#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "clist.h"
#include "cell.h"
cell *
create_cell(int ip0, int ca0, int free_ca, params *param) {
cell *c = (cell *) malloc(sizeof(cell));
* main cell variables initialization
c->param = param;
c->free_ca = free_ca;
double wx = param->wx;
double wy = param->wy;
int nr = param->nip3r;
int size = param->size;
* create calcium list
c->ca = (clist *) malloc(sizeof(clist));
c->ca->start = 0x0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ca0; i++) {
* create Ca particles at random position uniformly
double x = wx * box_noise();
double y = wy * box_noise();
part *p = create_part(x, y);
* add it to the Ca list
add(c->ca, p);
* create ip3 list
c->ip3 = (clist *) malloc(sizeof(clist));
c->ip3->start = 0x0;
for (i = 0; i < ip0; i++) {
* create IP3 particle at random position uniformly
double x = wx * box_noise();
double y = wy * box_noise();
part *p = create_part(x, y);
// add it to IP3 list
add(c->ip3, p);
* create (empty) receptors table
* receptors are identified by their id (0<=i<nr) and are stored in the
* rmap for easy access.
c->recs = (receptor **) malloc(nr * sizeof(receptor *));
int iwx = (int) floor(wx / size) + 1;
int iwy = (int) floor(wy / size) + 1;
c->rmap = (int *) calloc((size_t) (iwx * iwy), sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < iwx * iwy; i++)
c->rmap[i] = -1;
create plc position at random using param->nplc
pmap = 1 if a plc molecule is at position (x, y) ; 0 otherwise
c->pmap = (int *) calloc((size_t) (iwx * iwy), sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < param->nplc; i++) {
int x = (int) floor(iwx * box_noise());
int y = (int) floor(iwy * box_noise());
c->pmap[x + iwx * y] = 1;
return c;
add_ip3(int ip0, cell *c, params *param) {
//function that adds an IP3 particle to the cell
c->param = param;
double wx = param->wx;
double wy = param->wy;
while (c->ip3->size < ip0) {
* create IP3 at random position uniformly
double x = wx * box_noise();
double y = wy * box_noise();
part *p = create_part(x, y);
* add it to the IP3 list
add(c->ip3, p);
// functions for removal of particles from cell
remove_calcium(cell *c, part *p) {
rem(c->ca, p);
c->free_ca -= 1;
remove_ip3(cell *c, part *p) {
rem(c->ip3, p);
// functions for diffusion of particles within the cell
diffuse_and_bind(cell *c) {
// Ca diffusion
node *no = c->ca->start;
while (no != 0x0) {
part *p = no->p;
// check if particle Ca is bound to IP3R
if (p->bound < 0) {
// If Ca not bound, diffuse and check if binds to a plc molecule or to IP3R
check_calcium_binding(c, p);
} else {
// Else (ie Ca is bound), check Ca unbinding
check_calcium_unbinding(c, p);
no = no->next;
// IP3 diffusion
no = c->ip3->start;
while (no != 0x0) {
part *p = no->p;
// check if particle IP3 is bound to IP3R
if (p->bound < 0) {
// If IP3 not bound, diffuse and check if binds to IP3R
check_ip3_binding(c, p);
} else {
// If IP3 bound, check if unbinds
check_ip3_unbinding(c, p);
no = no->next;
check_rmap(cell *c, int x, int y) {
function that checks whether there is an IP3R molecule at position (x, y)
-1: no IP3R at position (x, y)
otherwise returns the indice of the given IP3R in c->recs
int s = c->param->size;
double wx = c->param->wx;
double wy = c->param->wy;
int iwx = (int) floor(wx / s) + 1;
int iwy = (int) floor(wy / s) + 1;
if ((x < 0) || (x >= iwx) || (y < 0) || (y >= iwy))
return -1;
return c->rmap[x + iwx * y];
int check_pmap(cell *c, int x, int y) {
function that checks whether there is a PLC molecule at position (x, y)
