# Model of the Mammalian ET cell
Computational model and files to recreate the results from the paper "A Computational Model of the Mammalian External Tufted Cell" https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.10.003
Author: Ryan Viertel
## Usage:
data = ET(input,sampling_rate);
input: input vector, if no input then just a vector of zeros
sampling_rate: rate at which the input vector should be sampled. 1000 for milisecond
returns the following struct:
data.T - time vector
data.X - ODE variables at each time step
* data.X(:,1) - Membrane Potential
* data.X(:,2) - nK
* data.X(:,3) - hNaP
* data.X(:,4) - hH
* data.X(:,5) - mLVA
* data.X(:,6) - hLVA
* data.X(:,7) - mBK
* data.X(:,8) - Calcium
* data.X(:,9) - nHVK
data.events - list of spike events
data.which - event type
* 1 - spike
* 2 - burst start
* 3 - burst end
data.current - system currents
* data.current(:,1) = transient sodium
* data.current(:,2) = fast potassium
* data.current(:,3) = leak
* data.current(:,4) = persistent sodium
* data.current(:,5) = hyperpolarization activated
* data.current(:,6) = LVA calcium
* data.current(:,7) = HVA calcium
* data.current(:,8) = large conductance potassium
* data.current(:,9) = HVK current
## example
### create the input vector
input = zeros(1,5000);
### run the model
data = ET(input,1000);
### plot the voltage trace
The code used to sample the model throughout parameter space to determine stability and investigate the effect of model parameters on model output is found in the ME-PCM directory
## xpp
The ODE file to recreate the bifurcation diagram is found in the xpp directory