#include <math.h>
#include "mex.h"

#if !defined(MAX)
#define MAX(A, B)       ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

#if !defined(MIN)
#define MIN(A, B)       ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))

/* Revised June 26, 2011 by Kieran Bol - kieran_bol@hotmail.com */

void timeloop(double sptime[], double bursttime4[], double bursttime2[],
        double w[], double signal[], double weight[], double rec[],double f, double g, double Lambda, 
        double eta, double eta2, mwSize numw, mwSize m, double tau_m, double tau_w, double delt, double wmax)
    /*Parameters from Noonan et al. 2003*/
 double A=0.15*4, B=2, alpha=20, 
        beta=0.35, D=0.1, E=3.5, tauref=0.1,taudend=50., b=0, 
        somawidth=0.05*4, dendwidth=1.0, taudecay=1., thresh=1.0;
 double realt, avgw, Lwidth, Lwidth2, Bdef4, Bdef2, lt, nper, burstT, *pfspike, *L, v=0.025, tref=0, Dxh, Dwh, Dyh, Dsh, Dx=0, Dy=0, Ds=0, Dw=0; 
 mwSize n=1, i, k, j, reci=0, index=4, index4=0, index2=0, count4=4, count2=2,  countr=0;

  /*PF initialization */
    pfspike=mxGetPr(mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3*numw,1, mxREAL));
    L=mxGetPr(mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3*numw,1, mxREAL));
 /*Burst definition and width*/   
    Bdef2=0.015/tau_m; /*defining a 2-spike burst (time is in units of tau_m within code so 15 ms = 0.015/tau_m)*/      
    Bdef4=3.0*Bdef2; /*4-spike burst has 3 ISIs so 3 x 2-spike burst definition */
    Lwidth=0.1/tau_m; /*100 ms 4-spike burst learning rule width, from experimental data*/
    Lwidth2=0.01/tau_m; /*10 ms 2-spike STDP width*/
    nper=1/f/delt; /*number of time-steps in 1 period*/

   /*Mapping given weight distribution to dynamic weight matrix w */
   /* pfspike gives start times (i.e. firing times) of each PF over 3 periods  */
   for (i=0;i<3*numw;i++){
       pfspike[i]=ceil(nper/numw*i)*delt; /* nper/numw*delt= T/numw = time span of each segment*/
    /* Initializations*/
    sptime[0]=-100; sptime[1]=-100; sptime[2]=-100;    sptime[3]=-100; 
    /*----Time loop----*/
    for (i=0;i<m;i++){
        realt=delt*i; /*realt in units of tau_m, so not real time per say*/
        k= (int) floor(fmodf(numw*realt/nper/delt,numw));
        /*k is an integer that increases stepwise and signals the start of a new PF */
        /*so for 0-2.5ms, k=0, for 2.5-5ms, k=1, etc., and loops back to k=0 when period is over (hence fmodf of numw)*/
        /*if realt is greater than the refractory period*/     
            /*GOVERNING EQUATION*/           
            v= v+delt*(-v + signal[i] + Lambda*(w[k]-g*v));
            /*k is used to change the index of the weight that is active at a given time*/
            /*Note absence of DAP*/
            /* Do this if ISI beyond dendritic ref. period*/
                if (dendwidth*Dx-somawidth*Ds > 0){  /*DAP is rectified*/  
                    v=v+delt*alpha*(dendwidth*Dx-somawidth*Ds); /*DAP is added*/
        }/*end of if realt > tref */
        /*if V >threshold, a spike is fired and a burst might be recorded*/
        if(v>thresh) {
                v=0; /*v reset to 0*/
                tref=realt+tauref+delt/2; /*refractory period is updated*/
                sptime[index]=realt; /*spike is recorded*/
                index++; /*index now moves to vacant position*/
                count4--; /*so each 4-sp burst has 4 unique spikes: COMMENT OUT THIS LINE TO REMOVE DETECTION OF 4-SPIKE BURSTS*/
                count2--; /* so each 2-spike burst has 2 unique spikes: COMMENT OUT THIS LINE TO REMOVE DETECTION OF 2-SPIKE BURSTS */
                /*DAP parameters are updated*/
                b=b+A+ B*b*b; /*updating b*/
                taudend=D+E*b; /*updating dendritic refractory period*/
                /*if the last spike occurred within Bdef2 of this spike and count2<1, then record a 2-sp burst*/
                if((realt-sptime[index-2]<Bdef2)&& (count2<1)) { /*count2 makes sure that bursts don't share spikes */
                    bursttime2[index2]=sptime[index-2];/* tracks the 1st spike in burst (hence "index-2") */
                    index2++; /*2sp burst index moves up 1*/
                    count2=2; /* reset the count*/