returns 1 if there is a PLC at position (x, y)
int s = c->param->size;
double wx = c->param->wx;
double wy = c->param->wy;
int iwx = (int) floor(wx / s) + 1;
int iwy = (int) floor(wy / s) + 1;
if ((x < 0) || (x >= iwx) || (y < 0) || (y >= iwy))
return 0;
return c->pmap[x + iwx * y];
check_calcium_binding(cell *c, part *p) {
// Function that checks Ca binding
int s = c->param->size;
int ix = (int) floor((p->x) / s);
int iy = (int) floor((p->y) / s);
// First, check Ca binding to PLC molecules
int pl = check_pmap(c, ix, iy);
if (pl == 1) {
// If there is a PLC molecule at position (x, y), check Ca binding to PLC and IP3 synthesis
double o = box_noise();
if (o < c->param->delta) {
part *ip = create_part(ix, iy);
add(c->ip3, ip);
// Then, check Ca binding to IP3R
int rec = check_rmap(c, ix, iy);
// Check if there is an IP3R at position (x, y)
if (rec != -1) {
receptor *r = c->recs[rec];
if ((r->ca1 == 1) && (r->ca2 == 1))
// If both Ca sites are bound to Ca, do nothing
// Check which Ca site is free, starting with the one that has higher probability to be bound: first Ca site
if (r->ca1 == 0) {
// If first Ca site is free, check Ca binding
double o = box_noise();
if (o < c->param->a1) {
r->ca1 = 1;
c->free_ca -= 1;
p->bound = 2 * rec;
if (r->ca2 == 0) {
// If second Ca site is free, check Ca binding
double o = box_noise();
if (o < c->param->a3) {
r->ca2 = 1;
c->free_ca -= 1;
p->bound = 2 * rec + 1;
check_calcium_unbinding(cell *c, part *p) {
// Function that checks Ca binding
receptor *r = c->recs[(p->bound) / 2];
int rtype = (p->bound) % 2;
double unb = rtype == 0 ? c->param->b1 : c->param->b3;
double o = box_noise();
if (o < unb) {
if (rtype == 0)
r->ca1 = 0;
r->ca2 = 0;
p->bound = -1;
c->free_ca += 1;
check_ip3_binding(cell *c, part *p) {
// Function that checks IP3 binding to IP3R
int s = c->param->size;
int ix = (int) floor((p->x) / s);
int iy = (int) floor((p->y) / s);
int rec = check_rmap(c, ix, iy);
if (rec != -1) {
receptor *r = c->recs[rec];
if (r->ip3 == 1)
if (r->ip3 == 0) {
// IP3 can bind an IP3R only if no IP3 is already bound to it
double o = box_noise();
if (o < c->param->a2) {
r->ip3 = 1;
p->bound = rec;
check_ip3_unbinding(cell *c, part *p) {
// Function that checks IP3 unbinding from IP3R
receptor *r = c->recs[p->bound];
double unb = c->param->b2;
double o = box_noise();
if (o < unb) {
r->ip3 = 0;
p->bound = -1;
degrade(cell *c) {
// Decay of IP3 and Ca function
// Ca decay
node *np = c->ca->start;
while (np != 0x0) {
if (np->p->bound >= 0) {
np = np->next;
} else {
// Only unbound Ca can decay, with probability alpha
double o = box_noise();
if (o < c->param->alpha) {
part *p = np->p;
np = np->next;
rem(c->ca, p);
c->free_ca -= 1;
} else {
np = np->next;
// IP3 decay
np = c->ip3->start;
while (np != 0x0) {
if (np->p->bound >= 0) {
np = np->next;
} else {
// Only unbound IP3 can decay, with probability beta
double o = box_noise();
if (o < c->param->beta) {
part *p = np->p;
np = np->next;
rem(c->ip3, p);
} else {
np = np->next;
produce(cell *c) {
// Cytosolic influx of Calcium function
// IP3R-dependent Ca influx
int i;
int nr = c->param->nip3r;
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
// Check IP3R open state for each IP3R
receptor *r = c->recs[i];
int ca1 = r->ca1;
int ip3 = r->ip3;
int ca2 = r->ca2;
int res = ca1 * ip3 * (1 - ca2);
if (res > 0) {
// If IP3R open, Ca influx
double o = box_noise();
double mu = c->param->mu;
while (o < mu) {
part *p = create_part(r->x, r->y);
add(c->ca, p);
c->free_ca += 1;
