This is the README file for the Particle-based model associated with the paper: Denizot, A., Arizono, M., Nägerl, V., Soula, H., Berry, H. (2019). Simulation of calcium signaling in fine astrocytic processes: effect of spatial properties on spontaneous activity. This model is implemented in C language and requires make build automation tool. This model corresponds to the Particle-based model presented in Fig2, 3, 4 and 5 of the paper (see also Material & Methods section for more information on the different models developed). HOW TO RUN THE CODE ----------- List of all files that are necessary to run the code: cell.c & cell.h: initializes cell and then describes all reactions that can happen per time step. example of receptor map, in which the 1000 IP3R are uniformly distributed within simulation space. clist.c & clist.h: functions to deal with calcium and ip3 lists. d4s_spont.c: main file, that sets parameter values, initial conditions and runs the simulation for a given number of time steps. Data is printed at each time step as follows: time, nb of free Ca, nb of IP3, nb of open IP3R. Data is printed at every dt (time step). To run the simulation you have to provide 5 arguments: map of IP3R (ie the coordinated of the 1000 IP3R molecules, one molecule per line), Dca, Dip3, gamma, seed value Makefile param.h: list of parameters in the model part.c & part.h: defines how a particle (Ca or IP3) is defined in the model + related functions receptor.c & receptor.h: defines how a receptor is defined in the model + related functions utils.c & utils.h: useful functions for pseudo-random number generation. **** First, you need to build. Command: make Then, you can run a simulation. Example command: ./d4s_spont.out 0.1 10.0 100 1 > partic_based.1000.1 Contact: