//genesis //SynParams.g str AMPAname = "AMPA" float EkAMPA = 0.0 float AMPAtau1 = 1.1e-3 float AMPAtau2 = 5.75e-3 float AMPAgmax = 87.2e-12 //593e-12 keeping with 2.75/1 NMDA/AMPA ratio str GABAname = "GABA" float GABAtau1 = 0.75e-3 // From Galarreta and Hestrin 1997 float GABAtau2 = 3.65e-3 //(used in Wolfs model) float EkGABA = -0.060 float GABAgmax = 450e-12 //750e-12Modified Koos 2004 (Wolf uses 435e-12) int GABA2Spine = 1 // = 0, No GABA; // 1, add GABA to spine head // 2, add GABA to spine neck int addCa2Spine = 1 // 0, no ca channels in spine, //1, yes ca channels in spine (non-synaptic) int NMDABufferMode = 0 // 1, connect both NMDA and AMPA calcium to NMDA_buffer // 0, connect only NMDA currents to NMDA_buffer /********allows for changing NMDA subunit easily*************/ include MScell/parametersA_D2.g