import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rnd
import sys
define propensities method
input: vector storing state at time t of all species (including the 3 binding sites of all IP3R molecules) , parameters
output: propensities array
def propensities(vec, p):
ai = np.zeros(p.nb_reactions)
# get number of ca and IP3 from vec
ca = vec[0]
ip3 = vec[1]
# set indexes that represent state of each binding site (ca1, ip3 and ca2) of each IP3R
idx_ca1 = 2 + 3 * np.arange(0, p.nIP3R)
idx_ip3 = 3 + 3 * np.arange(0, p.nIP3R)
idx_ca2 = 4 + 3 * np.arange(0, p.nIP3R)
# compute vector of each IP3R state (1.0 if open, 0 if closed): ca1 and IP3 bound ca2 unbound
ncc = vec[idx_ca1] * vec[idx_ip3] * (1 - vec[idx_ca2])
# compute number of bound sites for each type of binding site (ca1, ip3 and ca2) from all IP3Rs
nca1 = np.sum(vec[idx_ca1])
nca2 = np.sum(vec[idx_ca2])
nip3 = np.sum(vec[idx_ip3])
# get number of open IP3R: sum of IP3R state vector (equals 1.0 if open)
rnc = np.sum(ncc)
#first compute propensity for IP3R-independent ca influx
ai[0] = p.nIP3R * p.gamma
# compute propensity for ca flux through open IP3R
ai[1] = * rnc
# compute propensity for ca decay
ai[2] = p.alpha * ca
# compute propensity for ip3 synthesis via Ca-dependent PLC activity
ai[3] = p.nplc * ca * / p.volume
# compute propensity for ip3 decay
ai[4] = p.beta * ip3
# for remaining columns (index 5 to len(ai)), compute propensity for IP3R sites binding/unbinding
rx = np.arange(p.nIP3R)
# compute propensity for ca1 sites binding to Ca
ai[5 + 2 * (3 * rx + 0) + 0] = p.a1 * ca * (1 - vec[2 + 3*rx + 0]) / p.volume
# compute propensity for ca1 sites unbinding from Ca
ai[5 + 2 * (3 * rx + 0) + 1] = p.b1 * vec[2 + 3*rx + 0]
# compute propensity for ip3 sites binding to IP3
ai[5 + 2 * (3 * rx + 1) + 0] = p.a2 * ip3 * (1 - vec[2 + 3*rx + 1]) / p.volume
# compute propensity for ip3 sites unbinding from IP3
ai[5 + 2 * (3 * rx + 1) + 1] = p.b2 * vec[2 + 3*rx + 1]
# compute propensity for ca2 sites binding to Ca
ai[5 + 2 * (3 * rx + 2) + 0] = p.a3 * ca * (1 - vec[2 + 3*rx + 2]) / p.volume
# compute propensity for ca2 sites unbinding from Ca
ai[5 + 2 * (3 * rx + 2) + 1] = p.b3 * vec[2 + 3*rx + 2]
return ai
define compute_gillespie method
input: vector storing state at time t of all species (including all binding sites), array with signs of reactions (sm), parameters
output: next time, vector storing state at time t+next_t of all species
def compute_gillespie(vec, sm, p):
#compute propensities
ai = propensities(vec, p)
# sum all propensities (ca IP3R1_ca1 IP3R2_ip3 IP3R3_ca2 ......... IP3Rn_ca1 IP3Rn_ip3 IP3Rn_ca2 ip3)
a = np.sum(ai)
#pick randomly time for next reaction
next_t = - np.log(rnd.random()) / a
# pick randomly next reaction
reaction = rnd.choice(p.nb_reactions, p = ai/a)
new_vec = vec
new_vec += sm[reaction, :]
return next_t, new_vec