Stimulus protocol using either random uniform or oscillatory synaptic activity
to illustrate single-branch heterosynaptic effects and NMDA spikes.
Demonstrating the synaptic plasticity rule by Ebner et al. (2019)
Made to work with the Hay et al. (2011) L5b pyramidal cell model
This code uses NEURON's vecevent.mod mechanism.


// ## Parameters
DT = 0.025 				// ms, integration step size
WARM_UP = 2350 			// ms, delay from beginning of simulation to approach steady state
RUNTIME = 350			// ms, interval of synaptic activity
PAUSETIME = 0			// ms, interval of silence (only needed if repetitions > 1)
COOL_DOWN = 100			// ms, time after end of events
REPETITIONS = 1			// number of cycles (one cycle = run + pause)
A_SYN_WEIGHT = 0.0025	// µS, conductance of a single synapse at location A
B_SYN_WEIGHT = 0.0025	// µS, conductance of a single synapse at location B
N_SYN_A = 8				// Number of plastic synapses at A
N_SYN_B = 8				// Number of plastic synapses at B
FREQ = 8				// Hz, average Poisson event frequency
WAVE_FREQ = 8			// Hz, frequency of the oscillation itself
WAVE_AMP = 0.05			// amplitude of sine wave function
WAVE_HEIGHT = 0.005		// baseline of sine wave function
SYN_PAUSE = 0			// ms, turn active synapses silent for this time (deactivated by default)
A_MODE = 1				// 0 ... Poisson; 1 ... synchronized
B_MODE = 0				// 0 ... Poisson; 1 ... synchronized
S_AMPA = 0.5			// AMPA current ratio
S_NMDA = 0.5			// NMDA current ratio
BRANCH = 53				// example branch (ID of apical section)
DIST_A = 0.8			// relative distance of cluster A on the branch
DIST_B = 0.2			// relative distance of cluster B on the branch

pi = 3.1415926

objref SEED
SEED = new Vector()
// SEED.indgen(1,100,1)
SEED.append(1)			// deterministic

// ## References
objref trec, vrec_a, vrec_b
objref a_syn_list, b_syn_list, a_nc_list, b_nc_list, a_stim_list, b_stim_list
objref a_syn_loc, b_syn_loc
objref a_syn_weights, b_syn_weights
objref r, tempobj

// ## Create cell
objref L5PC
strdef morphology_file
morphology_file = "morphologies/cell1.asc"
L5PC = new L5PCtemplate(morphology_file)

proc init(){
            dt = 10
            counter = 0
            for counter = 1,228 fadvance()	// Run warm-up phase using big steps
            dt = DT

obfunc rand_vec() { local n, start, end localobj vec
	// Create a vector containing n random numbers in the interval start to end
	n = $1
	start = $2
	end = $3
	vec = new Vector(n)
	return vec

obfunc make_stim() { local counter, counter2, pause, timer localobj rand, events, stim
	// Create Poisson event VecStim objects
	events = new Vector()
	pause = 0
	timer = WARM_UP
	for counter2 = 1, REPETITIONS {
		rand = rand_vec(total_time, 0, 1)
		for counter = 0, RUNTIME - 1 {
			if(rand.x(counter) <= (FREQ / 1000) && pause == 0) {
				events.append(timer + counter)	// append spike times
				pause = SYN_PAUSE
			if(pause > 0) { pause -= 1 } // allow the next event to happen only after a synaptic pause (deactivated by default)
	stim = new VecStim() // using the VecStim class
	return stim

obfunc oscillation() { local freq, amp, height, counter localobj vec
	// Create vector containing a custom sine wave function
	freq = $1
	amp = $2
	height = $3
	vec = new Vector(RUNTIME) // total stimulation time (in ms)
	for counter = 0, vec.size() - 1 {
		vec.x(counter) = sin((counter * 2 * pi) / (1000 / freq)) * 0.5 * amp + height
	return vec

