In Figure 3 we have used an active model for a human L2/3 neuron to
demonstrate the effect of low Cm value on signal transfer and cortical

We have used the model from Fig. 1a, to which we added a simplified
excitable model for the generation of Na+ spikes at the soma. We aimed
at preserving both the current threshold (~300 pA) and the voltage
threshold (~ + 20 mV above resting potential) for spike initiation as
found in in vitro experiments in these cells (Verhoog et al. 2013;
Testa-Silva et al. 2014)

The model is available under ActiveModels/model_0603_cell08_cm045.hoc

The other model model in this directory is the same model but with
Cm=0.9 : model_0603_cell08_cm09.hoc

In order to run the simulations in this directory (Fig3a, Fig3b and
Fig3a), you will have first to compile the three mechanisms in the
mechanisms folder (na, kv and NMDA). For more details, see compile mod
files in the NEURON website
(, see chapter 9 in the
NEURON BOOK (Carnevale and Hines 2005)