Code to connect a virtual arm to the M1 model
Multipe arm options depending on self.type:
- 'randomInput': the object provides random values matching the format (used for test/debugging)
- 'dummyArm': simple kinematic arm implemented in python
- 'musculoskeletal': realistic musculoskeletal arm implemented in C++ and interfaced via pipes
Adapted from arm.hoc in arm2dms
Version: 2015jan28 by salvadordura@gmail.com
from neuron import h
import arminterface
from numpy import array, zeros, pi, ones, cos, sin, mean
from pylab import concatenate, figure, show, ion, ioff, pause,xlabel, ylabel, plot, Circle, sqrt, arctan, arctan2, close
from copy import copy
from random import uniform, seed, sample, randint
[SH,EL] = [X,Y] = [0,1]
[SH_EXT, SH_FLEX, EL_EXT, EL_FLEX] = [0,1,2,3]
class Arm:
#%% init
def __init__(self, type, anim, graphs): # initialize variables
self.type = type # 'randomOutput', 'dummyArm', 'musculoskeletal'
self.anim = anim # whether to show arm animation or not
self.graphs = graphs # whether to show graphs at the end
# convert cartesian position to joint angles
def pos2angles(self, armPos, armLen):
x = armPos[0]
y = armPos[1]
l1 = armLen[0]
l2 = armLen[1]
elang = abs(2*arctan(sqrt(((l1 + l2)**2 - (x**2 + y**2))/((x**2 + y**2) - (l1 - l2)**2))));
phi = arctan2(y,x);
psi = arctan2(l2 * sin(elang), l1 + (l2 * cos(elang)));
shang = phi - psi;
return [shang,elang]
# convert joint angles to cartesian position
def angles2pos(self, armAng, armLen):
elbowPosx = armLen[0] * cos(armAng[0]) # end of elbow
elbowPosy = armLen[0] * sin(armAng[0])
wristPosx = elbowPosx + armLen[1] * cos(+armAng[0]+armAng[1]) # wrist=arm position
wristPosy = elbowPosy + armLen[1] * sin(+armAng[0]+armAng[1])
return [wristPosx,wristPosy]
#%% setTargetByID
def setTargetByID(self, id, startAng, targetDist, armLen):
startPos = self.angles2pos(startAng, armLen)
if id == 0:
targetPos = [startPos[0]+0.15, startPos[1]+0]
elif id == 1:
targetPos = [startPos[0]-0.15, startPos[1]+0]
elif id == 2:
targetPos = [startPos[0]+0, startPos[1]+0.15]
elif id == 3:
targetPos = [startPos[0]+0, startPos[1]-0.15]
return targetPos
#%% setupDummyArm
def setupDummyArm(self):
if self.anim:
self.fig = figure() # create figure
l = 1.1*sum(self.armLen)
self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-l/2, +l), ylim=(-l/2, +l)) # create subplot
self.line, = self.ax.plot([], [], 'o-', lw=2)
self.circle = Circle((0,0),0.04, color='g', fill=False)
#%% runDummyArm: update position and velocity based on motor commands; and plot
def runDummyArm(self, dataReceived):
friction = 0.5 # friction coefficient
shang = (self.ang[SH] + self.angVel[SH] * self.interval/1000) #% update shoulder angle
elang = (self.ang[EL] + self.angVel[EL] * self.interval/1000) #% update elbow angle
if shang<self.minPval: shang = self.minPval # limits
if elang<self.minPval: elang = self.minPval # limits
if shang>self.maxPval: shang = self.maxPval # limits
if elang>self.maxPval: elang = self.maxPval # limits
elpos = [self.armLen[SH] * cos(shang), self.armLen[SH] * sin(shang)] # calculate shoulder x-y pos
handpos = [elpos[X] + self.armLen[EL] * cos(shang+elang), elpos[Y] + self.armLen[EL] * sin(shang+elang)]
shvel = self.angVel[SH] + (dataReceived[1]-dataReceived[0]) - (friction * self.angVel[SH])# update velocities based on incoming commands (accelerations) and friction
elvel = self.angVel[EL] + (dataReceived[3]-dataReceived[2]) - (friction * self.angVel[EL])
if self.anim:
self.circle.center = self.targetPos
self.line.set_data([0, elpos[0], handpos[0]], [0, elpos[1], handpos[1]]) # update line in figure
