README In this folder you'll find the code to re-generate Eyal et al. 2016, Fig. 3c. contact In this figure we explored the impact of Cm ~ 0.5 μF/cm2 on the spike propagation velocity along the axon. Two cases are tested - Model with Cm value of 0.45 uF/cm2 and model with cm of 0.9 uF/cm2. More details about the models can be found in Eyal et al. We examined the case of a long non-myelinated axon, as the properties of the myelin are not available yet for human neurons. As expected, a lower Cm value increased the propagation speed of the action potential; for the parameters we have used the propagation was about 65% faster compared with the case of a higher Cm To Re-create Fig 3c simply run: 1.