i in range(N)))
hist_unshuffled = np.sum((h[None, :] for h in hists), dtype=float, axis=1)[0] / N
del hists
def isi_histogram_plot(bins, **hists):
middles = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
f = plt.figure()
f.canvas.set_window_title('isi histogram ' + filename)
for label, hist in hists.items():
f.gca().plot(middles, hist, label=label)
return f
def isi_histogram_diff_plot(bins, histun, histsh):
middles = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
f = plt.figure()
f.canvas.set_window_title('isi histogram difference ' + filename)
ax = f.gca()
ax.plot(middles, histun - histsh, label='unshuffled - shuffled')
return f
def isi_histogram_by_number_plot(bins, T, maxspike=4, additive=False):
middles = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
f = plt.figure()
f.canvas.set_window_title('isi histogram by number ' + filename)
base = np.zeros_like(middles)
for i in range(maxspike):
spikes = T[:, i][-np.isnan(T[:, i])]
diffs = spikes[:, None] - spikes
for j in range(diffs.shape[0]):
diffs[j, j] = np.nan
hist = histogram3(diffs.ravel(), bins)
f.gca().plot(middles, base + hist, label='spike #{} ({})'.format(i + 1, j))
if additive:
base += hist
return f
def isi_histogram_triangle_diff_plot(bins, histun):
middles = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
f = plt.figure()
f.canvas.set_window_title('isi histogram difference ' + filename)
ax = f.gca()
left, right = bins[(histun>0).argmax()], bins[-(histun>0).argmax()]
total = histun.sum()
triangle = np.maximum(np.minimum(middles - left, right - middles), 0)
triangle *= total.sum() / triangle.sum()
ax.plot(middles, histun - triangle, label='unshuffled - triangle')
return f
def spike_ini_plot(T, first=True):
f = plt.figure()
if first:
k = T[:,0].argsort()
k = np.empty_like(T[:, 0])
for i in range(k.size):
tt = T[i]
k[i] = tt[-np.isnan(tt)][-1]
except IndexError:
k[i] = np.nan
k = k.argsort()
ax = f.gca()
dat = np.ones(T[0].shape)
for i in range(T.shape[0]):
ax.plot(T[k[i]], i*dat, '|')
f.canvas.set_window_title('spike times ' + filename)
ax.set_xlabel('time / s')
ax.set_ylabel('first spike time order')
ax.set_title('{} spikes'.format(spikers))
return f
def isi_by_spike_number_plot(T, maxspike=4):
f = plt.figure()
ax = f.gca()
dT = np.diff(T[:, :maxspike + 1], axis=1)
for i in range(dT.shape[1]):
x = dT[:, i]
ax.hist(x[-np.isnan(x)], alpha=max(0.3, 1-i/30), normed=1, histtype='step', bins=200, label=str(i))
f.canvas.set_window_title('isi by spike number (up to {}) {}'.format(maxspike, filename))
return f
def isi_plot(T, bins=200):
f = plt.figure()
ax = f.gca()
dT = np.diff(T, axis=1)
ax.hist(dT[-np.isnan(dT)], normed=1, bins=bins)
f.canvas.set_window_title('isi ' + filename)
return f
def isi_recurrence_plot(T):
dT = np.diff(T, axis=1)
f = plt.figure()
ax = f.gca()
ax.scatter(dT[:-1:2], dT[1::2], marker='.', s=1)
f.canvas.set_window_title('isi recurrence ' + filename)
return f
def isi_recurrence_plot2(T):
dT = np.diff(T, axis=1)
f = plt.figure()
ax = f.gca()
x, y = dT[:-1], dT[1:]
k = -np.isnan(x) & -np.isnan(y)
x, y = x[k], y[k]
hist, binsx, binsy = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=800, normed=True)
im = ax.imshow(np.log(hist), interpolation='none', origin='lower',
extent=(binsx.min(), binsx.max(), binsy.min(), binsy.max()))
f.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, aspect=10)
f.canvas.set_window_title('isi recurrence ' + filename)
return f
if False:
isi_histogram_plot(bins, shuffled=hist / shuffles, unshuffled=hist_unshuffled)
isi_histogram_diff_plot(bins, hist_unshuffled, hist / shuffles)
hist_s = hist/shuffles
diff = hist_unshuffled - hist_s