%% Mean and variance of symmetry measure for gaussian distribution and for:
% 1. Random network (simulation and theory)
% 2. Random symmetric network (simulation)
% 3. Random asymmetric network (simulation)
% 4. Random fully symmetric network (simulation)
% 5. Random fully asymmetric network (simulation)

% This file calls the functions correl.m and sym_measure.m
% This file saves workspace in gaussian.mat

close all
clear all

%% Parameters
n_samples = 100000; %number of networks
n_neurons = 10;     %number of neurons
a = 0:0.1:0.9;      %pruning values
n_points = size(a,2);
n_bins = 200;
max_w = 1;          %maximum weights value 

mean_value = max_w / 2;
standard_deviation = max_w / 10;          %sqrt of variance. With 1/10 we are considering up to 5*sd. 3*sd is 99.7%

%% Plotting parameters
numericFontSize = 25;
axesFontSize = 30;
lineThickness = 2;
markLine = 1;
markSize = 12;

%% Variables
s_rand = zeros(1,n_samples);
s_full_sym = zeros(1,n_samples);
s_full_asym = zeros(1,n_samples);
s_rand_sym = zeros(1,n_samples);
s_rand_asym = zeros(1,n_samples);

sample_mean = zeros(1,n_points);
sample_variance = zeros(1,n_points);
full_sym_mean = zeros(1,n_points);
full_sym_variance = zeros(1,n_points);
full_asym_mean = zeros(1,n_points);
full_asym_variance = zeros(1,n_points);
rand_sym_mean = zeros(1,n_points);
rand_sym_variance = zeros(1,n_points);
rand_asym_mean = zeros(1,n_points);
rand_asym_variance = zeros(1,n_points);

theoretical_mean = zeros(1,n_points);
symbolic_mean = zeros(1,n_points);
theoretical_variance = zeros(1,n_points);
symbolic_variance = zeros(1,n_points);

mu    = [          mean_value,            2*mean_value,                       0];       %values used to create the functions: single, sum, absolute difference
va    = [standard_deviation^2,  2*standard_deviation^2,  2*standard_deviation^2];       %values used to create the functions: single, sum, absolute difference
minim = [                -0.5,                       0,                       0];
maxim = [                 1.5,                       2,                     1.5];

correlation = correl (n_samples, mean_value, standard_deviation, 0.5*n_neurons*(n_neurons-1));
sigma = [va(2), correlation*sqrt(va(2))*sqrt(va(3)); correlation*sqrt(va(2))*sqrt(va(3)), va(3)];
syms u v w; %symbolic variables

%% Sampling
sym_matrix = mean_value * (ones(n_neurons) - diag(diag(ones(n_neurons))));      %fully symmetric
asym_matrix = triu(sym_matrix,1);                                               %fully asymmetric

asym_lower = 0.1;
asym_range = max_w - asym_lower;
asym_scale = 0.01 * asym_lower;

