// SumPulse(amp, count, delay, start, dc, dc_start, dc_end)
// InjectChirp(amp, f0, bta, start, chirptype, duration, dc, dc_start, dc_end)
// current injection procedures
objref idc[1], sp[1]
proc SumPulse() {local n, amp, count, delay, start, dc, dc_t1, dc_t2
//SumPulse( amp, count, delay, start, dc, dc start, dc end)
//e.g. Tines[786] {SumPulse( 3, 5, 10, 250, -3, 100, 400)}
n = numarg()
amp = $1 // amplitude of sEPSP
count = $2 // number sEPSP
if (count < 1) {
delay = $3 // delay between sEPSP
start = $4 // time to start sEPSP
if(n > 5) {
dc = $5 // offset level
dc_t1 = $6 // start of holding current
dc_t2 = $7 // end holding current
} else {
dc = 0
idc[0] = new IClamp(0.5)
idc[0].amp = dc
if (dc != 0) {
idc[0].dur = dc_t2 - dc_t1
idc[0].del = dc_t1
objref sp[count]
for (i=0; i<count; i=i+1) {
sp[i] = new sEPSP(0.5) // sEPSP waveform (defined in sEPSP.mod)
sp[i].A = amp
sp[i].onset= start+delay*i
} // end SumPulses()
proc InjectChirp() {local n, amp, f0, beta, start, flag, duration, dc, dc_t1, dc_t2
//InjectChirp(amp, init_freq, beta, chirp start, chirp type, duration, dc, dc start, dc end)
//e.g. Tines[786] {InjectChirp(2, 10, 0, 250, 0, 1000, -3, 100, 1400)}
n = numarg()
amp = $1 // amplitude of the chirp
if (amp == 0) {
f0 = $2 // initial frequency of the chirp
beta = $3 // rate of frequency change
start = $4 // start time of the chirp stimulation
flag = $5 // type of chirp
duration = $6 // duration of chirp (ms)
if (n > 7) {
dc = $7 // offset level
dc_t1 = $8 // start of holding current
dc_t2 = $9 // end holding current
} else {
dc = 0
idc[0] = new IClamp(0.5)
idc[0].amp = dc
if (dc != 0) {
idc[0].dur = dc_t2 - dc_t1
idc[0].del = dc_t1
sp[0] = new chirp(0.5) // chirp waveform (defined in chirp.mod)
sp[0].amp = amp
sp[0].t1 = start
sp[0].beta = beta
sp[0].Finit = f0
sp[0].ctype = flag
sp[0].dur = duration
} // end InjectChirp()