import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('Agg') # needed for hpc batch sims

import sys
from numpy import mean, zeros
from time import time
import pickle
from neuron import h# Import NEURON
import shared as s

### Update model parameters from command-line arguments

for argv in sys.argv[1:]: # Skip first argument, which is file name
    arg = argv.replace(' ','').split('=') # ignore spaces and find varname and value
    harg = arg[0].split('.')+[''] # Separate out variable name; '' since if split fails need to still have an harg[1]
    if len(arg)==2:
        if hasattr(s,arg[0]) or hasattr(s,harg[1]): # Check that variable exists
            if arg[0] == 'outfilestem':
                exec('s.'+arg[0]+'="'+arg[1]+'"') # Actually set variable
                if s.rank==0: # messages only come from Master
                    print(('  Setting %s=%s' %(arg[0],arg[1])))
                exec('s.'+argv) # Actually set variable
                if s.rank==0: # messages only come from Master
                    print(('  Setting %s=%r' %(arg[0],eval(arg[1]))))
            raise Exception('Reading args from commandline: Variable "%s" not found' % arg[0])
    elif argv=='-mpi':   ismpi = True
    else: pass # ignore -python

### Run model
import network


#from pylab import show; show()  # needed for hpc batch sims