// this sets the variables used by model files, funcs and procs.
// When creating new procedures, use local variables when possible.
// As needed add new global variables to the list below
/* --- Initialize builtin NEURON Settings --- */
secondorder=2 // sets the time integration method
v_init = -65 // initial membrane potential
steps_per_ms = 10 // number of points to plot per ms
dt = 0.02 // time step of simulations (in ms) (must be compatible with steps_per_ms)
t = 0 // Neuron time (ms)
tstop=500 // time (ms) that simulation stops
realtime = 0 // real world time since simulation start (s)
screen_update_invl= 0.1 // how often to update plots
/* --- End builtin NEURON Settings --- */
/* --- Initialize Global variables for simulations --- */
verbosity = 2 // scalar. verbosity level (0-6). Sets how much to print to command line
if (verbosity > 2) printf("Verbosity level is %g \n", verbosity)
showGUI = 1 // boolean. whether to run "initgui.hoc" to open gui
msplit = 0 // boolean. whether to start multisplit parallel context
nmt = 8 // integer. number of threads to run if split (change based on system)
LoadDependents = 0 //boolean. unused for now (in future will test for func dependencies)
e4AP = 0.90 // effectiveness of 4AP application (0 = no effect, 1 = complete block)
eZD = 0.95 // effectiveness of ZD7288 application (0 = no effect, 1 = complete block)
eXE = 0.95 // effectiveness of XE991 application (0 = no effect, 1 = complete block)
tstart=0 // the time (ms into simulation) that stimulus starts
nSection=0 // number of sections in the model
forall nSection+=1
/* --- End Global simulation variables --- */
// ---- Global strdef (there are no local strdefs in nrn)
// strdef NRNDIR // NRNDIR is base directory of model
strdef DATADIR, datadir_ // DATADIR is full path of directory where simulation data is saved
strdef subdir // data subdirectory
strdef strtmp, tmpstr // tmp strings used by several procs & funcs (there are no local strdef in hoc)
strdef datafile // name of data file being saved
strdef filename
strdef AECmap
strdef headerstr // header at top of data file
strdef cwd // working directory
strdef sect
// ------
// ---- Global objref
objref StrFx // StringFunction object
objref sref // SectionRef
objref MS_ // MechanismStandard
objref AREAS
objref GLS
objref objtmp[1]
// I use the '_G_' suffix for many global objects to decrease the chances of name conflicts
objref idc_G_[2] // Array of step currents (IClamp objects) used for dc holding current
objref sp_G_[5] // Array of sum pulses (sEPSP objects) used for summation sims
objref cw_G_ // Chirp current (chirp object) used for ZAP measure sims
objref simsecs_G_ // SectionList specifying sections from which to record simulation data
objref rvec_G_[1], tvec_G_ // time and data vectors to record during simulation
objref ivec_G_ // current vector to record
objref gvec_G_ // conductance and state vectors to record during simulation
objref vecList // list of vectors (currently unused)
RecDt = 0.2 // Sample interval (ms) for saving recorded data to file (should be multiple of dt)
Gstep = 5 // How many time steps between measuring conductances
// ------
// ***** Setup input and output directory paths *****
StrFx = new StringFunctions()
// system("echo $NRNBASE", NRNDIR) // retrieve path of local neuron simulation directory
// strlen = StrFx.len(NRNDIR)
// StrFx.left(NRNDIR,strlen-1) // remove newline character at end of string
strtmp="date \"+%m%d%Y\" "
system(strtmp,tmpstr) // get current date
strlen = StrFx.len(tmpstr)
StrFx.left(tmpstr,strlen-1) // remove newline character at end of string
// make directory to save data
datadir_ = "data/" // data directory is named "data"
sprint( DATADIR, "%s/%s%s", NRNDIR, datadir_, tmpstr )
sprint(strtmp, "mkdir %s", DATADIR)
// ***** End Setup input and output directory paths *****