for indx = 1:n_points
    %% Simulation
    for sample = 1:n_samples
        rand_sample = max_w .* normrnd(mean_value, standard_deviation, n_neurons, n_neurons) .* (rand(n_neurons) > a(indx));
        rand_sample = rand_sample - diag(diag(rand_sample));
        s_rand(sample) = sym_measure (rand_sample);    
        full_sym_sample = sym_matrix .* (rand(n_neurons) > a(indx));
        full_sym_sample = full_sym_sample - diag(diag(full_sym_sample));
        s_full_sym(sample) = sym_measure (full_sym_sample);    
        full_asym_sample = asym_matrix .* (rand(n_neurons) > a(indx));
        full_asym_sample = full_asym_sample - diag(diag(full_asym_sample));
        s_full_asym(sample) = sym_measure (full_asym_sample);    
        rand_sym_sample = triu( max_w * normrnd(mean_value, standard_deviation, n_neurons, n_neurons), 1 );
        rand_sym_sample = (rand_sym_sample + rand_sym_sample') .* (rand(n_neurons) > a(indx));
        rand_sym_sample = rand_sym_sample - diag(diag(rand_sym_sample));
        s_rand_sym(sample) = sym_measure (rand_sym_sample);  
        temp = rand(n_neurons);
        rand_asym_sample =  triu (asym_lower + asym_range * normrnd(mean_value, standard_deviation, n_neurons, n_neurons), 1);
        rand_asym_sample = rand_asym_sample .* (temp >= (asym_range/2)) + 0.001 * rand_asym_sample .* (temp < (asym_range/2));
        rand_asym_sample = rand_asym_sample + tril( (rand_asym_sample' >= asym_lower) .* asym_scale .* rand(n_neurons) + (rand_asym_sample' < asym_lower) .* (asym_lower + asym_range * rand(n_neurons)), -1);
        rand_asym_sample = rand_asym_sample .* (rand(n_neurons) > a(indx));
        rand_asym_sample = rand_asym_sample - diag(diag(rand_asym_sample));
        s_rand_asym(sample) = sym_measure (rand_asym_sample); 
    sample_mean(indx) = mean(s_rand);
    sample_variance(indx) = var(s_rand);
    full_sym_mean(indx) = mean(s_full_sym);
    full_sym_variance(indx) = var(s_full_sym);
    full_asym_mean(indx) = mean(s_full_asym);
    full_asym_variance(indx) = var(s_full_asym);
    rand_sym_mean(indx) = mean(s_rand_sym);
    rand_sym_variance(indx) = var(s_rand_sym);
    rand_asym_mean(indx) = mean(s_rand_asym);
    rand_asym_variance(indx) = var(s_rand_asym);  
    %quantities for plotting distribution of s    
    if indx == 1 
        s_rand_nop = s_rand;    %store no_prune case
    if indx == 5
        s_rand_p04 = s_rand;    %store prune=0.4 case
    %quantities for plotting connectivity matrix
    if indx == 3
        w_rand_p02 = rand_sample;       %store prune=0.2 case only one trial (the last)
        s_rand_p02 = s_rand(n_samples); %store prune=0.2 case only one trial (the last)
    %% Theoretical calculation 
    g_un = exp( - (((v-mu(2))^2/(va(2))) + ((w-mu(3))^2/(va(3))) - 2*correlation*(v-mu(2))*(w-mu(3))/(sqrt(va(2))*sqrt(va(3))) ) / (2*(1-(correlation^2))) )  / ( 2*pi*sqrt (va(2)*va(3)*(1-(correlation^2))) );    
    area = int((int(g_un,v,minim(2),maxim(2))),w,minim(3),maxim(3));
    g_un = g_un/double(area);
    g1 = ((1-a(indx))/(1+a(indx))) * g_un;
    %g2 = (2*a(indx)/(1+a(indx))) * g_un * dirac(v-w);
    g2 = (2*a(indx)/(1+a(indx))) * exp(-((u-mu(1))^2/(2*va(1)))) / sqrt(2*pi*va(1));
    exp_value_Z = int((int(g1*(w/v),v,w,(2-w))),w,0,1) + (2*a(indx)/(1+a(indx)));
    exp_value_Z = double(vpa(exp_value_Z,6));
    var_Z = int((int(g1*((w/v)-exp_value_Z)^2,v,w,(2-w))),w,0,1) + int(g2*(1-exp_value_Z)^2,0,sqrt(2))/ sqrt(2);
    var_Z = double(vpa(var_Z,6));
    theoretical_mean(indx) = 1 - exp_value_Z;
    n_connections = (1-a(indx)^2) * 0.5 * n_neurons * (n_neurons-1);
    theoretical_variance(indx) = var_Z / n_connections;
    %symbolic integration with the delta function
    f_Z1_p =  exp( - ((u-mu(1))^2 / (2*va(3))) ) / ( sqrt (va(3) * 2 * pi));                                %distribution of Z1 translated in the peak
    f_Z2_p =  exp( - ((v-mu(1))^2 / (2*va(2))) ) / ( sqrt (va(2) * 2 * pi));                                %distribution of Z2 translated in the peak
    peak_mean = vpa( int( int( dirac(u-v) * (v/u) * f_Z1_p * f_Z2_p, u, v-0.0000001, 2-v), v, 0 , 1), 6);   %exp_value of (Z1/Z2) in the peak distribution - 2D-slice along v=u of the bivariate from the translated Z1 and the translated Z2
    peak_var = vpa( int( int( dirac(u-v) * (v/u-exp_value_Z)^(2) * f_Z1_p * f_Z2_p, u, v-0.0000001, 2-v), v, 0 , 1), 6);
    norm_peak = 1 / sqrt(4 * pi * va(2));                                                                   %peak normalization. Note: va(2)=va(3)
    peak_mean_normalized = vpa(peak_mean / norm_peak, 6);
    peak_var_normalized = vpa((2*a(indx)/(1+a(indx))) * vpa(peak_var / norm_peak, 6), 6); 
    symbolic_mean(indx) = 1 - ( ((1-a(indx))/(1+a(indx))) * (1-theoretical_mean(1)) ) - (2*a(indx)/(1+a(indx))) * peak_mean_normalized;
    symbolic_variance(indx) = ( double(vpa(int((int(g1*((w/v)-exp_value_Z)^2,v,w,(2-w))),w,0,1), 6)) + peak_var_normalized ) / n_connections;
    symbolic_variance(indx) = double ( vpa ( symbolic_variance(indx), 6));
    %NOTE: because the delta falls right on the border of the integration domain this create some troubles. We need to add a -eps. 
    %Simulation: we first apply the measure definition, which means that we compute the mean of Z_{ij} = |w_{ij}-w_{ij}|/(w_{ij}+w_{ij}) over the network and then we compute the mean and variance over the n_samples networks
    %Theoretical calculus: is the opposite: the formula derived is by performing the mean of one conneciton Z_{ij} over the n_samples networks; therefore, after we have to mean over the connections in a network, which
    %by definition means simply divide by number of connecitons (which in turn is simply apply the definition of the measure)    
    display('Iteration done');