mu += -1;
} else {
// IP3R-independent Ca influx
double var = box_noise();
double le = c->param->gamma;
double rad = c->param->rgamma;
if (c->param->rgamma == 100) {
// if rgamma == 100 => uniform distribution of this Ca influx
double var = box_noise();
double le = c->param->gamma;
if (var < le) {
double x = c->param->wx * box_noise();
double y = c->param->wy * box_noise();
part *p = create_part(x, y);
add(c->ca, p);
c->free_ca += 1;
} else {
// else IP3R-independent Ca influx within rgamma radius from IP3R
if (var < le) {
double t = 2 * 3.14159265358979323846 * box_noise();
double ra = sqrt(box_noise()) * rad;
double rx = (double)r->x;
double ry = (double)r->y;
double x = ra * cos(t) + rx;
double y = ra * sin(t) + ry;
if (x < 0){
x = 0;
if (y<0){
if (x > c->param->wx) {
x = c->param->wx;
if (y > c->param->wy) {
y = c->param->wy;
part *p = create_part(x, y);
add(c->ca, p);
c->free_ca += 1;
cycle(cell *c) {
// Cell main loop, called at each time step
print_calcium_data(cell *c, char *name) {
// function to print the positions of Ca ions at each time step
node *no = c->ca->start;
FILE *f = fopen(name, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Folder /movies to write Ca data doesn't exist");
while (no != 0x0) {
fprintf(f, "%lg %lg\n", no->p->x, no->p->y);
no = no->next;
print_receptor_data(cell *c, char *name) {
// function to print the positions of IP3R molecules at each time step
int i;
FILE *f = fopen(name, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Folder /movies to write IP3R data doesn't exist");
for (i = 0; i < c->param->nip3r; i++) {
receptor *r = c->recs[i];
fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", r->x, r->y);
print_plc_data(cell *c, char *name) {
// function to print the positions of PLC molecules at each time step
int ix, iy;
double wx = c->param->wx;
double wy = c->param->wy;
int size = c->param->size;
FILE *f = fopen(name, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Folder /movies to write PLC data doesn't exist");
int iwx = (int) floor(wx / size) + 1;
int iwy = (int) floor(wy / size) + 1;
for (ix = 0; ix < iwx; ix++)
for (iy = 0; iy < iwy; iy++) {
if (c->pmap[ix + iwx * iy] == 1)
fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", ix, iy);
print_ip3_data(cell *c, char *name) {
// function to print the positions of IP3 molecules at each time step
node *no = c->ip3->start;
FILE *f = fopen(name, "w");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Folder /movies to write IP3 data doesn't exist");
while (no != 0x0) {
fprintf(f, "%lg %lg\n", no->p->x, no->p->y);
no = no->next;
get_bindings(cell *c) {
// function to get the number of open IP3R
int i, s = 0;
for (i = 0; i < c->param->nip3r; i++) {
receptor *r = c->recs[i];
int ca1 = r->ca1;
int ip3 = r->ip3;
int ca2 = r->ca2;
int res = ca1 * ip3 * (1 - ca2);
s += res;
return s;
int get_xca1(cell *c) {
// function to get the number of first Ca sites bound
int i, xca1 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < c->param->nip3r; i++) {
receptor *r = c->recs[i];
xca1 += r->ca1;
return xca1;
int get_xca2(cell *c) {
// function to get the number of second Ca sites bound
int i, xca2 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < c->param->nip3r; i++) {
receptor *r = c->recs[i];
xca2 += r->ca2;
return xca2;
int get_xip3(cell *c) {
// function to get the number of IP3 sites bound
int i, xip3 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < c->param->nip3r; i++) {
receptor *r = c->recs[i];
xip3 += r->ip3;
return xip3;