//This is the main file to call from the command line. By calling this file the
//associated files making up the component structure of the model will be loaded.
// AUTHOR: Kelvin Jones
// DATE: 980728

load_file("nrngui.hoc")		// for compatibility with Windows version

xopen("morphology.hoc")		//retrieves the file with the morphological description
					//and names of the components of the model

xopen("memb_Lboth.hoc")	//retrieves the file with the descriptions of the
					//active and passive membrane properties of the model,
					//their locations and densities

access soma

xopen("ramp.ses")			// brings up the default windows

celsius = 36				// I put this here to make sure it doesn't
					// get changed by a ses file
forall eca=60