function TM_single_synapse(tau_f, tau_d, U, freq_end_phases, time_simul, time_end_train, time_extra_spike, figure_name_post, figure_name_pre)
%% This function calls the script Euler_integration_IF_with_external_current for integration of the membrane potential
%% STP parameters
A = 1.54e-10; %Amp %maximum synaptic efficacy
%% Plotting parameters
numericFontSize = 25;
axesFontSize = 30;
lineThickness = 2;
markLine = 1;
markSize = 12;
%% Neuron parameters
V_rest = 0e-3; %V %resting potential
Res = 1e9; %Ohm %membrane resistance
tau_m = 60e-3; %s %membrane time constant
tau_s = 25e-5; %s %synaptic current time costant
%% Simulation parameters
t_start = 50e-3; %s
dt_simul = 1e-3; %s
n_sample = round(time_simul / dt_simul) + 1;
%% Input spike train
dt_spike_train = 1 / freq_end_phases;
t_spike_pattern = [t_start : dt_spike_train : time_end_train, time_extra_spike, time_simul+1]; %the last spike is not relevant. It is needed to have the simulation running till the end without having an error for j reaching a value outside the size of t_spike_pattern
t_spike_pattern = round(1000.*t_spike_pattern)./1000; %this approximates the time of spike to the order of ms (the sampling time is 1 ms)
n_spikes = size(t_spike_pattern, 2);
%% Variables
t = 0 : dt_simul : time_simul;
t = round(1000.*t)./1000; %this approximates the time steps to the order of ms (the sampling time is 1 ms)
r = zeros(1, n_spikes);
u = zeros(1, n_spikes);
a = zeros(1, n_spikes);
I = zeros(1, n_sample);
V = zeros(1, n_sample);
V_pre = zeros(1, n_sample);
%% Initial state
u(1) = U;
r(1) = 1;
a(1) = A * u(1) * r(1);
I(1) = 0;
V(1) = V_rest;
%% Dynamics
j = 1;
for i = 2 : n_sample
I(i) = I(i-1) * exp(-dt_simul / tau_s);
V(i) = Euler_integration_IF_with_external_current( V(i-1), V_rest, tau_m, Res, I(i-1), tau_s, dt_simul); %exponential decay of the membrane potential
V_pre(i) = 0;
if t_spike_pattern(j) == t(i)
V_pre(i) = 1;
if j == 1
a(1) = A * u(1) * r(1); %amplitude of the post synaptic current (EPSC) elicited by the incoming spike
dt_spike = t_spike_pattern(j) - t_spike_pattern(j-1);
r(j) = 1 + (r(j-1) - r(j-1) * u(j-1) - 1) * exp(-dt_spike / tau_d); %fraction of synaptic efficacy available immediately before the arrival of the spike
u(j) = U + u(j-1) * (1 - U) * exp(-dt_spike / tau_f); %fraction of the available synaptic efficacy r that will be used by the arriving spike
%u(j) = U;
a(j) = A * u(j) * r(j); %amplitude of the post synaptic current (EPSC) elicited by the incoming spike
I(i) = I(i) + a(j);
j = j + 1;
%% Plots
plot(t, V, 'k', 'LineWidth', lineThickness-1);
xlab = xlabel('','fontsize',axesFontSize);
ylab = ylabel('Postsynaptic voltage (V)','fontsize',axesFontSize);
box off
set(gca, 'XTick', [])
writePDF1000ppi(gcf, numericFontSize, axesFontSize, xlab, ylab, figure_name_post);
plot(t, V_pre, 'k', 'LineWidth', lineThickness-1);
xlab = xlabel('t (s)','fontsize',axesFontSize);
ylab = ylabel('Postsynaptic voltage (V)','fontsize',axesFontSize);
ylim([0 10])
axis off
writePDF1000ppi(gcf, numericFontSize, axesFontSize, xlab, ylab, figure_name_pre);