self.ax.set_title('Time = %.1f ms, shoulder: pos=%.2f rad, vel=%.2f, acc=%.2f ; elbow: pos = %.2f rad, vel = %.2f, acc=%.2f' % (float(self.duration), shang, shvel, dataReceived[0] - (friction * shvel), elang, elvel, dataReceived[1] - (friction * elvel) ), fontsize=10)
pause(0.0001) # pause so that the figure refreshes at every time step
return [shang, elang, shvel, elvel, handpos[0], handpos[1]]
#%% Reset arm variables so doesn't move between trials
def resetArm(self, s, t):
self.trial = self.trial + 1
s.timeoflastreset = t
if self.type == 'dummyArm':
self.ang = list(self.startAng) # keeps track of shoulder and elbow angles
self.angVel = [0,0] # keeps track of joint angular velocities
self.motorCmd = [0,0,0,0] # motor commands to muscles
self.error = 0 # error signal (eg. difference between )
self.critic = 0 # critic signal (1=reward; -1=punishment)
self.initArmMovement = self.initArmMovement + s.testTime
def setPMdInput(self, s):
for c in range(0, s.popnumbers[s.PMd], 2):
gid = s.popGidStart[s.PMd] + c # find gid of PMd
lid = s.gidDic[gid] # find local index corresponding to gid
if (gid in s.targetPMdInputs[s.targetid]): # if gid in PMdinputs for this target
#print "yes:",gid
s.cells[lid].interval=1000/s.maxPMdRate # set low interval (in ms as a function of rate)
else: # if angle not in range -> low firing rate
s.cells[lid].interval=1000/s.minPMdRate # set high interval (in ms as a function of rate)
#print "no:",gid
pass # local index corresponding to gid not found in this node
#%% plot motor commands
def RLcritic(self, t):
if t > self.initArmMovement: # do not calculate critic signal in between trials
# Calculate critic signal and activate RL (check synapses between nsloc->cells)
RLsteps = int(self.RLinterval/self.interval)
if len(self.errorAll) >= RLsteps:
diff = self.error - mean(self.errorAll[-RLsteps:-1]) # difference between error at t and at t-(RLdt/dt) eg. t-50/5 = t-10steps
diff = 0
if diff < -self.minRLerror: # if error negative: LTP
self.critic = 1 # return critic signal to model.py so can update synaptic weights
elif diff > self.minRLerror: # if error positive: LTD
self.critic = -1
else: # if difference not significant: no weight change
self.critic = 0
else: # if
self.critic = 0
return self.critic
#%% plot joint angles
def plotTraj(self, filename):
fig = figure()
l = 1.1*sum(self.armLen)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-l/2, +l), ylim=(-l/2, +l)) # create subplot
posX, posY = list(zip(*[self.angles2pos([x[SH],x[EL]], self.armLen) for x in self.angAll]))
ax.plot(posX, posY, 'r')
targ = Circle((self.targetPos),0.04, color='g', fill=False) # target
ax.set_title('X-Y Hand trajectory')
print('saving '+filename)
#%% plot joint angles
def plotAngs(self):
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # create subplot
sh = [x[SH] for x in self.angAll]
el = [x[EL] for x in self.angAll]
ax.plot(sh, 'r', label='shoulder')
ax.plot(el, 'b', label='elbow')
shTarg = self.pos2angles(self.targetPos, self.armLen)[0]
elTarg = self.pos2angles(self.targetPos, self.armLen)[1]
ax.plot(list(range(0,len(sh))), [shTarg] * len(sh), 'r:', label='sh target')
ax.plot(list(range(0,len(el))), [elTarg] * len(el), 'b:', label='el target')
ax.set_title('Joint angles')
#%% plot motor commands
def plotMotorCmds(self):
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # create subplot
shext = [x[SH_EXT] for x in self.motorCmdAll]
elext = [x[EL_EXT] for x in self.motorCmdAll]
shflex = [x[SH_FLEX] for x in self.motorCmdAll]
elflex = [x[EL_FLEX] for x in self.motorCmdAll]
