Stimulus protocol as used by Weber et al. (2016)
Demonstrating the synaptic plasticity rule by Ebner et al. (2019)
Made to work with the Hay et al. (2011) L5b pyramidal cell model


// ## Parameters
REPS = 1		// Number of events (per synapse)
DT = 0.025		// ms, integration step
WARM_UP = 2300	// ms, silence phase before stimulation
N_SYN = 4		// Number of synapses
WEIGHT = 0.0025	// µS, strength of each synapse
BLOCK = 0		// 0 ... control; 1 ... block apical Na+/Ca2+ channels

objref trec, vrec

// ## Create cell
objref L5PC
strdef morphology_file
morphology_file = "morphologies/cell1.asc"
L5PC = new L5PCtemplate(morphology_file)

if (BLOCK == 1) {
	// block apical Na+ channels
	forsec L5PC.apical { gNaTs2_tbar_NaTs2_t = 0.0 }
	// block apical Ca2+ channels
	forsec L5PC.apical {
		gCa_HVAbar_Ca_HVA = 0.0
		gCa_LVAstbar_Ca_LVAst = 0.0

// ## Custom init procedure
proc init(){
            dt = 10
            i = 0
            for i = 1,224 fadvance()	// Run warm-up phase using big steps
            print t
            dt = DT

// ## Stim protocol
func stimulation() { local dist, outcome, counter, target, temp localobj synlist, stimlist, nclist

	dist = $1	
	synlist = new List()
	stimlist = new List()
	nclist = new List()

	// Create objects
	for counter = 0, N_SYN - 1 {
		synlist.append(new Syn4P(dist)) 					// at the specified location
		synlist.o(counter).tau_a = 0.2 						// time constant of EPSP rise
		synlist.o(counter).tau_b = 2 						// time constant of EPSP decay
		synlist.o(counter).e = 0							// reversal potential
		synlist.o(counter).w_pre_init = 0.5					// pre factor initial value
		synlist.o(counter).w_post_init = 2.0				// post factor initial value
		synlist.o(counter).s_ampa = 0.8						// contribution of AMPAR currents
		synlist.o(counter).s_nmda = 0.2						// contribution of NMDAR currents
		synlist.o(counter).tau_G_a = 2 						// time constant of synaptic event G2 (rise)
		synlist.o(counter).tau_G_b = 50 					// time constant of synaptic event G2 (decay)
		synlist.o(counter).m_G = 10							// slope of the saturation function for G2
		synlist.o(counter).A_LTD_pre = 1.5e-3				// amplitude of pre-LTD
		synlist.o(counter).A_LTP_pre = 2.5e-4				// amplitude of pre-LTP
		synlist.o(counter).A_LTD_post = 7.5e-4				// amplitude of post-LTD
		synlist.o(counter).A_LTP_post = 7.8e-2				// amplitude of post-LTP
		synlist.o(counter).tau_u_T = 10 					// time constant for filtering u to calculate T
		synlist.o(counter).theta_u_T = -60					// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate T
		synlist.o(counter).m_T = 1.7						// slope of the saturation function for T
		synlist.o(counter).theta_u_N = -30					// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate N
		synlist.o(counter).tau_Z_a = 1						// time constant of presynlist.o(counter)aptic event Z (rise)
		synlist.o(counter).tau_Z_b = 15 					// time constant of presynlist.o(counter)aptic event Z (decay)
		synlist.o(counter).m_Z = 6							// slope of the saturation function for Z
		synlist.o(counter).tau_N_alpha = 7.5 				// time constant for calculating N-alpha
		synlist.o(counter).tau_N_beta = 30					// time constant for calculating N-beta
		synlist.o(counter).m_N_alpha = 2					// slope of the saturation function for N_alpha
		synlist.o(counter).m_N_beta = 10					// slope of the saturation function for N_beta
		synlist.o(counter).theta_N_X = 0.2					// threshold for N to calculate X
		synlist.o(counter).theta_u_C = -68					// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate C
		synlist.o(counter).theta_C_minus = 15				// threshold applied to C for post-LTD (P activation)
		synlist.o(counter).theta_C_plus = 35				// threshold applied to C for post-LTP (K-alpha activation)
		synlist.o(counter).tau_K_alpha = 15 				// time constant for filtering K_alpha to calculate K_alpha_bar
		synlist.o(counter).tau_K_gamma = 20 				// time constant for filtering K_beta to calculate K_gamma
		synlist.o(counter).m_K_alpha = 1.5					// slope of the saturation function for K_alpha
		synlist.o(counter).m_K_beta = 1.7					// slope of the saturation function for K_beta
		synlist.o(counter).s_K_beta = 100					// scaling factor for calculation of K_beta

		stimlist.append(new NetStim())
		stimlist.o(counter).number = REPS
		stimlist.o(counter).start = WARM_UP + counter * 0.1	// Each subsequent synapse is activated 0.1 ms later than the previous
		stimlist.o(counter).noise = 0
		nclist.append(new NetCon(stimlist.o(counter), synlist.o(counter), 0, 0, WEIGHT))

	total_time = WARM_UP + 100
	tstop = total_time
	// Recording
	trec = new Vector()
	print 0
	vrec = new Vector()
	// vrec.record(&synlist.o(counter).v)
print 1
	temp = 0
	print "Distance: ", dist
	print "Single synapses:"
	for counter = 0, N_SYN - 1 {
		w_init = synlist.o(counter).w_pre_init * synlist.o(counter).w_post_init
		delta_w_pre = synlist.o(counter).w_pre - synlist.o(counter).w_pre_init		// Difference of present and initial values
		delta_w_post = synlist.o(counter).w_post - synlist.o(counter).w_post_init 
		w_final_pre = synlist.o(counter).w_pre_init + delta_w_pre * 50				// 50 repetitions
		w_final_post = synlist.o(counter).w_post_init + delta_w_post * 50
		w_final = w_final_pre * w_final_post
		if (w_final_pre > 1.0) { w_final_pre = 1.0 }
		if (w_final_pre < 0.0) { w_final_pre = 0.0 }
		if (w_final_post > 5.0) { w_final_post = 5.0 }
		if (w_final_post < 0.0) { w_final_post = 0.0 }
		print "SYN", counter, ": ", (w_final - w_init) / w_init * 100, "%"
		temp += (w_final - w_init) / w_init * 100
	outcome = temp / N_SYN		// Calculate average weight change of the cluster
	print "Average: ", outcome, "%"
	print "---------------------------------"
    return outcome

// ## Main run procedure
objref weight_changes
objref example_seclist
example_seclist = new SectionList()
L5PC.apic[9] example_seclist.append()		// Oblique dendrite
L5PC.apic[67] example_seclist.append()		// Apical tuft dendrite
objref example_dists
example_dists = new Vector()
example_dists.append(0.2, 0.9)				// Relative distances along the branch
weight_changes = new Vector()
forsec example_seclist {
	print secname()
	for counter = 0, example_dists.size() - 1 { weight_changes.append(stimulation(example_dists.x(counter))) }

// ## Visualization
objref voltplot
voltplot = new Graph(0)		// voltage over time (final run only)
voltplot.size(0, 6625, -85, 10)
voltplot.view(-0.3, -85, 6625, 105, 65, 105, 300, 200)
vrec.line(voltplot, 1, 2)
objref compplot, compvec
compvec = new Vector()
compvec.append(-18, 39)		// Experimental data (Weber et al., 2016)
compplot = new Graph(0)
compplot.size(0, 3, -30, 50)
compplot.view(-0.3, -30, 3.3, 80, 65, 105, 300, 200)
compvec.line(compplot, 9, 2)
weight_changes.line(compplot, 2, 2)