
written by Robert Egger (robert.egger@tuebingen.mpg.de)
(c) 2013-2015 Max Planck Society

from neuron import h
import numpy as np
import math
import reader
from cell import PySection, Cell

class CellParser(object):
    class providing methods for setting up morphology in NEURON hoc object
#    h = neuron.h
    cell = None

    def __init__(self, hocFilename=''):
        self.hoc_fname = hocFilename
#        implement parameters to be read from
#        corresponding membrane file
#        (analogous to synapse distribution,
#        every cell could have its own optimized
#        channel distributions)
        self.membraneParams = {}
    def spatialgraph_to_cell(self, axon=False, scaleFunc=None):
        reads cell morphology from Amira hoc file
        and sets up PySections and Cell object
        optional: takes function object scaleFunc as argument
        for scaling dendritic diameters.
        scaleFunc takes cell object as argument
        edgeList = reader.read_hoc_file(self.hoc_fname)
        self.hoc_fname = self.hoc_fname.split('/')[-1]
        part1 = self.hoc_fname.split('_')[0]
        part2 = self.hoc_fname.split('_')[1]
        part3 = self.hoc_fname.split('.')[-2]
        self.cell = Cell()
        self.cell.id = '_'.join([part1, part2, part3])
#        first loop: create all Sections
        for edge in edgeList:
            sec = PySection(edge.hocLabel, self.cell.id, edge.label)
            if sec.label != 'Soma':
                sec.parentx = edge.parentConnect
                sec.parentID = edge.parentID
            sec.set_3d_geometry(edge.edgePts, edge.diameterList)
            if sec.label == 'Soma':
                self.cell.soma = sec
#        add axon initial segment, myelin and nodes
        if axon:
#        second loop: connect sections
#        and create structures dict
        branchRoots = []
        for sec in self.cell.sections:
            if sec.label != 'Soma':
                if self.cell.sections[sec.parentID].label == 'Soma':
#                    unfortunately, necessary to enforce that nothing
#                    is connected to soma(0) b/c of ri computation in NEURON
                    sec.parentx = 0.5
                sec.connect(self.cell.sections[sec.parentID], sec.parentx, 0.0)
                sr = h.SectionRef(sec=sec)
                sec.parent = sr.parent
                if sec.parent.label == 'Soma':
            if not self.cell.structures.has_key(sec.label):
                self.cell.structures[sec.label] = [sec]
#        create trees
        self.cell.tree = h.SectionList()
        for root in branchRoots:
            if not self.cell.branches.has_key(root.label):
                branch = h.SectionList()
                self.cell.branches[root.label] = [branch]
                branch = h.SectionList()
        somaList = h.SectionList()
        self.cell.branches['Soma'] = [somaList]
#        scale dendrites if necessary
        if scaleFunc:
    def set_up_biophysics(self, parameters, full=False):
        default method for initializing membrane properties
        (e.g. cm, Rm, spines), linear and non-linear mechanisms
        and determine the compartment sizes for the simulations.
        parameters should be the parameters of the postsynaptic
        neuron from the parameter file.
        This is the preferred method for setting up biophysics.
        for label in parameters.keys():
            if label == 'filename':
            self.insert_membrane_properties(label, parameters[label].properties)
#        spatial discretization
        for label in parameters.keys():
            if label == 'filename':
            self.insert_range_mechanisms(label, parameters[label].mechanisms.range)
#            add spines if desired
            if parameters[label].mechanisms.range.has_key('pas')\
                and parameters[label].properties.has_key('spines'):
                self._add_spines(label, parameters[label].properties.spines)
            if parameters[label].mechanisms.range.has_key('ar')\
                and parameters[label].properties.has_key('spines'):
                self._add_spines_ar(label, parameters[label].properties.spines)
    def get_cell(self):
        returns cell if it is set up for simulations
        if self.cell is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Trying to start simulation with empty morphology')
        return self.cell
    def insert_membrane_properties(self, label, props):
        inserts membrane properties into all 
        structures named as "label"
        if self.cell is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Trying to insert membrane properties into empty morphology')
        if label != 'Soma' and not self.cell.structures.has_key(label):
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        elif label == 'Soma' and not self.cell.soma:
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        propStrings = []
        for prop in props.keys():
            if prop == 'spines':
            s = prop + '=' + str(props[prop])
        for sec in self.cell.structures[label]:
            for s in propStrings:
                exec('sec.' + s)
    def insert_range_mechanisms(self, label, mechs):
        inserts range mechanisms into all structures named as "label"
        so far, only implements spatially uniform distributions, but easily
        extendable to other functional forms (e.g., piece-wise constant, linear etc.)