ax.plot(shext, 'r', label='sh ext')
ax.plot(shflex, 'r:', label='sh flex')
ax.plot(elext, 'b', label='el ext')
ax.plot(elflex, 'b:', label='el flex')
ax.set_title('Motor commands')
ylabel('motor command')
#%% plot RL critic signal and error
def plotRL(self):
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # create subplot
ax.plot(self.errorAll, 'r', label='error')
ax.plot((array(self.criticAll)+1.0) * max(self.errorAll) / 2.0, 'b', label='RL critic')
ax.set_title('RL critic and error')
ylabel('Error (m) / RL signal')
def setup(self, s):#, nduration, loopstep, RLinterval, pc, scale, popnumbers, p):
self.duration = s.duration#/1000.0 # duration in msec
self.interval = s.loopstep#/1000.0 # interval between arm updates in ,sec
self.RLinterval = s.RLinterval # interval between RL updates in msec
self.minRLerror = s.minRLerror # minimum error change for RL (m)
self.armLen = s.armLen # elbow - shoulder from MSM;radioulnar - elbow from MSM;
self.handPos = [0,0] # keeps track of hand (end-effector) x,y position
self.handPosAll = [] # list with all handPos
self.handVel = [0,0] # keeps track of hand (end-effector) x,y velocity
self.handVelAll = [] # list with all handVel
self.startAng = s.startAng # starting shoulder and elbow angles (rad) = natural rest position
self.ang = list(self.startAng) # keeps track of shoulder and elbow angles
self.angAll = [] # list with all ang
self.angVel = [0,0] # keeps track of joint angular velocities
self.angVelAll = [] # list with all angVel
self.motorCmd = [0,0,0,0] # motor commands to muscles
self.motorCmdAll = [] # list with all motorCmd
self.targetDist = s.targetDist # target distance from center (15 cm)
#self.targetid = 0 # target id (eg. 0=right, 1=left, 2=top, 3=bottom)
self.targetidAll = [] # list with all targetid
self.targetPos = self.setTargetByID(s.targetid, self.startAng, self.targetDist, self.armLen) # set the target location based on target id
self.error = 0 # error signal (eg. difference between )
self.errorAll = [] # list with all error
self.critic = 0 # critic signal (1=reward; -1=punishment)
self.criticAll = [] # list with all critic
self.randDur = 0 # initialize explor movs duration
self.initArmMovement = int(s.initArmMovement) # start arm movement after x msec
self.trial = 0 # trial number
# motor command encoding
self.vec = h.Vector()
self.cmdmaxrate = s.cmdmaxrate # maximum spikes for motor command (normalizing value)
self.cmdtimewin = s.cmdtimewin # spike time window for shoulder motor command (ms)
# proprioceptive encoding
self.pStart = s.pStart # proprioceptive encoding first cell
self.numPcells = s.numPcells # number of proprioceptive cells to encode shoulder and elbow angles
self.prange = zeros((self.numPcells,2)) # range of values encoded by each P cell (proprioceptive tuning curve)
self.minPval = s.minPval # min angle to encode
self.maxPval = s.maxPval # max angle to encode
self.minPrate = s.minPrate # firing rate when angle not within range
self.maxPrate = s.maxPrate # firing rate when angle within range
angInterval = (self.maxPval - self.minPval) / (self.numPcells - 2) * 2 # angle interval (times 2 because shoulder+elbow)
currentPval = self.minPval
for c in range(0,self.numPcells,2):
self.prange[c,0] = currentPval # shoulder lower range
self.prange[c,1] = currentPval + angInterval # shoulder higher range
self.prange[c+1,0] = currentPval # elbow lower range
self.prange[c+1,1] = currentPval + angInterval # elbow higher range
currentPval += angInterval
# initialize dummy or musculoskeletal arm
if s.rank == 0:
if self.type == 'dummyArm':
self.setupDummyArm() # setup dummyArm (eg. graph animation)
elif self.type == 'musculoskeletal':
damping = 1 # damping of muscles (.osim parameter)
shExtGain = 2 # gain factor to multiply force of shoulder extensor muscles (.osim parameter)
shFlexGain = 1 # gain factor to multiply force of shoulder flexor muscles (.osim parameter)
elExtGain = 1 # gain factor to multiply force of elbow extensor muscles (.osim parameter)
elFlexGain = 0.8 # gain factor to multiply force of elbox flexor muscles (.osim parameter)
# call function to initialize virtual arm params and run virtual arm C++ executable
arminterface.setup(self.duration/1000.0, self.interval, self.startAng[SH], self.startAng[EL], self.targetPos[X], self.targetPos[Y], damping, shExtGain, shFlexGain, elExtGain, elFlexGain)
# set PMd inputs
if s.PMdinput == 'targetSplit':
self.setPMdInput(s) # set PMd inputs
### RUN
def run(self, t, s): #pc, cells, gidVec, gidDic, cellsperhost=[], hostspikevecs=[]):
# Append to list the the value of relevant variables for this time step (only worker0)
if s.rank == 0:
self.handPosAll.append(list(self.handPos)) # list with all handPos
self.handVelAll.append(list(self.handVel)) # list with all handVel
self.angAll.append(list(self.ang)) # list with all ang
self.angVelAll.append(list(self.angVel)) # list with all angVel
self.motorCmdAll.append(list(self.motorCmd)) # list with all motorCmd
self.targetidAll.append(self.targetid) # list with all targetid
self.errorAll.append(self.error) # error signal (eg. difference between )
self.criticAll.append(self.critic) # critic signal (1=reward; -1=punishment)
# dummyArm or musculoskeletal: gather spikes for motor command
if self.type == 'dummyArm' or self.type == 'musculoskeletal':
## Exploratory movements
if s.explorMovs and t-s.timeoflastexplor >= self.randDur: # if time to update exploratory movement
seed(s.id32('%d'%(int(t)+s.randseed))) # init seed
self.randMus = int(uniform(0,s.nMuscles)) # select random muscle group
self.randMul = uniform(s.explorMovsFactor/5,s.explorMovsFactor) # select random multiplier
self.randDur = uniform(s.explorMovsDur/5, s.explorMovsDur) # select random duration
s.timeoflastexplor = t
if s.explorMovs == 1: # add random noise to EDSC+IDSC population
IDSCgids = array(s.motorCmdCellRange[self.randMus]) - int(s.popGidStart[s.EDSC]) + int(s.popGidStart[s.IDSC])
IDSCgidsInverse = [j for j in range(s.popGidStart[s.IDSC],s.popGidEnd[s.IDSC]+1) if j not in list(IDSCgids)]
for (i,x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources): # for all background input netstims
if s.backgroundgid[i] in s.motorCmdCellRange[self.randMus] or s.backgroundgid[i] in list(IDSCgids): # if connected to chosen muscle cells
#print s.backgroundgid[i]
x.interval = (self.randMul*s.backgroundrateExplor)**-1*1e3 # increase firing
elif s.backgroundgid[i] in [y for z in range(s.nMuscles) if z != self.randMus for y in s.motorCmdCellRange[z]+IDSCgidsInverse]:
x.interval = s.backgroundrateMin**-1*1e3 # otherwise set to minimum
#if s.rank==0: print 'exploratory movement, randMus',self.randMus,' strength:',self.randMul,' duration:', self.randDur
#print 'IDSC cells:', IDSCgids
#print 'IDSC inverse cells:', IDSCgidsInverse
elif s.explorMovs == 2: # add random noise to EB5 population
self.targetCells = list(range(s.popGidStart[s.EB5], s.popGidEnd[s.EB5]+1)) # EB5 cell gids
self.randNumCells = randint(1, int(s.explorCellsFraction*len(self.targetCells))) # num of cells to stimumales
self.randCells = sample(self.targetCells, int(self.randNumCells)) # select random gids