obfunc make_stim_wave() { local counter, counter2, pause, timer localobj prob, rand, events, stim
	// Create VecStim objects from input wave vector (oscillating probability)
	prob = $o1
	events = new Vector()
	pause = 0
	timer = WARM_UP
	for counter2 = 1, REPETITIONS {
		rand = rand_vec(RUNTIME, 0, 1)
		for counter = 0, RUNTIME - 1 {
			if(rand.x(counter) <= prob.x(counter) && pause == 0) {
				events.append(timer + counter)	// append spike times
				pause = SYN_PAUSE
			if(pause > 0) { pause -= 1 } // allow the next event to happen only after a synaptic pause (deactivated by default)
	stim = new VecStim()
	return stim

proc make_syn_a() { local section, dist, index_syn, index_stim
	// Make plastic synapse at location A
	section = $1	// Section ID
	dist = $2		// Relative distance
	L5PC.apic[section] a_syn_list.append(new Syn4P(dist))	// at the specified location along the section
	index_syn = a_syn_list.count() - 1
	if(A_MODE == 0) {		// check for uniform or oscillating probability
	} else {
		a_stim_list.append(make_stim_wave(oscillation(WAVE_FREQ, WAVE_AMP, WAVE_HEIGHT)))
	index_stim = a_stim_list.count() - 1
	a_nc_list.append(new NetCon(a_stim_list.o(index_stim), a_syn_list.o(index_syn), 0, 0, A_SYN_WEIGHT))
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_a = 0.2 						// time constant of EPSP rise
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_b = 2 							// time constant of EPSP decay
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).e = 0								// reversal potential
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).w_pre_init = 0.5					// pre factor initial value
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).w_post_init = 2.0					// post factor initial value
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).s_ampa = S_AMPA						// contribution of AMPAR currents
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).s_nmda = S_NMDA						// contribution of NMDAR currents
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_G_a = 2 						// time constant of synaptic event G2 (rise)
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_G_b = 50 						// time constant of synaptic event G2 (decay)
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_G = 10							// slope of the saturation function for G2
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).A_LTD_pre = 1.5e-3					// amplitude of pre-LTD
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).A_LTP_pre = 2.5e-4					// amplitude of pre-LTP
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).A_LTD_post = 7.5e-4					// amplitude of post-LTD
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).A_LTP_post = 7.8e-2					// amplitude of post-LTP
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_u_T = 10 						// time constant for filtering u to calculate T
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_u_T = -60						// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate T
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_T = 1.7							// slope of the saturation function for T
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_u_N = -30						// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate N
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_Z_a = 1							// time constant of prea_syn_list.o(index_syn)aptic event Z (rise)
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_Z_b = 15 						// time constant of prea_syn_list.o(index_syn)aptic event Z (decay)
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_Z = 6								// slope of the saturation function for Z
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_N_alpha = 7.5 					// time constant for calculating N-alpha
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_N_beta = 30						// time constant for calculating N-beta
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_N_alpha = 2						// slope of the saturation function for N_alpha
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_N_beta = 10						// slope of the saturation function for N_beta
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_N_X = 0.2						// threshold for N to calculate X
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_u_C = -68						// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate C
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_C_minus = 15					// threshold applied to C for post-LTD (P activation)
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_C_plus = 35					// threshold applied to C for post-LTP (K-alpha activation)
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_K_alpha = 15 					// time constant for filtering K_alpha to calculate K_alpha_bar
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_K_gamma = 20 					// time constant for filtering K_beta to calculate K_gamma
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_K_alpha = 1.5						// slope of the saturation function for K_alpha
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_K_beta = 1.7						// slope of the saturation function for K_beta
	a_syn_list.o(index_syn).s_K_beta = 100						// scaling factor for calculation of K_beta

proc make_syn_b() { local section, dist, index_syn, index_stim
	// ## Make plastic synapse at location B
	section = $1	// Section ID
	dist = $2		// Relative distance
	L5PC.apic[section] b_syn_list.append(new Syn4P(dist))	// at the specified location along the section
	index_syn = b_syn_list.count() - 1
	if(B_MODE == 0) {		// check for uniform or oscillating probability
	} else {
		b_stim_list.append(make_stim_wave(oscillation(WAVE_FREQ, WAVE_AMP, WAVE_HEIGHT)))
	index_stim = b_stim_list.count() - 1
	b_nc_list.append(new NetCon(b_stim_list.o(index_stim), b_syn_list.o(index_syn), 0, 0, B_SYN_WEIGHT))
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_a = 0.2 						// time constant of EPSP rise
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_b = 2 							// time constant of EPSP decay
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).e = 0								// reversal potential
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).w_pre_init = 0.5					// pre factor initial value
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).w_post_init = 2.0					// post factor initial value
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).s_ampa = S_AMPA						// contribution of AMPAR currents
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).s_nmda = S_NMDA						// contribution of NMDAR currents
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_G_a = 2 						// time constant of synaptic event G2 (rise)
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_G_b = 50 						// time constant of synaptic event G2 (decay)
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_G = 10							// slope of the saturation function for G2
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).A_LTD_pre = 1.5e-3					// amplitude of pre-LTD
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).A_LTP_pre = 2.5e-4					// amplitude of pre-LTP
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).A_LTD_post = 7.5e-4					// amplitude of post-LTD
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).A_LTP_post = 7.8e-2					// amplitude of post-LTP
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_u_T = 10 						// time constant for filtering u to calculate T
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_u_T = -60						// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate T
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_T = 1.7							// slope of the saturation function for T
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_u_N = -30						// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate N
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_Z_a = 1							// time constant of preb_syn_list.o(index_syn)aptic event Z (rise)
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_Z_b = 15 						// time constant of preb_syn_list.o(index_syn)aptic event Z (decay)
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_Z = 6								// slope of the saturation function for Z
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_N_alpha = 7.5 					// time constant for calculating N-alpha
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_N_beta = 30						// time constant for calculating N-beta
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_N_alpha = 2						// slope of the saturation function for N_alpha
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_N_beta = 10						// slope of the saturation function for N_beta
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_N_X = 0.2						// threshold for N to calculate X
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_u_C = -68						// voltage threshold applied to u to calculate C
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_C_minus = 15					// threshold applied to C for post-LTD (P activation)
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).theta_C_plus = 35					// threshold applied to C for post-LTP (K-alpha activation)
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_K_alpha = 15 					// time constant for filtering K_alpha to calculate K_alpha_bar
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).tau_K_gamma = 20 					// time constant for filtering K_beta to calculate K_gamma
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_K_alpha = 1.5						// slope of the saturation function for K_alpha
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).m_K_beta = 1.7						// slope of the saturation function for K_beta
	b_syn_list.o(index_syn).s_K_beta = 100						// scaling factor for calculation of K_beta
// ## Main
objref a_weightfile, b_weightfile
objref a_g_file, b_g_file
objref a_voltagefile, b_voltagefile

for runs = 0, SEED.size() - 1 {		// Loop through the specified number of random seeds
	if(runs == 0) {	// Stopwatch Start
		startrun = startsw()
	print "Run ", runs + 1, "of ", SEED.size()
	a_syn_list = new List()	// Lists to store multiple objects: plastic synapses, NetCons and VecStims
	b_syn_list = new List()
	a_nc_list = new List()
	b_nc_list = new List()
	a_stim_list = new List()
	b_stim_list = new List()
	a_syn_loc = new Matrix(N_SYN_A, 2)	// Matrices to store section numbers and relative distances of plastic synapses
	b_syn_loc = new Matrix(N_SYN_B, 2)
	a_syn_weights = new List() // Lists to store recorded weight vectors
	b_syn_weights = new List()

