function [u,sig2,result] = fit_ML_normal( x,hAx )
% fit_ML_normal - Maximum Likelihood fit of the normal distribution of i.i.d. samples!.
% Given the samples of a normal distribution, the PDF parameter is found
% fits data to the probability of the form:
% p(r) = sqrt(1/2/pi/sig^2)*exp(-((r-u)^2)/(2*sig^2))
% with parameters: u,sig^2
% format: result = fit_ML_normal( x,hAx )
% input: x - vector, samples with normal distribution to be parameterized
% hAx - handle of an axis, on which the fitted distribution is plotted
% if h is given empty, a figure is created.
% output: result - structure with the fields
% sig^2,u - fitted parameters
% CRB_sig2,CRB_u - Cram?r-Rao Bound for the estimator value
% RMS - RMS error of the estimation
% type - 'ML'
% example: fit_ML_normal( randn(1,10000)*3 - 1 )
% or
% figure;
% fit_ML_normal( randn(1,10000)*3 - 1,gca );
% Algorithm
% ===========
% We use the ML algorithm to estimate the PDF from the samples.
% The normal destribution is given by:
% p(x;u,sig^2) = sqrt(1/2/pi/sig^2)*exp(-((x-u).^2)/(2*sig^2))
% where x are the samples which distribute by the function p(x;u,sig^2)
% and are assumed to be i.i.d !!!
% The ML estimator is given by:
% a = parameters vector = [u,sig^2]
% f(Xn,a) = sqrt(1/2/pi/sig^2)*exp(-((Xn-u).^2)/(2*sig^2))
% L(a) = f(X,a) = product_by_n( f(Xn,a) )
% = (2*pi*sig^2)^(-N/2)*exp(-sum((Xn-u)^2)/(2*sig^2))
% log(L(a)) = -N/2*log(2*pi) - N/2*log(sig^2) - sum((Xn-u)^2)/(2*sig^2)
% The maximum likelihood point is found by the derivative of log(L(a)) with respect to "a":
% diff(log(L(a)),u) = -2*sum(Xn-u)/(2*sig^2) = N/sig^2 * ( u - sum(Xn)/N )
% = J(u) * (u_estimation - u)
% diff(log(L(a)),sig^2) = -N/(2*sig^2) + sum((Xn-u)^2)/(2*sig^4)
% = N/(2*sig^4) * ( sum((Xn-u)^2)/N - sig^2 )
% = J(sig^2) * (sig^2_estimator - sig^2)
% Therefore, the (efficient) estimators are given by:
% u = sum(Xn)/N
% sig^2 = sum((Xn-u)^2)/N
% The Cram?r-Rao Bounds for these estimator are:
% VAR( u ) = 1/J(u) = (sig^2) / N
% VAR( sig^2 ) = 1/J(sig^2) = (2*sig^4) / N
% NOTE: the ML estimator does not detect a deviation from the model.
% therefore, check the RMS value !
if (nargin<1)
error( 'fit_ML_normal - insufficient input arguments' );
% Estimation
% =============
x = x(:); % should be column vectors !
N = length(x);
u = sum(x)/N;
sig2 = (x-u)'*(x-u)/N;
CRB_u = sig2 / N;
CRB_sig2= (2*sig2^2) / N;
[n,x_c] = hist( x,100 );
n = n / sum(n*abs(x_c(2)-x_c(1)));
y = sqrt(1/2/pi/sig2)*exp(-((x_c-u).^2)/(2*sig2));
RMS = sqrt( (y-n)*((y-n)')/ (x_c(2)-x_c(1))^2 / (length(x_c)-1) );
% finish summarizing results
% ==================================
result = struct( 'u',u,'sig2',sig2,'CRB_u',CRB_u,'CRB_sig2',CRB_sig2,'RMS',RMS,'type','ML' );
% plot distribution if asked for
% ==================================
if (nargin>1)
xspan = linspace(min(x),max(x),100);
if ishandle( hAx )
plot_normal( xspan,result,hAx,1,14 );
plot_normal( xspan,result,gca,1,14 );