for (i,x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources): # for all input background netstims
if s.backgroundgid[i] in self.randCells: # if connectd to selected random cells
x.interval = s.backgroundrateExplor**-1*1e3 # increase input
elif s.backgroundgid[i] in [y for y in self.targetCells if y not in self.randCells]: # for the rest of cells
x.interval = s.backgroundrateMin**-1*1e3 # set to normal level
#if s.rank==0:
#print 'Nodes:', s.rank,' - exploratory movement, numcells:',self.randNumCells,' strength:',self.randMul,' duration:', self.randDur, 'cells:', self.randCells
## Reset arm and set target after every trial -start from center etc
if s.trialReset and t-s.timeoflastreset > s.testTime:
self.resetArm(s, t)
s.targetid = s.trialTargets[self.trial] # set target based on trial number
self.targetPos = self.setTargetByID(s.targetid, self.startAng, self.targetDist, self.armLen)
if s.PMdinput == 'targetSplit': self.setPMdInput(s)
## Only move after initial period - avoids initial transitory spiking period (NSLOC sync spikes), and allows for variables with history to clear
# can be justified as preparatory period (eg. watiing for go cue)
if t > self.initArmMovement:
## Gather spikes #### from all vectors to then calculate motor command
for i in range(s.nMuscles):
cmdVecs = [array(s.hostspikevecs[x]) for x in range(s.cellsperhost) if (s.gidVec[x] in s.motorCmdCellRange[i])]
self.motorCmd[i] = sum([len(x[(x < t) * (x > t-self.cmdtimewin)]) for x in cmdVecs])
s.pc.allreduce(self.vec.from_python([self.motorCmd[i]]), 1) # sum
self.motorCmd[i] = self.vec.to_python()[0]
# else:
# for i in range(s.nMuscles): # stimulate all muscles equivalently so arm doesnt move
# self.motorCmd[i] = 0.2 * self.cmdmaxrate
## Calculate final motor command
if s.rank==0:
self.motorCmd = [x / self.cmdmaxrate for x in self.motorCmd] # normalize motor command
if s.antagInh: # antagonist inhibition
if self.motorCmd[SH_EXT] > self.motorCmd[SH_FLEX]: # sh ext > sh flex
self.motorCmd[SH_FLEX] = self.motorCmd[SH_FLEX]**2 / self.motorCmd[SH_EXT] / s.antagInh
elif self.motorCmd[SH_EXT] < self.motorCmd[SH_FLEX]: # sh flex > sh ext
self.motorCmd[SH_EXT] = self.motorCmd[SH_EXT]**2 / self.motorCmd[SH_FLEX] / s.antagInh
if self.motorCmd[EL_EXT] > self.motorCmd[EL_FLEX]: # el ext > el flex
self.motorCmd[EL_FLEX] = self.motorCmd[EL_FLEX]**2 / self.motorCmd[EL_EXT] / s.antagInh
elif self.motorCmd[EL_EXT] < self.motorCmd[EL_FLEX]: # el ext > el flex
self.motorCmd[EL_EXT] = self.motorCmd[EL_EXT]**2 / self.motorCmd[EL_FLEX] / s.antagInh
# ALL arms: Send motor command to virtual arm; receive new position; update proprioceptive population (ASC)
# Worker 0 sends motor commands and receives data from virtual arm
#print "t=%f , self.initArmMovement=%f"%(t, self.initArmMovement)
if s.rank == 0:
if self.type == 'musculoskeletal': # MUSCULOSKELETAL
dataReceived = arminterface.sendAndReceiveDataPackets(t, self.interval, self.motorCmd[0], self.motorCmd[1], self.motorCmd[2], self.motorCmd[3])
dataReceived = [self.ang[SH], self.ang[EL]]
if not dataReceived or dataReceived==[-3,3]: # if error receiving packet
dataReceived = [self.ang[SH], self.ang[EL]] # use previous packet
print('Missed packet at t=%.2f',t)
elif self.type == 'dummyArm': # DUMMYARM
dataReceived = self.runDummyArm(self.motorCmd) # run dummyArm
elif self.type == 'randomOutput': # RANDOMOUTPUT
dataReceived = [0,0]
dataReceived[0] = uniform(self.minPval, self.maxPval) # generate 2 random values
dataReceived[1] = uniform(self.minPval, self.maxPval)
