Python programs for analysis of linearity and robustness: 1. Model output was processed using the python programs in**** to produce area under the curve. 2. ** or transpose_dataLTP**: get data in the correct file format to be used in stat_anal 3. ****:curve fitting and ANOVA statistical analysis to determine * Do ERK pathways combine linearly * Does ppERK increase linearly with concentration or duration 4. ****: calculate change of molecule concentration used for the robustness simulations. Input is the .xml file 5. ****: read in and calculate changes in ppERK AUC for individual molecules changes. Input is the output from 6. ****: read in and calculate changes in ppERK AUC from sets of molecules changes. Input is the output from 7. ****: Main program to analyze results of robustness simulations * First, create file with the change in molcule concentration used for the simulations ( * Second, create file with change in ppERK AUC, either using (for single molecule changes) or (for changes to sets of molecules). * Third, run RandomForest This * reads in npz files created by, and, * analyzes correlation between different measures of changes to ppERK AUC * does linear regession to determine which molecule changes best predict the change in ppERK AUC * does cluster analysis to determine if molecules changes change predict change to best ITI * does the random forest regression to determine which molecule changes best predict the change in ppERK AUC 8. ****: Functions used by