%% a=0 check
syms u;

prune_index = 1;    %no pruning

f = exp(-((u-theoretical_mean(prune_index))^2/(2*theoretical_variance(prune_index)))) / sqrt(2*pi*theoretical_variance(prune_index));

%normalization and theory-simulation agreement check
norm = double(int(f,0,1));

sprintf('Normalization: %f.', norm)


[counts,bin_location] = hist(s_rand_nop,n_bins);
bin_dim_hist = ( max(bin_location) - min(bin_location) ) / n_bins;
bar(bin_location, counts/(sum(bin_dim_hist*counts)));
hold on


%% P-value for a=0
syms u;

prune_index = 1;    %no pruning

p_value_area_th = 0.9500;
p_value_tol = 0.0001;

p_up = (1.386*sqrt(2)*sqrt(theoretical_variance(prune_index))) + theoretical_mean(prune_index); %we are using the properties of translation of a normal gaussian and the quintile function
p_lo = theoretical_mean(prune_index) - (p_up-theoretical_mean(prune_index));
p_value_area_check = double(vpa(int(f,p_lo,p_up),6));

if abs(p_value_area_check - p_value_area_th) > p_value_tol
    display('Error in the estimated area corresponding to the p-value');   
    display('P-value has been computed correctly');   

%% Data saving and plot

save gaussian


L1=errorbar(a, theoretical_mean, sqrt(theoretical_variance));
set(L1, 'LineWidth', lineThickness+2);
set(L1, 'LineStyle', '--');
set(L1, 'Color', [1 1 1] * 0.);
hold on

L2=errorbar(a, sample_mean, sqrt(sample_variance));
set(L2, 'LineWidth', lineThickness);
set(L2, 'LineStyle', '-');
set(L2, 'Color', [1 1 1] * 0.5);
hold on

% L3=errorbar(a, full_sym_mean, sqrt(full_sym_variance));
% set(L3, 'LineWidth', lineThickness);
% hold on

L4=errorbar(a, rand_sym_mean, sqrt(rand_sym_variance));
set(L4, 'LineWidth', lineThickness);
set(L4, 'LineStyle', '-.');
set(L4, 'Color', [1 1 1] * 0.7);
hold on

% L5=errorbar(a, full_asym_mean, sqrt(full_asym_variance));
% set(L5, 'LineWidth', lineThickness);
% hold on

L6=errorbar(a, rand_asym_mean, sqrt(rand_asym_variance));
set(L6, 'LineWidth', lineThickness);
set(L6, 'LineStyle', ':');
set(L6, 'Color', [1 1 1] * 0.7);

axis([-0.05 0.95 -0.05 1.05]);

print(gcf, '-depsc2', '-loose', 'Gaussian_stat'); % Print the figure in eps (first option) and uncropped (second object)


axis square;
xlabel('Neuron pre','fontsize',axesFontSize);
ylabel('Neuron post','fontsize',axesFontSize);

print(gcf, '-depsc2', '-loose', 'Gaussian_random_connectivity_example'); % Print the figure in eps (first option) and uncropped (second object)

sprintf('Symmetry measure of the sample network shown in Figure 3 (a=0.2): %f.',s_rand_p02)