# broadcast dataReceived to other workers.
n = s.pc.broadcast(self.vec.from_python(dataReceived), 0) # convert python list to hoc vector for broadcast data received from arm
else: # other workers
n = s.pc.broadcast(self.vec, 0) # receive shoulder and elbow angles from worker0 so can compare with cells in this worker
dataReceived = self.vec.to_python()
if self.type == 'musculoskeletal':
[self.ang[SH], self.ang[EL]] = dataReceived
self.handPos = self.angles2pos(self.ang, self.armLen)
self.angVel[SH] = self.angVel[EL] = 0
[self.ang[SH], self.ang[EL], self.angVel[SH], self.angVel[EL], self.handPos[SH], self.handPos[EL]] = dataReceived # map data received to shoulder and elbow angles
#[self.ang[SH], self.ang[EL], self.angVel[SH], self.angVel[EL]] = dataReceived # map data received to shoulder and elbow angles
#### Update proprio pop ASC
for c in range(0, self.numPcells, 2):
id = s.gidDic[self.pStart + c] # find local index corresponding to gid
if (self.ang[SH] >= self.prange[c,0] and self.ang[SH] < self.prange[c,1]): # in angle in range -> high firing rate
s.cells[id].interval=1000/self.maxPrate # interval in ms as a function of rate
else: # if angle not in range -> low firing rate
s.cells[id].interval=1000/self.minPrate # interval in ms as a function of rate
pass # local index corresponding to gid not found in this node
id = s.gidDic[self.pStart + c + 1] # find local index corresponding to gid
if (self.ang[EL] >= self.prange[c+1,0] and self.ang[EL] < self.prange[c+1,1]): # in angle in range -> high firing rate
s.cells[id].interval=1000/self.maxPrate # interval in ms as a function of rate
else: # if angle not in range -> low firing rate
s.cells[id].interval=1000/self.minPrate # interval in ms as a function of rate
pass # local index corresponding to gid not found in this node
#### Calculate error between hand and target for interval between RL updates
if s.rank == 0 and self.initArmMovement: # do not update between trials
#print 't=%.2f, xpos=%.2f'%(t,self.targetPos[X])
self.error = sqrt((self.handPos[X] - self.targetPos[X])**2 + (self.handPos[Y] - self.targetPos[Y])**2)
return self.critic
def close(self, s):
if self.type == 'randomOutput':
print('\nClosing random output virtual arm...')
if self.type == 'dummyArm':
if s.explorMovs == 1: # remove explor movs related noise to cells
for imus in range(s.nMuscles):
IDSCgids = array(s.motorCmdCellRange[self.randMus]) - int(s.popGidStart[s.EDSC]) + int(s.popGidStart[s.IDSC])
for (i,x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources):
if s.backgroundgid[i] in s.motorCmdCellRange[imus]+list(IDSCgids):
x.interval = 0.0001**-1*1e3
x.noise = s.backgroundnoise # Fractional noise in timing
elif s.explorMovs == 2: # remove explor movs related noise to cells
for (i,x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources): # for all input background netstims
if s.backgroundgid[i] in self.targetCells: # for the rest of cells
x.interval = s.backgroundrate**-1*1e3 # set to normal level
if s.trialReset:
s.timeoflastreset = 0
self.initArmMovement = int(s.initArmMovement)
if s.rank == 0:
print('\nClosing dummy virtual arm ...')
if self.anim:
ioff() # turn interactive mode off
close(self.fig) # close arm animation graph
if self.graphs: # plot graphs
if self.type == 'musculoskeletal':
if s.explorMovs == 1: # remove explor movs related noise to cells
for imus in range(s.nMuscles):
IDSCgids = array(s.motorCmdCellRange[self.randMus]) - int(s.popGidStart[s.EDSC]) + int(s.popGidStart[s.IDSC])
for (i,x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources):
if s.backgroundgid[i] in s.motorCmdCellRange[imus]+list(IDSCgids):
x.interval = 0.0001**-1*1e3
x.noise = s.backgroundnoise # Fractional noise in timing
elif s.explorMovs == 2: # remove explor movs related noise to cells
for (i,x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources): # for all input background netstims
if s.backgroundgid[i] in self.targetCells: # for the rest of cells
x.interval = s.backgroundrate**-1*1e3 # set to normal level
if s.trialReset:
s.timeoflastreset = 0
self.initArmMovement = int(s.initArmMovement)
if s.rank == 0:
print('\nClosing dummy virtual arm ...')
arminterface.closeSavePlot(self.duration/1000.0, self.interval)
if self.graphs: # plot graphs