        if self.cell is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Trying to insert membrane properties into empty morphology')
        if label != 'Soma' and not self.cell.structures.has_key(label):
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        elif label == 'Soma' and not self.cell.soma:
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        for mechName in mechs.keys():
            mech = mechs[mechName]
            if mech.spatial == 'uniform':
                ''' spatially uniform distribution'''
                paramStrings = []
                for param in mech.keys():
                    if param == 'spatial':
                    s = param + '=' + str(mech[param])
                for sec in self.cell.structures[label]:
                    for seg in sec:
                        for s in paramStrings:
                            s = '.'.join(('seg',mechName,s))
                errstr = 'Invalid distribution of mechanisms: \"%s\"' % mech.spatial
                raise NotImplementedError(errstr)
    def update_range_mechanisms(self, label, updateMechName, mechs):
        updates range mechanism 'updateMechName' in all structures named as "label".
        essentially the same as insert_range_mechanisms, but does not
        insert mechanism; instead assumes they're already present.
        used during parameter variations; e.g. for optimization of neuron models.
        if self.cell is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Trying to insert membrane properties into empty morphology')
        mech = mechs[updateMechName]
        if mech.spatial == 'uniform':
            ''' spatially uniform distribution'''
            paramStrings = []
            for param in mech.keys():
                if param == 'spatial':
                s = param + '=' + str(mech[param])
            for sec in self.cell.structures[label]:
                for seg in sec:
                    present = 0
                    for mech in seg:
                        if mech.name() == updateMechName:
                            present = 1
                    if not present:
                        errstr = 'Trying to update non-existing mechanism %s in section %s' % (updateMechName, sec.name())
                        raise RuntimeError(errstr)
                    for s in paramStrings:
                        s = '.'.join(('seg',updateMechName,s))
            errstr = 'Invalid distribution of mechanisms: \"%s\"' % mech.spatial
            raise NotImplementedError(errstr)
    def _add_spines(self, label, spineParam):
        adds passive spines to membrane according to spine
        parameters for individual (dendritic) structures
        by scaling cm and Rm by F and 1/F respectively,
        where F = 1 + A(spines)/A(dend) (see Koch & Segev 1999)
        if self.cell is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Trying to insert membrane properties into empty morphology')
        if label != 'Soma' and not self.cell.structures.has_key(label):
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        elif label == 'Soma' and not self.cell.soma:
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        spineDens = spineParam.density
        spineArea = spineParam.area
        for sec in self.cell.structures[label]:
            dendArea = sec.area
            addtlArea = spineArea*spineDens*sec.L
            F = 1.0 + addtlArea/dendArea
            sec.cm = sec.cm*F
            for seg in sec:
                seg.g_pas = seg.g_pas*F
    def _add_spines_ar(self, label, spineParam):
        adds passive spines to anomalously rectifying membrane
        (Waters and Helmchen 2006) according to spine
        parameters for individual (dendritic) structures
        by scaling cm and Rm by F and 1/F respectively,