                    /*learning 2sp rule*/
                    burstT= fmod(sptime[index-2],nper*delt)+nper*delt; 
                    /*burstT = time of SP burst, mod the period of AM (i.e. 760 ms = 10 ms after start of 4 Hz period) + 1 period*/
                    /*to make sure that a burst at the end of a period affects weights at the beginning of the next cycle,
                      and same with a burst at the beginning of a period affecting weights at the end of the last cycle,
                      pfspike has PF "firing" times for 3 periods and burstT adds a period (i.e. +nper*delt) to the burst time*/
                    /*Also, since I know exactly when PFs will fire in the future, 
                     I apply the learning rule both pre-post and post-pre when the SP cell fires*/
                    for (j=0;j<3*numw;j++){
                        L[j]=1-pow((pfspike[j]-burstT)/Lwidth2,2); /* Quadratic Learning rule for each PF time */
                        if(L[j]<0){L[j]=0;} /*rectification of the learning rule (so it's strictly inhibitory)*/
                    for (j=0;j<numw;j++){
                        w[j]=w[j]-eta2*w[j]*(L[j]+L[j+numw]+L[j+2*numw]); /*weights updated*/
                        if(w[j]<0){w[j]=0;} /*depression at that weight's segment from each of the 3 periods looked at is added together*/
                    } /*for 2-spike bursts, Lwidth2 is small, so L <0 --> L=0 often*/

                }/*End of if 2-spike burst occurred*/
             /*if the time between this spike and the 4th last spike is less than Bdef4, record a 4-spike burst*/   
             if((realt-sptime[index-4]<Bdef4)&& (count4<1)) { 
                    bursttime4[index4]=sptime[index-4];/* tracks the 1st spike in burst*/
                    count4=4; /*no overlapping 4 sp bursts*/
                    count2=2; /* so 2sp burst can't use last spike in 4 sp burst*/
                    /*since weights change immediately, once a 4-spike burst is identified,
                      a 2-spike burst has likely just occurred and must be removed
                    (so that a 4-spike burst is not mistakenly double counted as also having 2-spike bursts in it) */
                     /*UNLEARNING LOOP: 2sp bursts within the 4sp burst*/
                    while(bursttime4[index4-1]-bursttime2[index2-1] < delt){
                        burstT= fmod(bursttime2[index2-1],nper*delt)+nper*delt;
                        for (j=0;j<3*numw;j++){
                        for (j=0;j<numw;j++){
                        /*this finds the effect of 2-sp burst that happened and does the inverse operation
                          Technically, the weights have changed since the burst because of potentiation rule, 
                         but it is negligible (time elapsed ~45 ms compared to tau_w = 980s ) */
                        index2--; /*record of 2sp burst erased*/
                    } /* repeat unlearning loop until no 2sp burst in last 4 spikes (i.e. could be 0, 1, or 2 bursts)*/
                    /*UNLEARNING LOOP: Removing 2sp burst that used the 1st spike in 4sp burst as its last spike*/
                     if (bursttime2[index2-1]==sptime[index-5]){
                        burstT= fmod(bursttime2[index2-1],nper*delt)+nper*delt;
                        for (j=0;j<3*numw;j++){
                        for (j=0;j<numw;j++){
                    } /* 5th spike unlearning loop*/

                    /*learning 4sp rule*/
                    burstT= fmod(sptime[index-4],nper*delt)+nper*delt; /*range= [T,2T) */
                    /*with Lwidth4 being large compared to T at high AM freqs, using 3 periods means that
                     sometimes one PF will be affected multiple times by 1 burst (i.e. if a PF burst 50ms 
                     before and 50ms after a SP cell burst, then PF will be depressed by the sum of both). 
                     This effect is limited to 3 periods, so at 20 Hz and especially at 32 Hz, the effect of 4-spike 
                     bursts are clipped at the ends. This was for computational simplicity, but it is unknown 
                     how this situation is resolved in vivo anyway. */
                    for (j=0;j<3*numw;j++){
                        L[j]=1-pow((pfspike[j]-burstT)/Lwidth,2); /*Learning rule*/
                    for (j=0;j<numw;j++){
                        w[j]=w[j]-eta*w[j]*(L[j]+L[j+numw]+L[j+2*numw]); /*weight update*/
             } /*end of if 4sp burst... */
        } /*end of if fired...*/
        /*Dendritic alpha f'n: how to code it dynamically*/
        Dxh=Dx+delt*Dy; /*%D for DAP = dendritic after-polarization*/

        /*Somatic alpha f'n */
        b=b +delt*(-b/taudecay); /*b dynamically decays*/    
        /*Potentiation rule*/
        for (j=0;j<numw;j++){
    }/*----end of time loop----*/
} /*end of function*/

/*The function below allows MATLAB to compile and communicate with the upper function, including input/output arrays, etc. */

void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
  double g,wmax, eta, eta2, delt, numw, f, *rec, *sptime, *bursttime4, 
  Lambda, *signal, *weight, *w, *bursttime2, tau_m, tau_w;
  mwSize mrows,ncols, mrows2, ncols2, endi, spsize;
  /* Check for proper number of arguments. */
  if(nrhs!=11) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Eleven inputs required.");
  } else if(nlhs>5) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments");
  mrows = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
  ncols = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
  endi= MAX(mrows,ncols);
  mrows2 = mxGetM(prhs[2]);
  ncols2 = mxGetN(prhs[2]);
  /* Create matrix for the return argument. */

  /*I assume the avg f.r. not greater than 1/tau_m; otherwise, will get segmentation faults*/
  plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(spsize,1, mxREAL);
  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(spsize,1, mxREAL);
  plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(spsize,1, mxREAL);
  plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows2,ncols2, mxREAL);
  plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(spsize,1, mxREAL);
  plhs[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1, mxREAL);
  /* OUTPUTS*/
  /* Call the timeloop subroutine. */
  timeloop(sptime,bursttime4,bursttime2, w,signal,weight,rec,f,g,Lambda,eta,eta2, numw,endi,tau_m, tau_w, delt, wmax);