This mechanism is intended to store some information about each compartment

DendDist [um]: is the dendritic path distance of the dendritic compartment from the soma (Note: not the radial distance)
               This distance is computed between the center of the compartment and the soma
		   This measurement should be equal to the value stored in DendPathDist(0.5)
SpaceConstant [um]: This is the space constant (lambda)

ElectroL - no units: is the electrotonic length of the section (ratio of the compartment length to the space constant)

ElectroDist - no units: is the electrotonic distance of the section from the soma

Terminal - Boolean (0 or 1): Zero means that the compartment is NOT a terminal dendrites
				     ONE means that the compartment is a terminal dendrites

x, y, z:    Allows local storage of xyz coordinates interpolated from the pt3d data.  These coordinates are used by hoc code to interpolate pt3d data
		along the section

	SUFFIX info
	RANGE DendDist, SpaceConstant, ElectroL, ElectroDist, Terminal
	RANGE x, y, z

	DendDist = 0		
	SpaceConstant = 0	

	ElectroL = 0
	ElectroDist = 0

	Terminal = 0

	x = 0 (1) : spatial coords
	y = 0 (1)
	z = 0 (1)