        where F = 1 + A(spines)/A(dend) (see Koch & Segev 1999)
        if self.cell is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Trying to insert membrane properties into empty morphology')
        if label != 'Soma' and not self.cell.structures.has_key(label):
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        elif label == 'Soma' and not self.cell.soma:
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        spineDens = spineParam.density
        spineArea = spineParam.area
        for sec in self.cell.structures[label]:
            dendArea = sec.area
            addtlArea = spineArea*spineDens*sec.L
            F = 1.0 + addtlArea/dendArea
            sec.cm = sec.cm*F
            for seg in sec:
                seg.g0_ar = seg.g0_ar*F
#                seg.c_ar = seg.c_ar*F*F
    def insert_passive_membrane(self, label):
        if self.cell is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Trying to insert membrane properties into empty morphology')
        if label != 'Soma' and not self.cell.branches.has_key(label):
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        elif label == 'Soma' and not self.cell.soma:
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        for branch in self.cell.branches[label]:
            for sec in branch:
                sec.Ra = 200.0
                sec.cm = 0.75
                for seg in sec:
                    seg.pas.g = 0.00025
                    seg.pas.e = -60.0
    def insert_hh_membrane(self, label):
        if self.cell is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Trying to insert membrane properties into empty morphology')
        if not self.cell.branches.has_key(label):
            errstr = 'Trying to insert membrane properties, but %s has not' % label\
                               +' yet been parsed as hoc' 
            raise RuntimeError(errstr)
        for branch in self.cell.branches[label]:
            for sec in branch:
                if label == 'Soma':
                    for seg in sec:
                        seg.hh.gnabar = 0.003
                        seg.hh.gkbar = 0.01
                        seg.hh.gl = 0.0003
                        seg.hh.el = -54.3
                elif label == 'Axon':
                    for seg in sec:
                        seg.hh.gnabar = 3.0
                        seg.hh.gkbar = 0.0
                        seg.hh.gl = 0.0003
                        seg.hh.el = -54.3
                    for seg in sec:
                        seg.hh.gnabar = 0.003
                        seg.hh.gkbar = 0.01
                        seg.hh.gl = 0.0003
                        seg.hh.el = -54.3
    def determine_nseg(self, f=100.0, full=False):
        determine the number of segments (compartments)
        to be used according to the d-lambda rule
        optionally set frequency, default f=100.0 Hz
        for label in self.cell.branches.keys():
            if label == 'AIS' or label == 'Myelin' or label == 'Node':
                for branch in self.cell.branches[label]:
                    for sec in branch:
            for branch in self.cell.branches[label]:
                for sec in branch:
                    if full:
                        d = sec.diamList[sec.nrOfPts//2]
                        _lambda = 100000*math.sqrt(d/(4*np.pi*f*sec.Ra*sec.cm))
                        nrOfSegments = int(((sec.L/(0.05*_lambda) + 0.5)//2)*2 + 1)
#                    print sec.name()
#                    print '\tnr of points: %d' % sec.nrOfPts
#                    print '\tnr of segments: %d' % sec.nseg

    def _create_ais(self):
        '''create axon hillock and AIS for proper spike initiation
        according to Mainen et al. Neuron 1995
        connectivity is automatically taken care of
        since this should only be called from spatialgraph_to_cell()!!!'''