	r = new Random(SEED.x(runs)) // deterministic

	L5PC.soma(0.5) distance()
	tstop = total_time
	for counter = 0, N_SYN_A - 1 {		// make synapses at location A
		make_syn_a(BRANCH, DIST_A)
		a_syn_loc.x(counter, 0) = BRANCH
		a_syn_loc.x(counter, 1) = DIST_A
	for counter = 0, N_SYN_B - 1 {		// make synapses at location B
		make_syn_b(BRANCH, DIST_B)
		b_syn_loc.x(counter, 0) = BRANCH
		b_syn_loc.x(counter, 1) = DIST_B
	// Recording
	trec = new Vector()
	vrec_a = new Vector()
	vrec_a.record(&L5PC.apic[BRANCH].v(DIST_A)) // voltage at location A
	vrec_b = new Vector()
	vrec_b.record(&L5PC.apic[BRANCH].v(DIST_B))	// voltage at location B
	for counter = 0, N_SYN_A - 1 {				// synaptic weights at location A
		a_syn_weights.append(new Vector())
	for counter = 0, N_SYN_B - 1 {				// synaptic weights at location B
		b_syn_weights.append(new Vector())
	if(runs == 0) {	// Stopwatch Stop
		runtime = startsw() - startrun
		print "----------------------------------\nRUNTIME ESTIMATION"
		print "----------------------------------\n"
		print "One run: ", runtime, "s, Number of runs: ", SEED.size()
		runtime = runtime * SEED.size()
		days = int(runtime / 86400)
		temp = runtime % 86400
		hours = int(temp / 3600)
		temp = temp % 3600
		minutes = int(temp / 60)
		temp = temp % 60
		seconds = temp
		print "Total runtime: ", days, "days, ", hours, "hours, ", minutes, "minutes, ", int(seconds), "seconds."
		print "----------------------------------\n"

// ## Check for weight changes
objref weights_a, weights_b
weights_a = new Vector()
weights_b = new Vector()
for counter = 0, a_syn_list.count() - 1 { weights_a.append(a_syn_list.o(counter).w) }
for counter = 0, b_syn_list.count() - 1 { weights_b.append(b_syn_list.o(counter).w) }
print "----------------------------------"
print "Max A: ", weights_a.max(), ", Synapse #", weights_a.indwhere("==",weights_a.max())
print "Min A: ", weights_a.min(), ", Synapse #", weights_a.indwhere("==",weights_a.min())
print "Weights: ", weights_a.printf()
print "Average A: ", weights_a.mean()
print "----------------------------------"
print "Max B: ", weights_b.max(), ", Synapse #", weights_b.indwhere("==",weights_b.max())
print "Min B: ", weights_b.min(), ", Synapse #", weights_b.indwhere("==",weights_b.min())
print "Weights: ", weights_b.printf()
print "Average B: ", weights_b.mean()
print "----------------------------------"

// ## Visualization
objref voltplot		// Voltage
voltplot = new Graph(0)		// A & B local voltage over time
voltplot.size(0, 21030, -85, 10)
voltplot.view(-0.3, -85, 21030, 105, 65, 105, 300, 200)
vrec_b.line(voltplot, 3, 2)
vrec_a.line(voltplot, 7, 2)

objref wplot		// Weights
if(weights_a.min() < weights_b.min()) { 
	temp_min = weights_a.min()} else { temp_min = weights_b.min() }
if(weights_a.max() > weights_b.max()) {
	temp_max = weights_a.max()} else { temp_max = weights_b.max() }	
wplot = new Graph(0)
wplot.size(0, 21030, temp_min, temp_max)
wplot.view(0, temp_min, 21030, temp_max - temp_min, 65, 105, 300, 200)
for counter = 0, a_syn_weights.count() - 1 {
	a_syn_weights.o(counter).line(wplot, 7, 2)		// Weights at A in blue
for counter = 0, b_syn_weights.count() - 1 {
	b_syn_weights.o(counter).line(wplot, 3, 2)		// Weights at B in violet