This is the readme for the models associated with the paper: Powers RK, Heckman CJ (2015) Contribution of intrinsic motoneuron properties to discharge hysteresis and its estimation based on paired motor unit recordings. A simulation study. J Neurophysiol These files were contributed by Dr RK Powers. The discharge_hysteresis folder contains all of the mod files and most of the hoc files used in simulations described in Powers and Heckman 2015. The folder also contains a python file,, that generates hoc files for each motoneuron model in a particular population. In the paper, we used 20 models for each population, and several model parameters (e.g., surface area and specific resistivity) varied systematically to generate models with a range of recruitment thresholds. We have included files to generate all of the populations used in the paper: standard.csv Standard model, can also be used to simulate spike frequency adaptation (SFA) due to slow Na inactivation (see below) SlowM.csv Used to simulate SFA due to a slow outward current AHPlen.csv Used to simulate SFA due to a lengthening AHP NaPi.csv Used to simulate threshold accommodation due to inactivation of a persistent sodium current FasterMis.csv Used to simulate threshold accommodation due to a low threshold outward current in the initial segment ProxCa.csv produces models with a proximal dendritic location for Cav1.3 channels LCai.csv produces models with inactivating Cav1.3 channels HiDKCa.csv produces models with higher levels of dendritic calcium-activated K channels To generate the model populations: In Unix/Linux, put the Python file anywhere in your path. Set the file to executable mode by typing: chmod 755 Make a folder with the same name as the csv file (e.g. for standard.csv, make a folder called standard) and put the cdv file in it. In the terminal window change directory to that folder then type: ****.csv (e.g. standard.csv) When the program asks you how many cells you want, type 20. The program generates a series of subfolders each containing a hoc file for simulating one cell After you have generated the model hoc files type cd .. to move up one directory level Now type: nrngui init_3dend_gramp.hoc This starts NEURON and calls up the set of files needed to produce model responses to conductance inputs. The hoc files defines a number of routines that can be used to generate spike times for all of the models in the population in a response to a slow conductance input (the default is 10 sec up and 10 sec down). The first routine is batchrun20pool. This takes three inputs: a string input providing the model name, and two numeric inputs that specify the relative density of dendritic Ca channels and the relative amount of slow Na inactivation (1=no inactivation and 0=full inactivation). For example, to generate the outputs of all 20 models in the standard population with the default Cav1.3 density and no slow Na inactivation type: batchrun20pool("standard",1.0,1.0). To include slow Na inactivation of the amount used in the paper type: batchrun20pool("standard",1.0,0.2). The same routine can be used to generate outputs from other model populations. The only difference is that in most cases you have to insert a mechanism that is not part of the standard model or run a variant of the batch routine as described below: For SlowM, insert km_hu in the soma, is, and axonhillock compartments. For AHPlen, insert mAHPvt in the soma and dendritic compartments and uninsert mAHP For NaPis, insert napsi into all compartments and uninsert naps. Then run the routine batchpool20poolnasi with the same conventions as batchrun20pool. For FasterMis, insert km_hu into the is (initial segment) compartment For ProxCa run the routine: batchrun20poolprox For LCai, uninsert L_Ca from the dendritic comparments and insert L_Ca_inact. Then run batchrun20poolLCainact. 20160129 A bug introduced by Tom Morse's conversion of a perl script to was noted by Randy Powers and fixed. The new version required updating csv files to remove last line comments. Changelog ========= * 20220924: Update MOD files to avoid declaring variables and functions with the same name. See