        nseg = 11 # nr of segments for hillock/ais
        somaDiam = 2*np.sqrt(h.area(0.5, sec=self.cell.soma)/(4*np.pi))
#        pyramidal neurons
#        aisDiam = 1.0 # [um]
#        aisLength = 15.0 # [um]
#        spiny stellates
#        aisDiam = 0.75 # [um]
        aisDiam = somaDiam*0.05 # [um]
        aisLength = 15.0 # [um]
        aisStep = aisLength/(nseg-1)
        '''axon hillock'''
#        pyramidal neurons
#        hillBeginDiam = 4.0 # [um]
#        hillLength = 10.0 # [um]
#        hillTaper = -3.0/(nseg-1) # from 4mu to 1mu
#        spiny stellates
#        hillBeginDiam = 1.5 # [um]
        hillBeginDiam = 4*aisDiam # [um]
        hillLength = 10.0 # [um]
        hillTaper = (aisDiam-hillBeginDiam)/(nseg-1) # from 4mu to 1mu
        hillStep = hillLength/(nseg-1)
        print 'hillock diameter: %.2f' % hillBeginDiam
        print 'ais diameter: %.2f' % aisDiam
        print 'soma diameter: %.2f' % somaDiam
        '''myelin & nodes'''
        myelinSeg = 25 # nr of segments internode section
#        myelinDiam = 1.5 # [um]
        myelinDiam = 1.5*aisDiam # [um]
        myelinLength = 100.0 # [um]
        myelinStep = myelinLength/(myelinSeg-1)
#        nodeDiam = 1.0 # [um]
        nodeDiam = aisDiam # [um]
        nodeLength = 1.0 # [um]
        nodeSeg = 3
        nrOfNodes = 2
        zAxis = np.array([0,0,1])
        soma = self.cell.soma
        somaCenter = np.array(soma.pts[len(soma.pts)//2])
        somaRadius = 0.5*soma.diamList[len(soma.pts)//2]
        somaID = 0
        for i in range(len(self.cell.sections)):
            sec = self.cell.sections[i]
            if sec.label == 'Soma':
                somaID = i
        hillBegin = somaCenter - somaRadius*zAxis
        hill = [hillBegin - i*hillStep*zAxis for i in range(nseg)]
        hillDiameter = [hillBeginDiam + hillTaper*i for i in range(nseg)]
        aisBegin = hill[-1]
        ais = [aisBegin - i*aisStep*zAxis for i in range(nseg)]
        aisDiameter = [aisDiam for i in range(nseg)]
        hHill = PySection('axon_0', self.cell.id, 'AIS')
        hHill.set_3d_geometry(hill, hillDiameter)
        hHill.parentx = 0.5
        hHill.parentID = somaID
        hHill.nseg = nseg
#        hHill.set_segments(nseg)
        hAis = PySection('axon_0_0', self.cell.id, 'AIS')
        hAis.set_3d_geometry(ais, aisDiameter)
        hAis.parentx = 1.0
        hAis.parentID = len(self.cell.sections) - 1
        hAis.nseg = nseg
#        hAis.set_segments(nseg)
        myelinBegin = ais[-1]
        for i in range(nrOfNodes):
            myelin = [myelinBegin - j*myelinStep*zAxis for j in range(myelinSeg)]
            myelinDiameter = [myelinDiam for j in range(myelinSeg)]
            nodeBegin = myelin[-1]
            node = [nodeBegin - j*nodeLength*zAxis for j in range(nodeSeg)]
            nodeDiameter = [nodeDiam for j in range(nodeSeg)]
            myelinStr = 'axon_0_0' + (2*i+1)*'_0'
            hMyelin = PySection(myelinStr, self.cell.id, 'Myelin')
            hMyelin.set_3d_geometry(myelin, myelinDiameter)
            hMyelin.parentx = 1.0
            hMyelin.parentID = len(self.cell.sections) - 1
            hMyelin.nseg = myelinSeg
#            hMyelin.set_segments(myelinSeg)
            nodeStr = 'axon_0_0' + 2*(i+1)*'_0'
            hNode = PySection(nodeStr, self.cell.id, 'Node')
            hNode.set_3d_geometry(node, nodeDiameter)
            hNode.parentx = 1.0
            hNode.parentID = len(self.cell.sections) - 1
            hNode.nseg = nodeSeg
#            hNode.set_segments(nodeSeg)
            myelinBegin = node[-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
#    fname = raw_input('Enter hoc filename: ')
    fname = '93_CDK080806_marcel_3x3_registered_zZeroBarrel.hoc.am-14678.hoc'
    testParser = CellParser(fname)
    for label in testParser.cell.branches.keys():
        for branch in testParser.cell.branches[label]:
            print 'Branch: %s' % label
            for sec in branch: